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Posts posted by jr56

  1. I agree with previous posters. Get the most experienced, patient adults to conduct the BOR and check with the parents first for input on what questions to ask and how to ask them. I should be an interesting experience to see what this young man's perspective is on scouting, which is a main purpose of a BOR. I have seen too many BOR's that are being nothing more than a retest, which is not what they are supposed to be.

  2. No, kilts are not "official uniform", but I agree with Old Grey Eagle, they look alot better than the rag-tag collection of pants that kids today choose to wear with their uniform shirts. I say go for it.

  3. You would have to make arrangements through your local Council Executive I believe. Probably what would happen is each subcamp has their own medical tent with staff. I would assume arrangements could be made to keep the insulin in their refrigerator, and they would have medical staff available in the tent to do whatever supervision of the injections if any , would be required.

  4. Sew them on the back starting at the top. My son was blessed with this predicament too as he earned 100 total. Darn near filled up both sides of his sash. PS Once you've got over 6 merit badges you can't sew them on the sleeve of your shirt any more, they all have to go on a sash. Take care

  5. I have done this a few times with my troop in the past. Unless I am way off base, the call out is to notify the boys of who has been elected into the order. One year my troop simply announced their names at a meeting, I felt a proper ceremony was more fitting such a solemn occasion.

  6. My troop meets on Wednesday from 6:30 to 8:00. It is best to have pack and troop meetings on separate nights, so that parents who have boys in both programs can support both. Also, it frees up boy scouts to help with pack functions, a great recruitung tool.

  7. I have had boys both ways. Some want to earn as many merit badges as they can, others want to hang out and have a good time. Others want to concentrate on a particular area of camp they like (waterfront, shooting etc). I try to let they boys do what interests them the most. I would say the average scout ends up taking 2-3 merit badges.

  8. I agree with Hunt. The reality of the situation is once a Board of Review is conducted and the Advancement report is submitted to council, it is final based on the troops honor.

    In reality, it is almost impossible to check if all blue cards are signed by properly registered merit badge counselors because every summer scouts go to out of council camps all over the nation, and have blue cards signed by staff members from all over.


  9. Sorry about your Grandmother. Too bad, it's usually the parents that cause more problems than the kids. Sounds like you handled everything about as well as can be expected. Keep up the good work and don't worry about second guessing yourself, you're head abd shoulders above the rest.

  10. I did a Philmont trek in 99 and had to put up with the burros for 2 days. I was never happier to see the last of those 4 footed hay burners.

    They did know their way around though. We came to a fork in the trail one afternoon, and while the boys were debating which way to go while consulting the map, the burros came down the trail and turned left without even pausing to rest. They knew which way to go better than we did.

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