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Posts posted by hendrickms24

  1. As with any situation, it depends on the individuals involved. In our Scout Troop, the SM and CC are a husband-wife team, the Treasurer and Advancement chair are a husband-wife team and it is working fine. The SM anbd ASM deal with the day to day stuff, where the CC and Advancement chair deal with the more long term items. We are a newer Troop, still small. When the boys join, all parents are encouraged to join at least the committee as general members. This gives everyone the opportunity to have input as to what direction the Troop will be going for the next 3-4 months. Everyone is encouraged to step up, but when few if any of the new parents are willing to step up, the only alternative is for those who are willing to fill the positions. Potentially, it can lead to burn out but what other option do you have?

  2. To all- Yes, I agree the this is a solomn and organized event. However, if the parents want to attend either a)to participate and recognize their son's achievement or b)to ensure that nothing untoward occurs it is their right and is within BSA guidelines. To have the excuse that there is not enough room at the Lodge, that parents in attendence would reduce the "specialness" of the ceremony, or that the parents MAY be asked to join in the future attending and attending an OA ceremony now would ruin it for them is just that- an excuse. Some of the comments on this thread are totally unbelievable. "Parents do not want their kids doing things on their own these days, treating them like children." "However, they should NEVER be encouraged to attend." My OA ceremony was special/important that the only thing I remember is the bow string slipping off of my finger and getting scolded for it. Hope that line doesn't get edited out. Obviously, the majority of the people who are posting on here are more than willing to go to great lengths to keep this ceremony out of the public view, to the extent of 90 minute phone conversations, and outright telling parents that they are not invited or allowed to attend. Most people who hear this type of thing will immediately question why? Is it a cover up for some actions that are not legal/or proper? Scouting is all ready an under-appreciated ill-understood organization without adding a layer of secrecy. Anything that could be used against Scouting in a negative manner should be avoided if possible. "No wonder so many teenage boys today view scouting as a bunch of geeks and nerds and have no interest in joining." If scouting got the same recognition and accolades as sporting events, the number of kids that would want to join would be staggering. I have not heard of any full ride scholarships to college.

  3. "Another challenge I can see is ceremony sites. My current lodge has very limited room in it's site, in fact the most # of candidates is about 40, and members wanting to watch have to fend for themselves for room. If everyone's parents show up to watch, the only area that will be appropriate will be the campfire ring at camp.


    Another part of the problem as I see it is parents not wanting to let go. Parents do not want their kids doing things on their own these days, treating them like children."


    It sounds like your Lodge needs to find a new location for your ceremony! Parents are allowed and that's it. One of the troops in my area said that you had to be trained as a Scoutmaster to go camping as a parent period. I took my child and left because I only leave my child with people I trust and you have to earn that trust. I remember as a boy one unit had a ceremony where the leaders would brand the scouts with a coat hanger. I guess the parents should not have complained because their boys were becoming men. Right? It's the faults of others that this rule was put into effect and I agree with it. I never remember hearing about children being molested but now we make children aware of this danger because it's the right thing to do. I know I will have to let my son do things on his own but if it's something I don't know about then I will be attending so I know he will be safe. The OA, I went thru as a scout was abusive at the tap out when they tried to nail me to the ground with their taps. Does that still go on? I hope not because that does not add anything to the OA in my eyes. Should they keep doing it because its tradition? So you all may want to think a little before saying that it's wrong for parents to attend.


  4. I have never heard of this group and just stumbled on it when I was surfing the Internet. I have not heard anything at District level and would thought since they have partnership with them they would have pamphlets to hand out. I also did a search on this forum but did not find any thing but did use the full name. Silly me should have used the acronym since this is America.


    I'm not sure what the issue is about revoking Eagle Scout Rank. I really think revoking it is a meaningless act. I earned Eagle Scout twenty years ago and if it was revoke for some reason it would not phase me one bit. I earned it and it was important to me at the time and you can't take that away. So what are you trying to prove by revoke it?


  6. Your right, I put up with pain in the butt and lazy parents during the year so I can walk around in uniform and at time wear all my awards. I take time out of my busy life to attend round tables and troop committee meetings so I can walk around in uniform and at time wear all my awards. I take time away from my wife to camp and freeze my butt off so I can walk around in uniform and at time wear all my awards. I advise and help teach scouts so I can walk around in uniform and at time wear all my awards. Yes I do all this to boost my ego.

