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Everything posted by jambo

  1. I think ' LongHoul 'has it confused between religion, and God. God is what you believe in, but religion is the medium through which one believe in. Therefore, the discussion stands as is: " Scout leaders should stay out of politics and religion ", that should be the domain at home,or privately ,and not in a unit setting.Definitely an individual believe . jambo
  2. My opinion: " Scout leaders should stay out of politics and religion" it's scouting, and not a debating society ! jambo
  3. Godwin: I enjoyed your account of phylosophy of scouting, but with all due respect, I try to stay out of politics and religion. Scouting seems to me, is where I am coming from. jambo
  4. To Writer: I want to wish you lots of success, maybe you will stimulate some of our youth into joining Scouting. But, you must remember Scouting started in England, and in order to catch the spirit, you have to go to the origins. Scouting is not a USA idea , but an interantional one. Maybe someone will write a book on this.? Good luck...jambo
  5. Sorry to see your dad pass away...he would have been a good recource for your book. Here is my second input ! So you are going to write a book on World Scouting? That is great ! You have to write from all different prospectives. You should do a lot of interviews....of current scouts...of old timers...the philosophy of the professionals....the concept of boy run troops and why they are not working mnay times ...the summer camp operations verses the troop camp operations....high adventure dreams....how cub scouting has ruined the organization...how woman Scoutmaster is destroying manhood
  6. So you are going to write a book on World Scouting? That is great ! You have to write from all different prospectives. You should do a lot of interviews....of current scouts...of old timers...the philosophy of the professionals....the concept of boy run troops and why many times they are not working ...the summer camp operations verses the troop camp operations....high adventure dreams....how cub scouting has ruined the organization...how woman Scoutmaster is destroying manhood of the boy....how training could be improved... without announcement you should infiltrate some great rich units,
  7. Old grey eagle: I appreciate your response, but I have a feeling you did not have much experience with the a Troop committee ? A good committe with dedicated motives, and supporing the Scoutmaster, is a blessing. I can tell you many stories, where Troops have folded, because of the over bearing CC of the unit. But, I will not site any examples, at this time. ..." Keep it Simple, make it fun "...jambo
  8. Kahits...I have read your profile, and I see that you had plenty of Scouting experience. I don't feel like arguing with you on the aspects of what your committee or your church wants you to do ? My thinking is, that they should fully support the Scoutmaster, visa SPL and the boys. Either they leave or you leave, there should be no politics when you try your best, to motivate and run the unit you love. This concept of boy run units is great when you are flourishing and a large unit. But first, you should grab the bull by the horns, and run with it, philosophically speaking. All of you like ex
  9. We need Eagle Scout caliber men like you. After college, I suggest you go into proffesional Scouting. We need young blood, with futurestic ideas, imagination, to run the Nationl HQ's. Boy Scouts of America, should not be a business organization, but to be an organization to benefit our boys. Thanks for being a Scout, ...jambo
  10. Are you looking for " jambo " or a jambo thread ? I would suggest we consentrate on recruitment of boys into Scouting,,,if we don't, then we don't need a National Jamboree.!...jambo
  11. I could agree with most of you, spending your precious time on this forum, trying to keep a troop alive. We have deeper problems!. That of the national council not promoting Scouting the way it should be.Did your local film crew ever go to a camporee ? But, if a boy broke a window at a bank, that would be in every front page, and the local news. When did you see a good Scouting film, on TV or anywhere else ? Do newspapers ever mention Scout Sunday in February ? We had World Jamboree in England just now , and did " Sixty Minutes " cover that event, where 136 countries celebrated Scouting ?
  12. Dear Elizabeth, I have read your concerns, and I sybethize with you...The scouting the way I see it, is for the boys. Let the Scoutmaster do his job, it is difficult enough , not to have to deal with over bearing parents. If you, don't like the program your SM/SPL is having, may I suggest you take your boy to another unit. Sorry,,,I am of the old type thinking,.... when we had Troops that enjoyed Scouting. jambo
  13. I wish , I can be of more of an assistance, Dale ! ...but now all I can be is an consultant. It seems to me, you are on the right track. To run an efficient, and well run troop is not easy. You have to be an administrator,motivator,trainer,child psychologist,financier,organizer,and etc. I finally was able to get my Troop up to par. It took a few years. Finally, I was able to mold a large and active troop. Many boys from other units started to transfer to mine,,,even without the so called " official transfer form ", which caused me a lot of problems. Other unit leaders complaint to the counc
  14. Mr. Roberts, I wish I was 27 years of age, those years are gone,,,but I had a exciting Scouting life. Try to build your unit up in numbers. You at least need two patrols,to be functional. At first, try to pick a charismatic boy to be your first SPL. Later on , then they can elect one,and don't make it a popularity contest. Sit down with parents informally and outline to them your plans. Choose your committee very carefully, make sure they are on your side, or otherwise you are going to have a lot problems down the road. Do not send them to training courses, the less they know of the bure
  15. To Beaver Scouter: I had so many hits, that I just did not have the time to answer them all . I am in a rush, since I was invited to attend one of our local scouting events. Most of the time , I keep my opinions to myself, because I don't want to argue with inexperience people in Scouting. jambo-www Please forward this to our forum readers, Thanks . jambo Wow !What a reply , from so many of you, Thank you ! I barely have enough time to answer you all. _________About our glorious UC commissioners ? I will withhold my comments until further notice. I will tell you stories lat
  16. Transporting our scouts is a national problem. At first, at my former "ghetto type" unit," where four letter word was the norm ". We had to do it the hard way...WE WALKED...RODE THE BUS OR THE TRAIN ! Lucky if one of the fathers at least would transport the heavy Troop equipment.The troop program was declining , and the troop was losing membership . The US army, did help us sometimes, for a while...until someone complaint this , to the Council.After that ,d we could not get this privilege anymore from the military. We did not give up ! I noticed the so called " well to do...or rich Troops, h
  17. How to start a new Boy Scout Troop ? The example I will provide , I know,that some will disagree , and be claiming again, that it is not the way the national training manual has it set up.! """"many years ago I was approached by an individual from a Catholic church, that they had 60 boys that wanted Scouting. He said, that , training cadre came to the parents meeting, and lectured them how to organize this new unit. He said it scared most of the parents away, and they got discouraged, and were not sure if they wanted their boy to join ?. He found out that I had a very successf
  18. Beaver, and all our other participants: I noticed that you are very popular, in disseminating your wisdom , as you see it. That is great, we sometimes need a point of view from two sides of the issue. That was a bit funny, the way you explained the " resurrecting" of the dead threats. I would even go further," we need to wake up some of them , and stimulate them into some objective and subjective controversy. ?, This is great , to have this " Scouter forum ', ... where one has a chance to voice ones opinion, without being censored, nor asked to leave. Scouting needs this type of
  19. jambo

