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What are your Eagle Scout Traditions?

Snow Owl

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Our troop provides the Eagle Kit, an embroidered Eagle square knot (for them to wear later when they turn 18, or to wear now, if they've already turned 18), and a special CSP our council makes and sells that says "Eagle Scout".  The council provides an "I'm Proud Of My Eagle Scout" bumper sticker.


Parents pay for the necker and slide, although we often pick it up for them when we pick up the Eagle Kit at the Scout Shop.

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They really do vary by family. But around here there is a grand tradition of a ceremony followed by some kind of meal (lighter if it is in the evening, grander if it is in the afternoon. Both of our sons procrastinated, so theirs was in the late morning/afternoon followed by a big party at our house the Sunday after high school graduation.


As to the ceremonies themselves, NESA has a booklet (http://www.nesa.org/PDF/EagleCeremonyBooklet3.pdf) from which most of the boys take their script.


However, I give points for creativity, and have always wanted to see a ceremony in the form of a panel discussion where the SPL takes questions from the audience to ask of the Eagle, his mentor, a friend, a representative from the service project beneficiary, and a parent. If anyone pulls it off, please post it with attention to me.

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Candles.  Darkness.  Solemnity. Then celebration.


Have someone important to the Troop or the Scout (not necessarily a "famous" person....)   read a speech about his history, the history of Scouting, the Eagle...  and give the Eagle Charge.   Make sure the speaker is up to the task and doesn't just read something from the internet. 


The COH is the Scout's and his family's party, planned and executed with the help of the Troop.  Some traditional stuff, some ceremonial stuff, some "special" stuff.   SM , mom and dad, the nascent Eagle's Scout buddies should be included. 


And then the Barbecue and cake.....

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Invite Eagle Scouts from your district and community. Whether they're involved in your troop or not, most are delighted to be able to attend an Eagle COH.


This is from a recent Eagle COH I was honored to attend. Everyone on this stage is an Eagle Scout with the exception of the pastor (light blue shirt).

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Old pictures showing their journey through Scouting are very cool.

This is from the same Eagle COH pictured above. These two young men started Scouting together and have remained friends. One has since moved away, but they each went to the other's Eagle ceremony.


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