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Everything posted by kittle

  1. I have Microsoft Works Spreadsheet. I asked one of my brothers to help me get Excel on my computer almost 2 years ago and he said we would do it soon. I think I can give up after 2 years. Another of my brothers said that he thinks he has the program on CD that I can load onto my computer. I am going to go to his house after the Cub Scout meeting this evening.
  2. The only problem is I don't have Excel on my computer. Does anyone know where I can find such a form?
  3. I am in need of a new tent. Can someone tell me a good source of tents? I need at least a 3 season tent. I am actually going to buy 2 tents. My son needs a tent also and I told him I would buy him an early birthday present. Thanks
  4. My son would (or will) have a problem with this requirement. We drive 20 miles one way to his Troop. This is going to make it hard to get a boy to visit the Troop. My son is also homeschooled, which limits the number of boys that he would have to invite. Most of the boys that he knows (or actually like) are already Scouts.
  5. I can believe that 4-H is bigger than Boy Scouts. Let's just use my daughter's 4-H club and our county as an example. There are 2 Cub Scout Pack in my county (11 in our Pack and probably 20 in the other) and 1 Boy Scout Troop (I really have no idea because we go to a neighboring county, but probably less than 20). There are at least 8 4-H groups in our county and none of them have less than 10, most have 15. 4-H is a lot easier on parents. The only time that I had to donate to it was when the kids needed help with their projects, plus no need for expensive uniforms or camping equipment.
  6. I have 1 of my 4 WebII that blew off things we did last year. He either didn't show up for meetings or chose not to do activities that we were doing. I don't look for him to get his Webelos badge or AOL. Then another of the boys, that did really good last year, hasn't shown up to a meeting yet this year. The third one is showing more interest as we go along in this year. The fourth boy has his Webelos badge, is really close to his AOL, and is anxious to join Boy Scouts. All we can do is offer the program to them and hope that we are making it interesting enough that they want to take adva
  7. Since this was brought back to the top, I wanted to share the experience I have had with my son's Troop. I have only went on 1 Troop campout and that was this last weekend. I only went on it because my husband was pulling the trailer and I had a Webelos that wanted to attend a Boy Scout campout. I had to take my 4 year old son along and things were fine. The older boys went about their business just fine and I took along a special bag of things for him to do when he got bored of watching the boys. He did fine and I had no trouble out of him. I don't want to take him very often, but when I have
  8. I had this discussion with my son's troop shortly after he joined. He was told that he would have to take his religous emblem knot off until he earned it as a Boy Scout. I talked to one of the district guys that I knew. He told me that it stayed on and then he told the SM the same. They thought that the only badge to move up from the Cub Scout uniform to Boy Scout uniform was the Arrow of Light.
  9. scoutldr, I have 2 tan shirts without the epaulettes. They were given to me by out CO rep, they were his in high school.
  10. I was given som old uniforms for our Pack to use. The problem with the shirts is: 1. The Cub Scout shirts either have no collar and/or they say Cub Scouts of America on them instead of Boy Scouts of America. 2. The tan shirts do not have the shoulder strap on them. Should we use them or just put them back. My dilema is this. Without the shirts, the three boys that need them won't have shirts. I am trying to find 'proper shirts for all the boys. But until then, it is my opinion that better in a Scout shirt than a T-shirt. I have 5 Scout shirts in my closet but none of them are th
  11. Our Pack is planning on sitting up a small tent on one end of a wagon, putting some hay bails around a "campfire" and have the boys sit on the hay bails. We are also going to put our flag on it somewhere.
  12. I took my 16 year old daughter to a consignment shop yesterday to buy uniform pants and shoes for her new job. While I was walking down one of the aisles, I found a tan shirt (youth x-large) with Webelos neckerchief and slide. It had a 50 cent tag on it. Then down another aisle, I found my son (Boy Scout) another sleeping bag for 50 cents. I went ahead a bought the shirt. I figured you never know when a fellow scout is going to need a new shirt.
