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Everything posted by jbroganjr

  1. The ones that look chaotic, are loud and full of energy...where adults feel the hair fallingout of their heads....and the kids accomplish not just one thing, but all there goals, in there own fashion.... With adults only there for guidance, safety etc....where all the boys participated, worked out there own problems amongst themselves, etc. ...A reverse lord of the flies sort of thing, you know positive, fun. Of course these outings/meetings hopefully where planned by the plc and the plans reviewed by a competent, trained adult.
  2. I believe this information is correct as to the leadership positions of the Key Three of a District (District Chairman, District Commissioner and District Executive). The D.E. stays constant, as they are the professional advisor, (that may be were that statement that the D.E. picked teh D.C.) BUT the Chairman and the Commissioner are elected, together (on the same slate) by the district members (also called members at large and Training folk, FOS, membership, etc.) I don't know if commissioners vote, as our district runs great and we have not had this turmoil during my tenure as a RT commish
  3. you may have to wait for the charter if you don't have the scouts, but you do not have to wait to start visiting cub packs. Taking the time to visit shows you care, your troop cares and this goes a long way with cub parents. Don't be surprised if you get some scouts from your old troop, once the word is out, from the sounds of your old thread, I would guess that now that you are gone, the SM will turn his attention on some other poor family. I hope you didn't burn too many bridges, as those kids will need someplace to go.
  4. Just a few things. They will tell you at their own time whether your unit is accepted or not and it comes by letter. If you are accepted, the brisk 3 mile hike ,more like 5. Kids loved it. Carpool, Carpool Carpool. Only one vehicle will be allowed close to your site. 25' x 25' is teh max area for your unit. I'd suggest setting up a practice run on that. It is tight quarters. Bring stuff to trade! It is impressive, normally wet and muddy. Oh and USMA does not mean Marines!!!
  5. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER give out yours or your kids SSN. With it, it is so, so easy to recreate your identity and destroy your credit rating. I have been a victim of this, and unfortunately, am not alone. I could care less and if I had to put one down for bsa, i would be tempted to be decietful and put in a bogus one, even knowing that is not right, but the pain of continuously resolving this personal conflict of i.d. theft will never go away and I wouldn't wish it on anyone
  6. You are the RT commish, it is your job to mediate the round table. You are responsible for the program content of the RT, much like the CM is responsible for planning pack night. No Songs???? No wonder the RT's are no fun. You have been commanded to run a no fun program. Stand up. Get a copy of the Cub Scout Round Table Guide if you do not have it. Every month is a song! A ceremony! A game. RT without songs or games is not round table. I include this on the boy scout side too! at least a song! Start with a song that is not so silly (read fun here), like Your a Grand Old Flag or
  7. I wonder if this is a case of you being a new CSRT commish and everyone else being helpful.... That being said, I have no problem with a short joint session (20 minutes is normally enough, including the opening ceremony). Covering district topics etc. You are commissioned to present a cub round table. You will not be doing your job if you do not have a separate meeting. Now if the argument is that the information is for both, then you are being fed hogwash. One, how many cub scouters will care or return to hear about merit badge issues, eagle issues, patrol method, etc. and how many boy
  8. My wife and I where able to get the pack to go along with this idea. We would ask the community liason (school nurse) for needy families at the Holiday times. We would give each den a shopping list or the option of donating money and the pack committee would do shopping for the families. We based number of families on willing participants. We never know who the stuff is going too, as they are identified by number (also not the type of person who wants that knowledge) Now for the troop, I was able to talk the boys into caroling at the homes of people who where sick or infirmed. the idea came
  9. sctmom Just wanted you to know that your suggestions are now going to be a handout at the RT I run for Sept. Meetings. Outstanding Jbroganjr
  10. Oh you are so right grasshopper, I forgot fellowship. One of the biggest helps of my scouting career.
  11. OGE I have read the article and while it has very valid points and suggestions, the part about the SM sticking with an angry young man is rather skimpy on the details. Substitute knife for stick and is the SM going to work with this lad? I really believe that 99.9% of scouters are here to work with kids, and that most of us go that extra couple of miles with problem kids. How many time have we heard "this boy really needs scouting" I think we do the best we can and that the article serves to reinforce the attitude that scouters go the extra mile. It is important that we never view oursel
  12. I just wanted to pass on to new and old pack leaders, resources that are incredibly helpful in implementing and running a fun, successful program. 1. Get Trained 2. Program Helps for 02 -03 should be available at the scout shop 3. Pow Wow Books (online you can find them at www.macscouter.com and to toot my own horn www.cnjcpowwow.org.) Your council or a neighboring council should have available information on their own pow wows. 4. Round Table - cover the theme a month a head of time. (Oct. theme will be covered in Sept.) There are normally tons of handouts at these meetings. All distr
  13. As stated above, motivated scouters took the program and made it fun. It has been my experience that this does not happen as often as we like, and I hope that the new training methods help address this. Too often in the past, this area has been skimmed over in training. I also wonder, with all the "entertainment" available to kids, have they lost the ability to "boy run" a program? Just wondering. I think they kids in scouts get it, but too many parents don't and too many kids drop scouting or never join for the wrong reasons. I do believe we need to look at the webelos program again, and
  14. Not looking to be so disagreeable, but... in a different thread i brought up the topic of a new scout who showed up w/ philmont hat, neckerchief, etc. which is not our troop uniform. Our troop policy was to wear an approved uniform, guidelines set by the plc (yes i did not mention that the plc approved it in my original post) . imho, Bob White's replies to that post seemed to encourage a scout to wear whatever parts of the uniform he felt fit. That may be a broad generalization of his reply, but it is the message i received from him, especially after encouraging the scout to wear this stu
  15. So an official uniform is composed, as to hats and neckerchiefs, as either an official BSA hat, no hat or a troop hat. If so, my original assertation that wearing a philmont trading post hat does not constitute an official garb would be correct.
