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    • Today there was a more detailed interview with photos by KSL. Shad Stevens is an Eagle Scouts: “I grew up in it. I was a very young Eagle Scout. It was my life as a young man. I got my Eagle Scout when I was 13 years old and then I served in Order of the Arrow and with other organizations, served on junior leadership training camps and a lot as a young man,” Stevens said. “Then after I got married and came back, I immediately became a scoutmaster  and served in scouting for 20 years as a scout leader in one capacity or another.” “Last year and my wife and I went up and toured it and just immediately fell in love with what’s there and knew that this was our future,” Stevens said.   Source link below.  Note the maintenance and building restrictions on historical property mentioned.  I suspect that was a factor in BSA not renewing lease. https://ksltv.com/648984/after-almost-100-years-camp-steiner-to-get-new-life-as-high-adventure-base-camp/
    • I hope this works too.  Keep these camps teaching adventure to youth.  It's too important to lose.
    • LOL, "arm chair", for real? Climbing, caving, boating, swimming not risky?  I would venture to say each one of those has far more injuries and deaths in Scouting than range sports. Have you taken those trainings?  Supervision is not expertise... The trainings are not there to have the unit leader be the subject matter expert for the event.  They are there to inform Scout leaders, "If you want to have this type of event for your unit, here are the points which must be observed..." Take Climb On Safely, for example... The training in no way qualifies a unit leader to take a unit on a climbing activity.  It does inform the unit leader of the qualifications necessary for certified instructors the unit leader MUST have present, though, to conduct the activity safely. Or Safe Swim Defense... the unit leader supervising the activity need not be classified as a swimmer.  But, the unit leader must make sure everyone has a swim classification, enforce the buddy system, have trained response personnel designated, and so on. Same for boating, caving, or your other risky activities. BTW, this past weekend I saw notes from the briefing to Council Execs on these changes.  Part of the changes are to implement a training course for unit leaders, just like Climb On Safely, Safety Afloat, Cave Safely, etc.  When it comes out, I'll make sure to post a link for you, so you can read it from your arm chair.    
    • Again.    Bugling MB...   Scout attempts to play the call(s). After each attempt, he asks, "Did that pass?"   When I ask, "what do you think?"  He responds, "mmmaybe not(sheepish grin)""...  We part company with a partial, but I do not hear from him again....  It's the high G that get's 'em.   But I insist I hear SOMETHING approximating the call as we both hear it on my ancient CD .   Three brothers arrive with new "Hunting Horns", also seen online as a "Cavalry Horn" ( the short little ones , not a "real" bugle).  I tell them, yes with expertise, the calls can be made on these horns. Are they ready?  One says he played trumpet in his school band last year, but not this year. Why?  He didn't like to practice (honesty !). The other two , younger brothers have never even attempted the new (still in the plastic wrap !) horns they have, that their mom bought for them.  For the time allotted, we instruct and they learn to "buzz".   Can I give them a "partial" ?   Do they have their  Blue Cards, as mentioned in the "prerequisites" ?  No, thought I provided them.  So, the mom didn't get them?   I remind them that they , the SCOUTS need to take some more personal responsibility....   I remind them, they have all my contact info, call me when they are ready to DO the Merit Badge .  That was three years ago.  Never heard back from them. This is an all too  usual thing for me....  I have done this by ZOOM, mom or dad in the background....   Discuss, listen, counsel, come back in two weeks, by golly, I can scan off a new Blue Card to them...  Will they come across somebody who will be that Russian MBCounselor (It's Gudinov for me !)?  Yeah...   It's like we are  not out of the Cub Scout mentality of  "Do Your Best"  as sufficient.  Then there are the few Scouts who come ready.  An hour later, I sign a Blue Card .  A new Wynton Marsalis?  Perhaps.... 
    • Because unit leaders are not supposed to be trained to supervise; BSA leaders are either trained and certified for shooting sports or they are completely unqualified, there is no middle ground. The liability around shooting sports is so risky that there is no room for the arm chair supervisors of the other BSA programs. 
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