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Everything posted by hops_scout

  1. Check out local surplus stores. They may have red berets you could buy and then you could add a Boy Scout emblem of some sort. I plan to get one from imsplus.com. They have a store near where I live.
  2. All of the sites listed in my previos post will soon be all done on Microsoft FrontPage 2000 and on bravepages.com. This site is run by bravenet.com if you have heard of that. They offer a bunch of stuff for webmasters on their site.
  3. Thanks for letting me know that. Like my mom says, "You learn something new everyday.:)" I dont think she knew that because when I was a WEBLOS scout, we wenton one campout a year as a den and didnt have all the parents with us. I like the idea of a Den Chief Patrol. I also like the idea of wearing a beret, though that would be in another topic.
  4. I took mine with me on our campout last weekend. We kept one in the cabin( expected temps. of below freezing) and one on the hikes when we were out. The range wasnt the greatest, but they did keep us in contact for the most part.
  5. I have been an "unofficial" denchief for a WEBLOS den for two years now. I enjoy doing it because it has gotten me into a lot more. In April, I will be starting to help another group who will become WEBLOS in May. I like WEBLOS because they can do camping without their parents, though they seem to be required by our pack. I also have been "assigned" or indirectly volunteered to make the pack's website. This, in turn, has gotten me to begin designing the troop site, too.
  6. I am the webmaster of both a pack and troop website ( and soon to be for a girl scout one too). I am in the process of moving the pack site to bravepages.com and working on the troop one to move there too. I use Microsoft FrontPage 2000 for these sites and the other ones I run. I plan to add special things such as Flash. http://www.pack301.bravepages.com http://www.outdoorguide.cjb.net http://hops19.tripod.com http://www.troop323.cjb.net
  7. You realize that Clinton could send troop into Somalia (Black Hawk Down) but the very next day pulled them right out? It was important enough for 12 or 19 men to be killed, at least one tortured there, but not important enough to finish the job. If Bush sends troops in, the job will be done with as little casualties as possible. Everybody knows that a war will have men killed, but they make a big deal out of it being the president's fault for sending them in. BTW, why are we discussing this??? What does this have to do with scouts????
  8. First, I would like to know how this has to do with Military type eqipment but whatever. Our troop gives out scout bucks for being in uniform. Then, with each election, we have a scout buck auction where an adult will go to a sporting goods store of Wally World and buy camping gear.
  9. I know that BDU pants are made in different colors and in shorts. I plan to get a pair of olive drab BDU pants and shorts for camp this summer.
  10. le Voyageur, I think you are a little mixed up..... everything you just stated is about Bill Clinton not George W Bush. I think Bush is doing a great job. He has my support (though that doesnt really matter since I cant vote ) By the way, what does this have to do with scouting?????????????? Rangers Lead the Way(This message has been edited by hops_scout)
  11. NJ, You asked how Saddam got to the top of the list: Let's think about this one; Saddam has been found making WMD hasnt he? He has been interested in a nuke for a while. He cant even sleep in the same place two nights in a row. We dont know where he is, what he is doing, and other things. I bet we do know where the head of North Korea is and I bet we do know what he is doing for the most part. Also, about other terrorists, I bet they are towards the top of the list. The War on Terror will become a long, world wide mission. It takes the cooperation of all governments. Saddam having a link
  12. My mom has a blue jacket in which she puts all her activity patches she gets from BSA, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, and so on. It is so full she is going to get a new one in the next couple of years.
  13. I'm back now, Good meeting we worked on a computer badge of some sort for the WEBLOS. Now I am watching the State of the Union speech by the President. Removing Saddam will make the world a lot safer. Saddam must go because he is a threat to us, and the rest of the world. Why? Because we dont know what he is doing.
  14. I have the same problem. I dont like using the phone at all. I wont even call relatives because I hate using the phone. Here is one thing that could be condsidered a technology effect.
  15. One quick thing then got to go to Cub Scout meeting.. I beleive, and think Bush feels same way, Saddam is a terrorsist or linked in some way. This is part of why he must go. We are at war now. The War on Terror includes all terrorists. More later.
  16. There are a few things in which are not included in the scout lists. None of which should not be taken. I dont include things such as ammo... There isnt much, but I do like it because it is modified to my needs. It is more of what I think of as my outdoor kit. Not just a scouting pack. Also, the things in a LBE or similar thing would be good to have necessary things such as first aid kit, pocket knife, snack, etc. It could be a survival type kit(This message has been edited by hops_scout)
  17. Two things: 1) I may be wrong since I was only about two during Desert Storm, but werent we there to get Iraq out of Kuiat? We werent trying to oust Saddam then. Now it is time for him to leave. 2) If whoever said we have two smoldering buildings or whatever on first page was talking about 9/11, they are wrong. We had several smoldering buildings.
  18. I agree, and plan to buy a set of LBE for summer camp and for our backpacking trip in May. I found lists of gear typical special forces soldiers carry on missions and have modified it. I found this list at http://www.specialforces.com They sell a lot of stuff too.
  19. The address I put in was saying your username should go in the spot where I put name. That wasnt supposed to be a link.
  20. I am looking for a backpack which is going to be comfortable for backpacking. I also would like to have it be hydration-pack compatible. Hopefully, I can get one for under $100. Any ideas??
  21. Laura, Several questions: How many boys are interested in helping to make the site? Our troop site, when finished, will be run completely by two scouts. One scout's dad will review site often for problems. What would a budget for a proposed site look like? Our troop has no budget set for a site though I do plan to try soon. What programs do you have on your computer? I have FrontPage, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc FrontPage and Word can both make sites. Also, there are tutorials on the internet for HTML. These could become very helpful, I found sitebuilder sites are not th
  22. I see what your problem is with your link the address should be http://name.cjb.net
  23. I gotta say Laura, your troop must have quite some money. How many trailers do you have? Our troop has one. We used to have two or three, dont remember, wasnt in then. We have close to probably 15 tents in good condition and I bet we have more somewhere. We have close to 20 two burner stoves in our trailer (wonder how many work), several patrol boxes with tons of gear. I think we have food that should be reusable time and time again in there. Also, we are planning to build two new klondike derby sleds. Light ones ( we dont get much snow here). I wish we had canoes that we owned so that we woul
  24. I agree that camo should be left off the list of things brought on campouts, BUT BDU pants would be a good way of subistuting that. Olive drab would look real nice and it would be rugged material. I also think that we should have an M65 winter coat in olive drab for a jacket. I have no experience with the wool shirt/jacket that BSA offers, but it is real expensive. I also agree every troop should have their own t-shirts. Ours are red with white lettering on back with troop info on it.
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