  13. First, I want to thank everyone for their input. It has helped me to think about this and put a good perspective on it. It is nice to be able to come here and discuss without fear of hurting the other person's feelings. I like this other leader. I found an online version of Guide To Safe Scouting. I am going to print up the portion that concerns Cub Scout camping and take it to the next committee meeting. I am also going to call one of the district trainers tommorrow and ask him about this. He also happens to be a member of our charter organization. He has been after me for a year to take Bo
  14. Everyone in the pack has been trained. None of the parents are going to take issue with the boys being at this leader's house, that is where they chose that they stay. We are a very small Pack in a very small 'village'. There are 4 leaders and 8 boys. My husband and I stayed on as leader and Cubmaster so that they wouldn't have to find new leaders and so that maybe we could help keep the Pack going until our younger son was old enough for scouts (that is 3 years). We, the committee, spent 2 months planning the campout. And I personally tried to get parents to call me back with any concern
  15. I really need to vent and get advice from a neutral group. Please read this with the knowledge that my fealings are really hurt and I am sitting hear about ready to cry as I type. Our Pack had our first Pack campout last night, at least that is what I thougt it was going to be. Tueday, one of the leaders informed me that his den was going to have a sleepover at his houseinstead (this is our Bear den, 2 boys). Then last night I find out one of the Webelos is going to stay at his house too. Then this morning when they came up to have breakfast, I found out that another Webelos that I though
  16. Requirement #8 states : Show that you can find and improvise a natural shelter minimizing the damage to the environment. I was talking to my son about this tonight. He said that he could use a sleeping bag and/or a tarp on the ground. But that couldn't use one over his cover. Since we can't find his Wilderness Survival book, I was wondering if anyone can tell me for certain if the books says this.
  17. When I bought my son's Webelos uniform, I bought it in pieces. I had bought the shirt on ebay sometime before: $4.00 The pants, I found at a yardsale : $3.00 I used all the patches from his blue shirt : no additional cost Belt, used the one that he had in CS : no cost Hat I bought it new at Scout Shop : ? Webelos colors, from Scout Shop : ? When he crossed over into Boy Scouts: Shirt -- Webelos still fit Red loops -- off shirt from neighbor neckerchief -- from pack slide -- I bought pants -- ebay for $14 bucks
  18. My son has been the unofficial Den Chief ever since he crossed over. I chose to stay on as the Webelos leader, so he went to meetings with me. He helped with all of the dens, just whooever needed him that night was where he went. Our Pack had 10 boys total in it and all dens meet on the same night in the same building. I told his SM that he was helping and she said that he should get the patch and put it on his uniform. I didn't even think about training.(This message has been edited by kittle)
  19. Thank You everyone for your answers. I got talking to my son and he said that since the SM had told them that they could go to it that he wanted to go to the next one. He went to the annual planning meeting and seems more excited about what they are doing. Maybe this will encourage him more too.
  20. I have read all of the replies and would like to add my view on this as the mother of a scout. When my son crossed over in Feb., he had a total fear of water in his face or above his neck. He can now go down slides at the water park and swim under water. When he was at summer camp, he didn't take the swimmer's test because he couldn't see the bottom. So for my son, if the test was given at a pool where he could see bottom it would give him the confidence to take the test at summer camp where he can't. I wouldn't want him jumping into water just over his head, but it could be a confidence boost
  21. I thought PLC meetings were for Patrol Leaders, not all the boys in general. My son's SM made a point of telling all the boys last night that it has only been 4 boys (there are 3 patrols) at the PLC and that they could all be there. So in your Troops, is the PLC for all boys or just the patrol leaders?
  22. We have a snack after Pack meetings. We only have meals at B$g and maybe one other time during the year. Now with that said, we have a couple of parents that sill bring pigs in a blanket, veggie tray, or sandwiches on Pack evenings. But this is because they know that the boys prefer this to just cookies. Kittle
  23. My 16 year old daughter was reading this thread over my shoulder and she felt that the parents needed to worry about this because if they don't if will probably lead to him drinking more. She has witnessed similiar behabior with at least one of her classmates. If the kid is drinking at this age, what is he going to be trying in another cuople of years?
  24. For my son, First Class is what he is aiming at. This will take a lot of work and overcoming of fears. My son had avery deep fear of the water, he would panic if water was even splashed in his face. That was March and now he can go under water, float, and even swim a litle. When he joined Boy Scouts and read the rquirements for rank advancement, part of him felt that he might as well not join because he was scared of the water. I told him that if he wanted it bad enough that his dad would work with him. His dad started taking him to the YMCA and they have made a lot of progress. With all
  25. Greying Eaagle, No older or younger siblings can be a problem when you have noone to leave your children with. My husband works very wierd hours, my parents have both passed away, my mil works 2nd shift, and I am NOT going to leave my younger son with my fil. This has hurt how I feal about Boys Scouts. I love the program as does my son, but I feal VERY limited in what I can do and how much I can be involved. I had hopes of being very involved in the program. Kittle
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