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Fat Old Guy

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Everything posted by Fat Old Guy

  1. No sneeze there but I'm beginning to smell enemy action. (once is happenstance, twice is co-incidence, thrice is enemy action)
  2. "Can a CO require complete uniforms? Yes it can" How can a CO require a complete uniform when BSA says that a uniform isn't required? If the CO can require a uniform, can the CO say, "jeans are our official pants" or "our troop's uniform is a purple shirt and plaid pants"?
  3. Sorry Beaver Guy, I'm not buying it. If a unit doesn't need any rules to control behavior then BSA shouldn't make any rules. At least using Bob White's logic. There is no difference between a PLC saying, "you must sell popcorn" and National saying, "you can't camp here during this week." Eamonn, would you like some cheese?
  4. "s. Instant simulated scout activity shirt, just like in the catalog, but at less than $20. Our parents were good shoppers and all the scouts had regular scout shirts pretty quick, but council " I bought a 5 pack of "Universal Emblem" appliques for $5 at the Scout Shop. They have glue on the back but you can still sew them on. I bought a couple red, 100% cotton polo shirts and a long sleeved denim shirt at Khol's for about $15 each. 15 minutes of sewing and I had some cotton activity shirt and a nice looking informal scouting shirt.
  5. BP didn't think that the uniform should be required and neither do I. We don't require advancement or camping so why should one method be singled out.
  6. "First, I don't know where you come off calling Canada socialist all the time, but I assure you it is as innacurate as me calling you a facist." Let's see . . . socialized medicine, that's a good start, isn't it? Then you do have the trappings of fascism as well such as censorship of print and speech. As for textbooks, har! According to some books, Geo. Washington had little to do with the Revolution and the calculus was invented by African Bushmen. Your textbooks probably say that Canada and its massive navy played a major role in the defeat of Japan.(This message has been edit
  7. SM 253, you need to read up on Bob White's philosophy about rules. He believes that all situations are covered by the Scout Law and any rules are "artificial rules." Not that I agree with him, I just find it amusing that the organization which can do no wrong in his eyes finds it necessary to make "artificial rules." "I am sorry if that inconviniences a unit from Manassass or DC.. . . Waiting in a que behind two dozen scouts who are "just visiting" is not what the contingent scouts signed up for. " So the local Scouts are supposed to have their summer disrupted so you and your can
  8. Isn't this 50 mile rule one of Bob White's famous "artificial rules"? Shame on BSA for making artificial rules!
  9. " I also wonder what the quip about "their trailer park" meant?" I assumed that he means that enlisted personnel are "trailer trash."
  10. My council has coverage that is supposed to take care of medical bills but I don't know if it is worth it unless you don't have any other insurance. A few years ago on a camping trip, I wound up going to the hospital for minor injury. Nothing serious, just a few stitches. I used the council insurance and six months later I was still dealing with paperwork. If I had known what a hassle it was going to be, I would have simply used my regular insurance and paid the $25.
  11. Hey! What happened to my last post?
  12. " The SPL can let the ASPL run with the ball as long as he remains abreast of what the ASPL is doing." I would say that the SPL needs to give the ASPL the ball before any running starts.
  13. The web site says 50 miles which doesn't make much sense. First they tell you to visit and then go see other stuff but they say, "don't stay nearby." So if you want to visit DC and see the Jamboree, you need to stay waaaay far away from one or both. Stay so far away that you have to spend half the day driving. 50 miles from AP hill is Richmond, Alexandria, and Manassas, Va. Does this mean that a troop from Manassas can't go camping at the local park?
  14. " These boys aren't there to take a management trainging course. They're there to fantasy role play -- to be the big adventurer," Don't you know that parent now put their sons into Scouting so they can earn Eagle by 14 and have it on their resume before they turn to high school sports, girls and other activities.
  15. "Oh, and please go back to history class to learn how the War of 1812 REALLY started." Oh, I should learn the revisionist history taught by a socialist nation?
  16. The Canuck revisionist blathered, "A couple of patrols? It was called the War of 1812 because it was a WAR, American troops against British troops." It was a war. A war started by the British who attacked American shipping
  17. The Canuck said, "Do you honestly place all of the blame of under-paid childworkers of international sweatshops soley on the local governments of that area?" Sure. Why not? First you tell us that we need to keep our noses out of other countries business and then you want the US government to dictate how much foreign workers should be paid. What a hypocrite!
  18. "What I dont get is why you keep insisting that no locals have complained, when I have already explained that you are in error." The problem is that your explanation is in error. " But I think that your last line sums your type up pretty well: you just dont like dealing with opposing viewpoints, and want anyone who bothers you to go away." Seems that's what you want too. You are the unwanted link, bye-bye.
  19. "I would say that you could start by cleaning up your industrial areas and signing on to the Kioto agreement (why havn't you?)." From what I've read, we haven't signed the Kyoto agreement because it would punish us and allow "developing" nations to continue to pollute. We might not be as clean as Canada but then we do a whole lot more than you do. As for wages in Southeast Asia, we have no say in that matter, that's really up to the local governments. Isn't it? First you chastise us for getting involved in other countries' affairs then you want us to go setting labor policy
  20. " I actually observed a Scout Troop at a Caporee last year where all the boys and an Adult were sporting BDU pants and maroon berets with their Class A shirts. I cannot exagerate how rediculus they looked. I was embarrased for them." If you're going to be embarassed you should also be embarassed for using military terminolgy to describe a uniform. There is no such thing as a "Class A" uniform in Scouting.
  21. "Interesting to see this won't affect the women wearing their pants too low showing their skin or intimate clothing." No? It says, "any person" and the last time that I checked women were considered people too.
  22. Ah, the knife. At one time, nearly every man and most women carried a knife for utility purposes. Now, if you have a knife, you are a terrorist in waiting. If I could get away with it, I'd encourage every Scout to wear the biggest knife that he could carry. No silly fantasy knives, just good old single edged, clip pointed knives. Why? The more that they carry a knife, the less likely they are to do something stupid with it. When I was young, I carried a knife 365 days a year (366 during leap year). It was part of my accoutrements just like my belt, wallet or watch. As it is no
  23. "While not quite ready to go back to 'Finish Tfoot before beginning 2nd Class work' (which would be the death of First Class in the First Year)" Would that be so bad?
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