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Pleasant diversion - Sputnik - just for fun

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warning, it is not what you think:




A friend of mine had Sputnik as his neighbor when he was growing up. He tells some good stories. I thought that the anniversary of his namesake was a fitting occasion. I remember him as the bad guy we all booed. Those were the days.


FWIW, championship wrestling is real. Or so I am told by people who seem absolutely convinced.(This message has been edited by packsaddle)

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A great story but I''m a Dusty Rhoads fan, and enjoy when Mr. Wrestling #2 takes the ring also.


(Suspending all belief processes into a childlike innocence)And yes those ARE the finest conditioned athletes in the world today. Wrestling is absolutely the real deal - you just can''t write stories like the ones that play out in the WWE.(Okay, I''m back)

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Yeah, Trevorum, I thought you''d like that article. Amazing!

Gunny, long after my childhood I would turn on Championship Wrestling on the TV. Turn the sound off...and then put on the orchestral score to almost any ballet. Combined with a brew or two, it was another amazing combination for one more pleasant diversion.

I now promote Championship Wrestling as "Redneck Ballet".

Hey, it works!

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