  16. To follow up on the neckerchief issue also, if it is theplc policy to wear the troop neckerchief, then it should be followed. If we are to go the other way and wear whatever neckerchief we feel is right, then that argument means that I as a leader can have my own neckerchief one that could say "I am always right" or "I am God's gift to scouting" or how about "only I know the program and I am always right" and last but not least, my favorite "Treat me like the demagogue that I am!"
  17. One I saw a troop at the west point invitational camporee with campaign hats and thought they looked sharp, however, campaign hats and back packs do not work well together, and the backpack normally wins by shoving the campaign hat off the wearer Two Bob, which is it? In my post on uniforms for summer camp, you went ot great lengths to tell that any scout hat is correct and now you are contradicting yourself. I was right that the official BSA hat or no hat are the correct uniform policies.
  18. I responded to a similar post at usscouts about losing webelos. I tend to agree that we lose kids, especially from webelos to scouts. One of the reasons that I stated there, is that too many parents want to do everything for their kids, as evidenced by a lot of topics in this forum. In sports, there is the coach (even though he/she never knows enough or is doing it wrong ;-} ) in scouts, boys????? How are those parents going to deal with that??? Seriously though, I think we compete too much with sports, but, on the flip side, scouts is there for kids who don't necessarily are driven to
  19. Bob, Sorry about that, I assumed that most troops are boy run and the plc determines most of these things, at least our troop does, but I see from so many other posts, that this is not always the case and when assuming, there is the tendency to make an *&^ out of u and me, and I apologize for that. I does seem that Mike long, you and I are on the same page. To answer about the philmont trip, this scout has only been in scouts for 3 months, he went as a family member when his family went there for venture training.
  20. Bob I am of the belief that a scout distinguishes himself by his character, citizenship while showing he is part of the group. The problem I have with this one scout is the way he and family are trying to come across like a super scout, better than all the rest. uniform uniforms (say that three times while eating crackers) serve to create an equal footing and allow proper rank awards, sashes, etc. to distinguish achievement. If we where to take this further, my T shirt would have a "S" on it like superman. I agree for the most part on your thoughts on this, I should have mentioned this "
  21. bob The scouts where asking this young scout about 1. His trek 2. or did he attend national JLTC. Also, I do not think we use a heavy hand for one day of the year, going to summer camp. As mentioned, rules are different year round when it comes to hats, neck wear, etc.
  22. Troop uniform starting with hats: 1st class and above are given a beret. Whether or not scout wears beret is up to scout, but a bsa hat is mandated. Kneckerchief Slide, (Knot is acceptable) BSA Tan shirt BSA belt BSA pants/shorts BSA socks. As for the Hats, It has not been an issue if they are different. OA sashes, where merited MB Sash, where merited. As for Summer Camp, the kneckerchief is mandated. All other times, a bolo is acceptable. Why? For the mundane purpose of having a troop photo (hats are taken off for photo, so not an issue) This is probably overboard,
  23. I am wondering your views on this. Our troop policy on uniforms is to wear the full uniform on the way to outings (travel time too), etc. For summer camp, all scouts/scouters are to wear the troop neckerchief (we supply them, the are custom made, and sharp looking, paid from general troop funds). This year, I have a new scout (older brother is ASPL, father is a asm and mother is on committee) and mother is a leader at camp. I am SM at camp. Policy is stated. This new scout shows up looking like he raided the philmont trading post (father went to a course there). When the spl did a uniform
  24. Here's my two cents on this. As a CSRT (cub scout round table commissioner) 1. Not only you, but as many other leaders as you can get should go to RT. Your unit is not getting the info it needs. And while RT is not the forum for a **** session, asking about this in the open meeting my jolt a UC or other district member to take notice (Most hate getting involved with this stuff as it is a lose/lose situation, concerning CO, nat. BSA bylaws, etc), but the idea here is to find faces/resources for what I am about to suggest next. Things will come to a head, especially with an idiot who judg
  25. You know you make some great points that I had not considered with phone calls, especially the calling cards, girlfriends, etc. I should clarify that I want the scouts to tell us leaders when they are going to call home and why. I am thinking now that we may have to revisit this rule,as light bulb is dimly lit above my head and the explanation for a full, and I mean full voice mail box on my cell phone is explained. I had 30 minutes of messages from 4 parents at camp and found out that one boy used his dad's 800 # to call home and the rest had calling cards. (Parents where upset that I was
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