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  1. Test this site, Please www.troop5bsa.cjb.net Does it work?
  2. Let him join, or you will lose him forever.
  3. I like it, very professional
  4. Have you been to http://www.troop5bsa.cjb.net ?
  5. pwlane

    New Website

    Have you been to the uniform section of http://www.troop5bsa.cjb.net ?
  6. Thanks for helping. No I do not have a cub site, but you have given be a good idea. PS. Do the slide shows work?
  7. Robin, I had firewall problems, please try again.
  8. I may have fixed the problem. Please try again.
  9. Sorry for the outage. Please visit http://www.troop5bsa.cjb.net Comments Welcome
  10. I disagree. Being in Full Uniform is a deterrent to wildness/being child like. When wearing class A both the scout knows and the people around them know how they should act.
  11. I agree with the above post. Although I generally do not approve of camo, there is nothing wrong with either camo or the full uniform as they are both good in there own way. Also, there is nothing wrong with being like the military. Just don't be a militant hate group.
  12. Sorry email techsupport@troop5bsa.cjb.net Will
  13. The site was down. Try Again. Thanks Alot
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