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advertisements in Boy's Life

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Can we get somebody in Irving to look at a 1975 issue of Boy's Life and calc the square inches of ad space compared to today?



C'mon Pedro are we selling video games or making men here?



Somebody ought to pay my kid to read 75 ads worth of crap and one good story about Scouting


Not looking to dump the magazine, I want it to be better!!!!!!




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Yes $1 for sure.


$5 for no ads with video games.


Where the heck is LL Bean, Cabelas and Bass proshops, jann's netcraft

Remington, Ruger, mossberg and Federal


Nike, Fubu, wilson, rawlings.


The subscrirtion can never equal the costs without ads that's publishing 101, but c'mon the thing is FULL of worthless crap to buy.


Ed, did you and F have a scuffle someplace else that accounts for his tone?

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and then, again Trev, the Pope is only infallible when talking about faith and morals and talking "ex cathedra", something last done in 1950.


Nope - he's fallible there, too. He's human! All humans are fallible!


Ed Mori

1 Peter 4:10

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"Just drives me crazy that there are those who feel the BSA is always correct regardless of what they do."


Help me out here Ed. I'm over 50 and don't remember stuff, except that BSA IS always correct. Can you give an example of where BSA is ever wrong?

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There are plenty of good stories of Scouting in Boy's Life. Yes, there are many ads for video games and such, but then again I'm 45 years old and Boy's Life is not targeted to me. I think that's why they send me "Scouting".


No problems here. My son enjoys it and I get an good read out of it as well.

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Pardon me Ed, but I'm jumping in here. FScouter, BSA was wrong IMO when they changed to the Oscar de la Renta uniform. Elvis collars, Captain Crunch shoulder loops, ill fitting shirts and pants. The uniform of the 70's was great. We never had a "class B", because it wasn't needed. Shirts stayed tucked in, the uniform held up well against dirt, laundered well too.


Bringing in the current ball cap with the red bill-board in front. Goodness, that thing is awful.


I believe that BSA was wrong when it decided to allow (duck!, here come the arrows, stones and other ammunition) women as SM's and ASM's. I know and appreciate the valuable contributions women have made to BSA over the last 20 years or so, but as a youth and young ASM, I NEVER saw a woman in a Boy Scout uniform, not at the troop, district, OA, nothing. I know in today's world where the "home for un-wed mothers" no longer exists and being a "single-mom" is actually glorified, woman have played an important role in BSA.


Ladies, before you try to beat me up, realize that I will support BSA's rule and welcome the service and role that women make and provide. I'm just saying that I may not exactly agree 'whole-heartedly' with it, but I support it.


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