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About elizdaddio

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    Junior Member

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  • Location
    North East
  1. Thank you all for your input. It has helped me out a great deal. I have passed your ideas onto the parent who approached me about replacing the CC. I like the idea of the parent/leader meeting. I think this could have the potential for being a valuable tool for any troop. I took some of your suggestions of the meeting to the parent along with the idea to contact our UC or council to provide a mediator. My son loves the guys in his troop. He has come up with many of them all the way through Cubs. Although, he is terribly frustrated with the fact that the troop never camps, hikes or participates
  2. What can a parent or group of parents do when they are dissatisfied with the job that their SM and CC are doing? The real frustration is with the CC. I don't really want to get into all of the specifics, but the choices the CC and SM are making have not given our boys the best scouting experience possible. Some have even gone against BSA policy. Several Committee members wish to replace the CC. Can anyone tell me what the process is for replacing a CC? My second question is, our troop has an annual steak dinner. The troop provides, cooks and serves the dinner. The CO opens it's bar at that tim
  3. Thank You All so much for the replies. You've given me a lot of useful and insightful information to ponder. I'm at the point now that I REALLY want to make this troop work. Many of you asked for clarification so, I'll do my best. The troop was started over 30 years ago. The SM who started the troop is still the current SM. In his mind, this is "His Troop". He has a great deal of knowledge about scouting although he was never a scout himself. I feel he genuinely loves the troop, hence why he's still there. The CC is one of his former Eagle Scouts, who's son is currently in the planning stages
  4. Hi All, I have an issue and I'm looking for any suggestions about how to handle this tactfully. My son crossed over to a troop over a year and a half ago. We thought we were making the right choice, especially with the exciting scouting experiences we were promised. I grew up in scouting and have been fortunate enough to have traveled both nationally and internationally through scouting. Most of my childhood was spent in the outdoors thanks to my scouting experience. My son had a great cub scouting experience and was very excited about Boy Scouts. My disappointment with our current situ
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