    If you like to throw around your holier then thou attitude please go ahead but only if it makes you feel better.


    Mark M.


  7. Bando

    "Frankly, I don't understand why visitors are so rampantly allowed into an event we all pay out the nose to go to, even if they can't participate in all the activities, but that's just me."


    Well, My son and I were visitors to the Jamboree and my son had a blast.

    I did not care for it but was glad my son enjoyed the time there. I think visitors are important because my son is case in point. On our ride home he said that he wants to go to the 2013 Jamboree for the whole event.


    I just hope that I have the money to send him.

    Oh, and as a visitor I had to pay $20 to get into the event with my son and that is a lot of money for an unemployeed person to spend.

    Mark M.


  8. As the Scoutmaster of my son's troop, I don't check to see if the scout has skills competence for his MB. The reason is that's the MB councilors job.

    The other reason is I have no I idea what skills competence is for Animal Science MB, Farm Mechanics MB, Pulp and Paper MB, Aviation MB etc. So for the merit badges I do know things about do I then have a right to drill each scout for skills competence that received them? NO! Its my job as a SM to make sure Mommy and Daddy is not doing all the merit badges with Johnny. I am as contol the blue cards and allow each new scout to work on one merit badge at a time for the first couple of badges. If the scout wants to do more then one at time I will let him if he is attending a summer camp or other MB event.


    Mark M.


  9. "But I do think there should be a "National" uniform for things like trainings, regional and national events"


    To me this makes no sense. If the crew can pick their uniform then that's the uniform they should be allowed to wear at training, regional and national events. To me that's a waste of money making a crew buy a second National uniform that they may wear once. I also think that Scouts should be able to wear their AOL and BS rank since they it's the highest rank that they earned in previous programs.


    Mark M.

  10. I guess that means it's been discontinued then. Back when I was a scout Baden-Powell Patrol awards were the small star that goes around the patrol patch for each patrol member and a ribbon for the patrol flag.

  11. Now to upset other people on this board. I think this requirement is down right silly. If you have a Star Scout who has not taught another scout a skill then there is a problem with your troop. In other words its not boy lead. I know there are PORs that do not have to interact with scout but in my troop all PORs were also considered instructor and had to teach the other scout at one point or another.


    Mark M.


  12. "Though discussed in another post, it was pointed out that specific youth knots are representative only of the highest award for each division:

    Cub Scouts=AOL knot

    Boy Scouts=Eagle knot

    Venturing=Silver Award knot

    Sea Scouting=Quartermaster knot"



    Question is Varsity Scouting not considered another division of scouts?



  13. Hello all,


    Did the BSA discontinue the National Honor Patrol flag ribbon?

    The reason I asked is when I was in and the patrol earn this honor (I think it was the Baden- Powell Patrol back then) anyone could tell by the ribbons on the Patrol flag. I really thing the ribbons are a good idea for inter patrol rivalry.



    Mark M.


  14. mds3d,


    The http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/522-011.pdf web page is the official BSA release states the following.


    "Once the unit has completed its charter, members may begin wearing the Founders Bar. The Founders Bar is worn on the left shoulder below the unit numerals."


    I know the troops scouts would love to get this patch but they can wait.

    Local1400, I wish I was a member of an older troop like my old scout Troop 336 of Catonsville, MD it was 44 years old when I aged out. The troop folded due to lack of trained leadership around the 50 year mark which still saddens me.


    Mark M.


  15. Bummer, I misread it this morning so when I was at the scout shop today to get some items for Friday's court of Honor I picked them up for the scouts. Guess I have to hold on to them until January.


    Mark M.


  16. Am I reading the Founders Bar recognition is earned after a unit's first charter expires and we renew the charter for the first time?


    Mark M.


  17. "Shirts aren't tucked in? Really?"


    Which type of Pack do (or did) you belong to?

    All the Cub Scouts and even the Boy Scouts have untucked

    shirts in the units I've been in. I always have to

    remind them to tuck them in so the picture looks realistic

    to me. I was looking thru photo of when I was a scout and

    my shirt was also untucked. I think its a youth thing. ; )

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