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Posts posted by hendrickms24

  1. ScoutNut is 100% correct! My son is working on the Roman Catholic "Light of Christ" Medal and he is doing just a few requirements at a time. He told me its hard work but it helping me teach him ways that I would never have thought.


    Mark Maranto


  2. "I'll start with the obvious question - are you already an OA member? "




    If you've been out of it for a while, and was once a member in another lodge, there's a transfer form you can fill out to have your membership transferred from your original lodge to the new lodge.



    I was a Ordeal member of Nentico Lodge #12 as a scout.


    "Also, Amangamek is so huge that they actually have individual Chapter meetings, as opposed to a Lodge meeting (although I'm sure they have those too, just not as frequent). Check with Council as to who the Adult Chapter Advisor is, they should be the best source of information for you."


    Thanks for the info but I thought the Centerville Scout would be able to help since he is a member of Lodge 470.


    Mark MAranto

  3. Hello,


    This year is going to be my second year as a Cub Scout leader. I sent my dues into Amangamek Wipit Lodge to get active in the OA back in May. I have not received any info on when the meeting or anything. Could you help?


    Thanks Mark Maranto


  4. "I think BSA should make an official Knot for both the female Venture Scouts and Scouters who have earned the Gold award."




    I just want to apology to each and every Venturer out there. It was not my intention to offend you in any way by calling you a scout. I've been out of Scouts for fourteen years until last September and Explorers was the name of the program back then.



    Mark Maranto



  5. I asked the National Scout shop about Patrol Flags earlier this year and the only flags they had other then Troop, Crew Pack, est. where the Cub Scout Den flags. The woman on the line had never heard of Patrol flags. I guess BSA stopped offering the patrol flag since most Patrols make their own.


    Mark Maranto


  6. Lets say this amendment is passed and ratified by the states.

    That just means more people will be arrested and put in jail and prison are overflowing as it is! Now we are going to add more people because they desecrated something they own? I think this country need to worry about things that are far more important like Welfare, our military, and trade deficit. This issue is another thing that will allow the politicians to wave a flag and say how great an American that they are.



    "Spoken like a true liberal." - I love when someone disagrees with the current administration and they are mark as a liberal. Is being a liberal a bad thing? No nor is being a conservative.


    Mark Maranto

  7. CNYScouter,

    I agree with you and hope that you can make the other scouters see the light. As a scout I saw my great troop slowly turn in to an adult ran troop by non trained scouters that thought Boy Scouts was an older version of Cub Scouts. There were many a time that my brother and I would butt heads with these Scouters which I sure just made thing worse (I sure I was not very tackful since thats something I have had to learn over the years.)just to have the younger scout do things on there own. Its just sad that some adults do not know how to treat teenagers as the youg adults they are. I was told a couple years after my younger brother got out of scouts the 50 years old troop folded!

    Good luck,

    Mark Maranto

  8. I agree with VAordeal! Why would you want to remove the best of the best from a leadership role. The troop voted in the SPL so they should be allowed to have him as their leader for his full term.


    Mark Maranto


  9. "Tonight, the president was absent so the Admin VP was filling in (he is the non-citizen) and he was expected to lead it. After we were all standing, the advisor who realized the situation started it for him. Any ideas on how we can deal with this in the future?"


    I have never been a Venture Scout but I sure its not required that the President or VP has to lead the Pledge. Just let another scout lead the pledge would be my answer.


    Mark Maranto


  10. "I went through this last year. My son was kept back in first grade. I was told since he had already completed his tiger year the choice was mine. I told them to graduate him to wolf. He spent this year in first grade and got his recruiter badge because the boys in his class were excited by what he did this year and they can do next."




    I failed First Grade but was allowed to join Scout with the rest of my piers. Cubs started in 3rd Grade back in 1981, but if I was not allowed to join Scouts with the rest of my friends that would have been just another heart breaker! It took me years to get over failing first grade but being able to join scouting really helped myself esteem. If you hold back a scout because they are struggling in school its just a slap in the face to them. These children could have learning disabilities or worse so please don't penalize them for something thats out of their control.



    Mark Maranto

    Eagle Scout

    (This message has been edited by hendrickms24)

  11. Paragraph K of this same section, states: "The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning."



    Quick question- What if its an all weather flag? Nylon is not good material to burn!




  12. "Our PLC has planned to have 2 or 3 meetings to prepare for Summer Camp this year. Our SPL and ASPL have put their hearts into some plans and want to get the others "on board" to make our camp-site look great, make new patrol flags, etc. Since so much time will be spent on these preparations, I am afraid that the boys who are not going to summer camp will feel like it is a waste for them to come to our regular meetings."


    Why does it take 2 to 3 meeting to get ready for summer camp?

    When I was a scout all we did was make sure all the paper work and medical form were filled out. The new scouts would be told what to bring to camp and that took half of a meeting. Its been a while since I was a scout going to camp (I'm now a Den leader for my son) so is there more to do now then just merit badges and the normal "summer camp honor troop" award? (The honor troop award is really not the name of the award but was for the troop with the best camp, camp fire skit, and other requirements that I don't remember.)



    Thanks Mark Maranto

    (This message has been edited by hendrickms24)(This message has been edited by hendrickms24)

  13. First off if I wanted to ware my Class A Uniform I would reenlist in the Army. So stop with the Class A and B stuff! My understanding of the uniforms is there is the Dress uniform which is the Blazer, Neck tie and gray slacks. The Scout or Field uniform is the tan shirt and green pants. The activity uniform (which is new to me and the forms is the first place I heard about it) is the shirt and pants.



    When I was a Boy Scout and was camping, Hiking, boating, and etc. the troop just wore normal clothing so we would not mess up our scout uniforms.

    The "Activity uniform"- t shirt and Boy Scout pants or shirt would have still been a problem during my Boy Scouting days. There may still be a chance of messing up the Scout pants.



    Mark Maranto

  14. "Scout pants cheap!" I don't think so since I have never had a pair ware out on me. I lloked at my sons pants and they are just as durable as they where when I was a scout. My son will be a great test for these pants because he ware out his jeans knees faster then we can patch them up.




  15. My old troop always had an Eagle Scout dinner for all of the Eagles.

    I know that this can be very expensive and also cause problem.

    When I earned my Eagle Scout rank, I was told to wait for a couple of months so the other two scouts getting Eagle could get it at the same ceremony eliminate the monetary cost. I end up wait for about 5 months. Since, I was 18 yrs old and tired of scouting (I been cured of that) all I wanted was my medal. I looked into what an Eagle ceremony is supposed to prove that a Dinner was not the only choice. This is the information that I found. An Eagle ceremony can be a Dinner or a stand alone ceremony, or one that is at a Court of Honor. The Ceremony at COH needs to be separate from the rest of the COH. The one example given was at the end of COH turn the lights off and when the place is quiet then turn the light back on and start the Eagle Ceremony. I think


    Let the Scout make that decision on which Ceremony he wants and if the there is more then one scout that has earned Eagle then group them together.

    What ever you do please dont take the Troop meeting away from the other scouts.


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