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Where Active Carries Weight


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So @@John-in-KC doesn't want us blethering all over his 7-year-old "hot" topic about BSA's evolving definition of active. :p


But, before he closed the thread @@scoutergipper mentioned that his boys were looking for a way that only active youth could vote in PoR elections. He ended with the rhetorical question about wouldn't it be interesting if that's how things were done in real life. Well, I can think of one instance where it sort of applies: stocks. The more you purchase, the more votes you have at board meetings. That means little to us average investors, but those folks who hustle up and bought more than a few percent of a company often did so to have a hand in the running of things.


If your troop has a really diligent Scribe, he could determine the number of "shares" each scout has in the troop based on the last 6 months activity. Talk about turning a PoR that lots of folks toss away into something requiring serious leadership! :eek:  Boys could then "vote their shares" for SPL elections, troop activities, meeting length, etc ...


I have no idea if this would actually motivate more boys to be invested in troop life. But it's an interesting way to think about the meaning of "active" beyond "what you need to do for advancement." :ph34r:

Edited by qwazse
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