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Eagle Project to remove invasive plants from city park - oops

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If one were to be able to recognize it readily, one would notice it's all over the place. :) Law enforcement has been trying to eradicate it from the landscape for years. One does not have to do anything but look for the wild stuff if one doesn't want to spend the time cultivating it in pots.


Once the scout figures out his plant identification, then he can move up to the mushrooms.



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Years ago I found a glass pipe on my lawn and not wanting in my trash I called the police to come get it. The officer and I had a good chat and he explained it was all over the place especially around the drainage creeks and they just let the wild stuff be because while you might get a little high it also causes a severe headache. Natural consequences. :)

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Years ago I found a glass pipe on my lawn and not wanting in my trash I called the police to come get it. The officer and I had a good chat and he explained it was all over the place especially around the drainage creeks and they just let the wild stuff be because while you might get a little high it also causes a severe headache. Natural consequences. :)


Hmmm, good police PR! Iowa Gold is still highly regarded in the "industry". It's the wild stuff from Iowa which during the World Wars was prime area for growing hemp for rope. It grows wild all over the place. I even saw it in elderly ladies flower gardens growing wild. They eventually pulled out the weeds and no one was none the wiser.


Aerial enforcement is now used to find the MJ patches in the middle of Iowa cornfields and it wasn't that long ago law enforcement pulled up plants being cultivated in an Iowa state park.


Maybe the headaches come from the railroads who spray massive amounts of herbicides on their right-of-ways to deter the wild variety. For a long time ditches were mowed, but not so much once the price of gas went up so the crops are coming back on a more regular basis.



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We used to refer to it as 'ditch weed', lol. As far as quality goes, it was grown for rope and you might as well just smoke a hemp rope. No one in their right mind would cultivate that stuff for its 'mind adjustment' qualities. But then, being in right mind isn't exactly the goal I suppose.


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While watching a program on federal agents violating an indian reservation to destroy a crop of hemp, they discussed that it would actually be quite smart to allow cultivation of hemp because it would naturally cross-pollinate and wreck the potency of growing operations.

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