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Everything posted by AlFansome

  1. "Not providing a program to the boys" ... you're joking right .. ha ha .. lol. Give me a break, some of the hardest working, most dedicated volunteers I know are the commitee members, chairs and district folks. Oh, the BSA disagrees with you, too, otherwise they wouldn't have patches for all those positions...you know, the ones that really shouldn't be following one of the methods of scouting, anyway. (This message has been edited by AlFansome)
  2. Yep..at our last Council annual meeting, there were maybe 3 or 4 Chartered Reps there, and only one other in uniform. Other than that, you never see CORs around here that I can tell. I'm COR through my Kiwanis Club. I had been in the club for 5 years before I found out that we sponsored 2 packs, 2 troops and a crew, which says something about the relationships with the units. It was only after my son became a Cub and I started being a leader in his pack, that I was approached about being the rep for the Kiwanis units. The last year has been interesting as I try to overcome the neglec
  3. As an ego-boosting, self-satisfying show-off with (egads!) 2 shirts and (oh my!) a couple positions that apparently don't take much time, I'm happy for all of you that you can get by with your one shirt for your one position and still have your self-esteem intact. Is there any training that I can take to become as secure as everyone else?
  4. I'm one of those that wears different loops at different times. I'm a Pack Trainer in my son's pack in district A. I'm a Chartered Rep for 2 packs and 2 troops in district B. I'm also on the District Committee as popcorn chair in district A (and technically in district B as a COR as well, I guess). I have 2 shirts: - an ODL shirt with blue loops, red numbers, and my Pack Trainer patch - a Centennial shirt with silver loops and my Chartered Rep patch (no unit numbers) Regardless of the "primary position" thing, I wear my ODL shirt to my son's Pack activities, and I wear m
  5. I hope this comes off the right way, but one thing to watch out for is recognizing them at the expense of other siblings (younger brothers or whatever). Chances are some parent will get his/her noise out of joint if their little tyke isn't also given some equivalent role or position. If you start something, be prepared to have expectations that whatever you do will be continued. This may not be an issue with your pack, but just thought I'd throw it out there. A better way to "recognize" the girls might be to just start including them in skits, invite them (and any other siblings) to
  6. A quick Google search of "Terry Redlin" shows that he's an artist. Probably the one that did the artwork on the can. Anyway, you got a deal..in our council it's $25 for the Trail's End trail mix!
  7. Until a new Eagle Scout Application comes out with the new PORs specifically listed with the rest, then those 2 PORs aren't valid for Eagle, IMHO, regarless of what a summary of rank changes on a website says. Given that those PORs aren't valid for rank advancement until 1/1/2010, anyway, it's a moot point for 4 more months, anyway.
  8. Yes, but the new handbook says otherwise.
  9. Both Webmaster and LNT Trainer count towards Star and Life requirements, but not Eagle.
  10. I saw all the versions in our Scout shop (unwrapped and browse-able) and I wondered why anyone would spend the $$ on anything but the standard book or the spiral bound. The "library edition" seemed like a total waste and the hardcover wasn't all that impressive or usable. You already get the anniversary booklet with the normal or spiral book as well (for a limited time, I think). My $.02, FWIW.
  11. It's part of an elective (#17 - Tie It Right) for Wolf.
  12. Given that the web page is just a summary of changes, I'd go with the book and assume whomever did the web page didn't look closely enough at the book. We'll see if the Eagle requirements at http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/BoyScouts/AdvancementandAwards/eagle.aspx get updated with the new PORs or not. Even then, I'd always put printed ahead of a web page unless there's mention of a correction or other update over the current printed manual. Maybe a new ACP&P will confirm one over the other??
  13. Picked up a copy of the new handbook today and there is indeed an error on http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/BoyScouts/AdvancementandAwards/2010RankUpdates.aspx. Contrary to what it says, Troop Webmaster and Leave No Trace trainer are NOT valid PORs for Eagle (according to the Handbook). All the rest is accurate.
