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Cyberchip for scout rank. How to handle?

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So here's my question. Brand new crossed over scouts come up to me and ask me "How do I earn the cyber chip, the book doesn't tell me how" So I looking into it and it's done online. There's a 4th-5th grade and a 6-8 chip. So the 4-5 grade chip says to do stuff and present to your den, pack, etc...But AOL scouts are 5th graders in boyscouts, not cubscouts.

So do you change the requirements or have the 5th graders do the 6th grade requirements? Or do you tell them they can't have scout rank until 6th grade...IMO this is a real BSA screwup.

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So here's my question. Brand new crossed over scouts come up to me and ask me "How do I earn the cyber chip, the book doesn't tell me how" So I looking into it and it's done online. There's a 4th-5th grade and a 6-8 chip. So the 4-5 grade chip says to do stuff and present to your den, pack, etc...But AOL scouts are 5th graders in boyscouts, not cubscouts.

So do you change the requirements or have the 5th graders do the 6th grade requirements? Or do you tell them they can't have scout rank until 6th grade...IMO this is a real BSA screwup.


The advice I recently got from the district advancement chair was to go by grade, disregard the nomenclature. I'd check with your district person to see what they advise.

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You're gonna get as many different opinions here as there are options + 1.


BSA left it open. Your boys have crossed into a (hopefully) boy led troop. So they should ask their patrol leader (PL) what would be best to do. If the PL doesn't know, he can ask the senior patrol leader (SPL), who can then ask the (SM), who may contact the committee member (MC) who is the advancement chair (AC) who will write us on this site and share your misery. Then waste precious time with your committee chair (CC) at round table (RT) while the roundtable commishioner (RC) or district executive (DE) make up something on the fly.


Welcome your boys to the land of obtuse abbreviations! Maybe you're one of those. In which case, bless you.


Really, tell the boys who are interested that you are proud of them for asking. Let them and their patrol leader(s) sit with you and go over the options. Ask them which one they would like to do, making it clear that you will support them in whatever they choose.


Then tell your district what your boys decided to do with the freedom BSA gave them.

(Maybe let us know as well.)


FYI - You're not alone in this quandry: http://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/forums/topic/2016-scout-rank-cyber-chip-and-new-crossovers/

Edited by qwazse
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I would think the grade is indicative of the relevancy to the scout's age appropriate understanding, not a designation of their grade in school.  It would be rather pointless to have a 1-2 grade approach to the subject for a 5-6 grade boy.  I'm having problems with boys not having access to the internet at these ages.  That's another whole ballgame out there being played appropriately by concerned and informed parents.

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We just did this for the entire troop. I had to lead it as no one in the troop even knew about it. 

I did mine in groups of three.

Each older boy above grade 8, covered two topics for the EDGE method. It was kinda hard using the EDGE to teach a boy to understand the rules for being online. 

The boy in the under 8 did one of the simplier topics. 


I told them to write a paragraph explaining what they are covering and develop three questions behind each subject to ask the troop. 

Then let someone ask and correct them if they are wrong. 


It went ok. 
Most of my kids already understood the rules of being online. The only one they questioned was the media ownership. Some thought it was ok to download music for free. 

I told them it is but only if they are giving it away. Treat the internet buying like a store, you cant just take a CD/DVD and walk out. You have to pay for it.


One mom didnt agree with the not looking at questionable images, and that boys will be boys. I told her that is why we are covering it. That stuff is not healthy and doesnt keep the boys mind "clean". He will then objectify women etc... Not to mention its against the law.

She disagreed. I told her to make the adjustment as needed but I couldnt give the boy his Cyber Chip. She is still not happy about it. I really tried to help her understand but at this point I dont care. Until he is 18, its illegal and stupid. 

Im sure she will try to go up the ladder with it. Look lady I dont make the rules I just follow them.


As for the recharge all of mine did it in two week periods, if I get new boys Ill put them through the course but on the same date we will all watch the video and call it done.

Edited by htusa31
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The only one they questioned was the media ownership. Some thought it was ok to download music for free. I told them it is but only if they are giving it away. Treat the internet buying like a store, you cant just take a CD/DVD and walk out. You have to pay for it.


Not sure I get this point. Are they giving away music they wrote and performed for free? If not, you cannot give ANY music you don't own the rights to for free.

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Not sure I get this point. Are they giving away music they wrote and performed for free? If not, you cannot give ANY music you don't own the rights to for free.

I think he means that unless the people on the internet are giving away the music, one has to pay for it.  At first with the pronouns I thought that one could download music as long as the person doing the downloading gives it away free.  No, only if the music on the internet is free can one download it without paying for it.

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Not sure I get this point. Are they giving away music they wrote and performed for free? If not, you cannot give ANY music you don't own the rights to for free.


Let me rephrase. "I told them it is ok to download free music from the internet. As long as it from a reputable source and the source is giving it away for free.

For example: Amazon.

One day Amazon decides to give away Adele's "Hello". Then and only then is it ok to download for free. 


They understood what I was saying. One said "So you mean no P2P, or torrents etc... ?" 

He was pretty bummed about it, though I still think he will download it anyway.

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Let me rephrase. "I told them it is ok to download free music from the internet. As long as it from a reputable source and the source is giving it away for free.

For example: Amazon.

One day Amazon decides to give away Adele's "Hello". Then and only then is it ok to download for free. 


They understood what I was saying. One said "So you mean no P2P, or torrents etc... ?" 

He was pretty bummed about it, though I still think he will download it anyway.

I understand now. Makes sense.


Did you discuss the difference between freeware and shareware too?

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One mom didnt agree with the not looking at questionable images, and that boys will be boys. I told her that is why we are covering it. That stuff is not healthy and doesnt keep the boys mind "clean". He will then objectify women etc... Not to mention its against the law.

She disagreed. I told her to make the adjustment as needed but I couldnt give the boy his Cyber Chip. She is still not happy about it. I really tried to help her understand but at this point I dont care. Until he is 18, its illegal and stupid. 

Im sure she will try to go up the ladder with it. Look lady I dont make the rules I just follow them.


Welcome to post-modernism. Your respective narratives are all fine and good until one's restrictive sexual ethic runs afoul of the other's perceived essential natural sexual development.

My line: A fella ought notta be gawking at someone else's spouse. It was as novel in the first century as it is today, but I'm rolling with it.

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Welcome to post-modernism. Your respective narratives are all fine and good until one's restrictive sexual ethic runs afoul of the other's perceived essential natural sexual development.

My line: A fella ought notta be gawking at someone else's spouse. It was as novel in the first century as it is today, but I'm rolling with it.


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Not sure I get this point. Are they giving away music they wrote and performed for free? If not, you cannot give ANY music you don't own the rights to for free.


I believe what is meant here is something like what U2 did, they gave their entire album away for free.

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