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Unusual Eagle Project - service outside US and a website

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Around here many Eagle candidates have proposed creating websites and I far as I know none have been approved  as Eagle projects mostly due to leadership questions.

And I can't say I know of any Eagle projects which were not local in service.

But Ethan Bald of Troop 301 in Maine did both, he created a website for Damien House a residential hospital for Hansen (leprosy) patients in Ecuador. 

His Council needed convincing.

Interesting story at source link (you can skip Google survey)


Here is the website Ethan created


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Very nice.  The key I think is in the leading not just doing component of any project.  You can build some benches and a walking trail in your local park by going out by yourself for a few days and doing the work, or you can do it by organizing and directing others to do the work alongside you.  The same certainly applies to a building a web site: do all the work yourself or gather a group of people and lead them through the component steps to getting the website built.

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This seems to be a natural next step for the Troop Webmaster position of responsibility. Any very good website requires a team effort. I've offered such leadership opportunities to venturers, and they passed because they knew what it entailed.

I know of one from our troop that involved collecting children's books for World Vision Relief and Development. However, the shipping warehouse is just down the road, so all of the work effort was local. I've read of other projects where with a global scope. The fact is, some of our fellow citizens are involved in relief work in far-flung parts. The scouts who they know get invited to participate in some small way and their world-view expands. In return, some of those scouts would naturally desire their Eagle project to benefit the charity that opened their eyes to the needs of a hurting world.

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