  14. Eagle92- With regard to the back cover of the handbook... Check out the inside front cover....yep, the old ODL uniform! (the button is visible on the pocket). Looks like one year lead-time wasn't enough to get the current artwork in the handbook.
  15. Browsing my wife's leader and SafetyWise books, I found "minimal impact camping". Connect that with something I found on Yahoo! Answers and you get: Minimal Impact Camping Experience
  16. Never mind...reread the original post...(This message has been edited by AlFansome)
  17. No, I don't see it that way. The point they were trying to make was that the leader of the alleged terrorists was a Boy Scout as a youth, and that now he's acting in a decidedly non-Scoutlike way. The whole setup was clunky and didn't work narratively, but it wasn't a slam on scouts. I took it as a terrorist is the antithesis of a Boy Scout. Not too bad a light for Scouts to be cast in. :-)
  18. If you don't need e-mail addresses or forwarding, then check out Decision Design's scout package at http://decisiondesign.com/decisiondesign/scouts.asp At the "Scout Site Introduction" menu item, there are some links to live websites and 2 sample sites for you to play with as well. We use it for our Pack's website at www.palmerpack215.com although they also have a Troop version as well. (Not much is on our site now due to summer, but you get the idea). The cost is right ... zero. All you pay for is your domain name registration of about $10 per year through whatever name prov
  19. More info and a pic at http://www.startribune.com/local/west/51744752.html They were in the 3rd day of their trip, according to the article. Might've been only the 1st or 2nd day on trail, so their ranger might still have been with them as well.
  20. No, that's a patch that'll hang off the right pocket and is larger and rectangular. There are 5 ribbons that can be earned which hang off of it. The Centennial World Crest Ring is on scoutstuff.org (see my link in the 1st post of this thread). They are already in our scout shop for $1.49, I think. Pretty nice looking. I've already got one on my son's uniform, since he saw it at the shop as I was shopping for "old" uniform peices.
  21. Usually one per den (we have a den per grade, typically). Each den's ticket stubs go into a different envelope. This ensures that the prizes are spread around and each group gets a chance. As I said, the primary purpose of the drawing for us is to encourage on-time behavior, and it's been very successful. Any more than that and costs can start to add up over the course of the year.
  22. Speaking of an overhaul of training, I had gotten this in an e-mail conversation with Dan Zaccara at National last month: "We are in the process of revising OLS. When we do there will be one OLS for all Programs. The program specific outdoor courses will go away." This thread sparked my memory on that, so I figured that I'd pass it along. This could be seen as a good thing (Cub leaders getting OLS training) or a bad thing (dumbing down OLS to the least common denominator). It will be interesting to see the results of the revamp.
  23. Eagle92- You're referring to the Phlimont Leadership Challenge (http://philmontleadershipchallenge.org/). It's basically and adult version of NAYLE, which is still very focused on servant leadership and the like. While it is outdoors and things like COPE, Wilderness First Aid, Advanced GPS use, and Search and Rescue Techniques are included, it really seems to be more about Wood Badge leadership/teambuilding from the info on the webpage.
  24. I asked my soon-to-be 5th grader and he said, "Alka-Selzter rockets! Total!" (I guess "totally" is an '80s thing!) I was thinking the same thing. Get a bunch of Fuji 35mm film canisters (the clear kind, not the black/grey ones). Fill 1/4 to 1/3 with water. Add a 1/2 tab of Alka Selzter. Put on cap. Flip over and put on the ground. Wait 30 seconds (or less). To make it more personalized, give the boys some construction paper and tape and they can add a rocket cone on top and some fins and decorations to make it look like a real rocket. Tell them that the Alka-Seltzer is
  25. As Cubmaster, I tried to change it up frequently. Since the prizes where for the boys, they'd be things like: $5 gift card to Scout shop, Jamba Juice, etc... small lego sets (Bionicles) marbles small crafts (balsa wood airplanes) I'd go to Target and wander the toy section to see what they had for around $5 or less. Nothing expensive, but just something to encourage on-time attendance to pack meetings, which had been a problem in the past. All boys arriving on time get tickets for the drawing. Definitely has solved the on-time problem once the parents started hearing it
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