    New UC

    To all the Scouters who replied to my threat: Wow !What a reply , from so many of you, that I barely have enough time to answer you all. _________About our glorious UC commisioners ? I will withhold my comments until further notice. I will tell you stories, that will curl your hair.(ha,ha) __________Did you ever see the BSA national by-laws ? Well, you should...it is as large as the Bible, and it deals about every subject imaginable. It took me 3 hours to read it, since it was writen in legal language, and I still could not caprehend it. ________Our bus at first was owned by the Troop,
  20. NYC Scouters : , This is a national problem, and many units, like my former unit solved the problem...BUYING A USED SCHOOL BUS...All the adult leaders and some commitee men, contributed personal money to buy in good shape ,10 year old school bus.Our program has improved, becouse we could travel further even to the mountains in the winter, to enjoy the adventure of hunting of the "abdonimal snow man" with the scouts. We did not have to leave the poorer scouts home, becouse parents could not provide transportation. The money was returned to all the leaders, by charging the scouts $10 for eac
  21. Ea, and all my old timers on this forum , don't be dismaid ...SCOUTING..if run properly, should gain strength...and will flurish. I enjoyed reading your biography. I was in England (Kent), and made many friends there in Scouting. I have learend a lot from them and I was invited to take the woodbadge course in London , but due to my military obligations, I was not able to attend . I agree cubing of today, seem not to help Scouting of the (11 to 18) age group. A lot of their programs are to much " the scouting type " and not games and crafts, like it should be. The change has to come from the
  22. Dear " eliz -daddio ", It hurts me to hear that Scouting, you and me have experienced, is not happening today. With all the training courses,(basic,start ups and even woodbadge ) they are not teaching the most important element, that is to have an active,adventurous,interesting, challenging program for the boys. The philosophy of " Boy run troop ", without the experienced guidence, is not working. By the time boy leaders find out what they are doing and learn from their mistakes. Half of the troop will be joining another unit next door to you. I feel sometimes, units should be consolidated,
  23. " Lisa & bob " and " john in KC ", I am glad that you have responded, and ignited our interest in OA. I had a giggle when you associated my thinking to Harry Potter ? . The difference is that one is a fiction, but other one is a reality, which occurred many years ago in my Council. If you understand, or maybe to young to fathom how the BSA, Inc. operates, and why Order of the Arrow,( a great organization ) is loosing interest with the volunteer adults and boys in Scouting. Many of the scouter's that I associate with now and in my glorious past , would attest that OA had become an avera
  24. jambo

    New UC

    Being a Unit commissioner is nice, but in my opinion most of them take on the job for the sake of publicity/politics in helping a youth program, like the Boy Scouts of America. If you notice many politicians in their resume, claim to be members ? It helps them to create an image that their are youth oriented individuals, therefore increasing their chances to get more votes. Welcome to the politics in Scouting...I have seen it...and I don't like it ! If you really want to help our youth to become better citizens ?I suggest, join us in the trenches of Scouting,and get dirty !By becoming
  25. Parent motivation, information and orientation for all the parents in Scouting is very important , if you want to succeed. The parents have to know what is going on in the troop, without lecturing them to death. Here is what I did: A.. PLC voted to have a Troop bulletin published each month, in charge would be our JASMS.and article from PL's were welcome . B...Every 2 month ,we would have a court of honor/ parent night , and a motivational skid put on either by patrols or our " Leadership Corps " The scouts would show the parents what they have learned...stretcher carry, bandaging, ham r
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