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Posts posted by jr56

  1. Thanks for sharing, I had a boy in my troop save his brothers life doing the Heimlich manuver. I felt the same thing, he must have been listening more than I realized. The boy in my troop recieved the Medal of Merit, definately see that this fine young man gets nominated for it.

  2. I tell the new leaders at training that knots serve as good ice breakers to initiate conversation between leaders, and also serves to motivate boys. Plus it give leaders witha little more experience someone to look for. For example, if you are a new Weblos Den Leader, look for someone wearing the Weblos Den Leader Award knot if you have any questions.

  3. Sounds like you are attempting to do all the right things. You attempt to teach the kids appropriate behavior, and keep the parents informed as much as possible. Unfortunately, some parents insist on making things difficult. You are right, whenever problems occur there is always two sides to the story. Kicking the kid out of the pack after one minor? incident seems a little extreme. I see all kids as a work in progress, and it is the purpose of the scouting program to see that this work has a chance to be successfully completed. If it gets to the point where this kids actions are endangering the welfare of other youth, or he is destoying the scouting experience for everyone else, then he would have to go. But from what you have relayed in your post, this situation in my opinion has not reached that point yet.



  4. In the ideal world, a neckerchief design would be decided on by the boys when a troop is formed, and tradition would make them want to continue with it. I've never had a troop vote to decide to change their neckerchief design, but I'm sure it occurs all the time, it's up to the unit's boys to decide what they want to do.

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