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Proper Use of the Flag - Super Bowl Half - time


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(As I aid the downhill spiral of this thread...)


Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan is one of my favorite movies of all time. The movies are very hit and miss, but that particular movie set the groundwork for the franchise of Star Trek films.


Sort of on the thread topic: Has anyone seen the boxer shorts with the American flag design? I don't mind handkerchiefs or T-shirts, but I draw the line at underwear. I vividly remember seeing those on display in many stores after Sept. 11. Just like Kid Rock's presentation, it's poor taste.


Althought I must admit, when I came back from a trip to London, just about everything I bought had the Union Jack on it somewhere (towels, mugs, flip-flops, etc). Maybe it's just different to me when it's the flag of the United States of America.

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Questions that kept swirling in my head as I read this column:


If Kid Rock was draped in the official American flag, one that had flown over the White House on a Sunday and was then shot out of a cannon across the stadium at half-time while the National Anthem was being played by the Marine's Drum and Bugle Corps, would it have been against the law then?


What about J.J.'s lowering of her American bosom to half mast before a very patriotic crowd? Was the proper flag etiquette to salute or stand silently at attention?


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I watched the game with a group of young people aged about 15 or 16. There is still a lot that I don't understand about American Football. I understand even less about how young people watch a game. A few of them were happy to lie on the carpet and do something on a laptop.A couple did watch the game, all had their cell phones in hand at all times sending and receiving text messages.

None of them seemed to be over the moon about the half time show. In their opinion the songs were all old and Kid Rock "Sucks" (Their word not mine!!) I have tried hard to find Rap music that isn't too hard on my ears, isn't full of cuss words and that I'm able to translate into English. I have found a few songs. In fact the Black Eyed Peas with Justin Timberlake do have a couple of neat songs.

I think this was my first exposure to Kid Rock, I don't at this time have any plans to rush out and buy any of their stuff. While what he did with the flag was wrong. I couldn't help thinking about the Who and Queen who both wore the Union Flag at concerts and the Who have a cover with the Union Flag with the word Who cut into it. I never thought what they were doing was wrong in fact I was happy that they were doing so much to help the economy.

Janet will be back next Sunday at the Grammy Awards. Justin will more the lightly win one as WILL George Harrison!!!

Who knows this time next week we might be discussing if Beer For My Horses amounts to cruelty to animals.


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I think the issue is respect - respect for the flag. Was the way the flag displayed on Kid Rock disrespectful? Did Kid Rock treat the flag with disrespect? Do people who wear flag clothing do it to be disrespectful? Remember, our USA Olympic team has had flag jackets!


Ed Mori

1 Peter 4:10

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Ed, I agree with you, the issue is respect, and maybe more to the point, whether the guy intended respect or disrespect for the flag, and how MOST of the audience took it -- not just those who sit there with a copy of the Flag Code handy. So, what do you think? I think the message that was intended by the singer and received by most of the audience was "Go U.S.A.!," and not one of disrespect.

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He showed disrepect for the flag by cutting a hole in it and draping it on his sweaty body.


FOG, I guess you were paying more attention to him than I was. Actually when I heard the screamy/rappy stuff starting I just headed out to the kitchen to get re-supplied. After that I just heard my daughter comment that his second song was "really old," which in her limited perspective of time probably means that it was from 2001. I didn't really stop wandering until the commentators came back, which means that Janet Jackson's flash of brilliance was news to me the next morning on the radio.


But back to the flag, it seems to me that you are putting the emphasis on the flag as a piece of cloth, rather than as a symbol embroidered on a piece of cloth. He may have done violence to the piece of cloth, but really not to the symbol, in my opinion.

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The piece of cloth is the symbol just as those two boards nailed together are the symbol of a religion.


I can't claim to be an expert on that particular religion, although I did spend "Scout Sunday" morning in a Presbyterian service. But I didn't think the symbol was the "two boards." (Three, when I am passing the Polish or Ukranian church.)I thought the symbol was a shape meant to represent the original "boards", just like a particular arrangement of stars and stripes are the symbol of our country, and the cloth is just the medium on which it is represented. If I see a cross in a painting or stained-glass window, or in steel on top of a church, or in gold around someone's neck, it's all the same symbol. You don't revere the material, you revere the symbol the material was used to make. (If any of this is incorrect, I'd appreciate it if someone (other than FOG) would tell me, but this is how it has always seemed to me.)


As for your opinion, we all know what I think of most of your opinions.


Yes we do, and that's just fine with me. It's when you agree with me that I have to start worrying, and re-examinining my opinions.

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Actually, if is the Ukes, it would be four boards. The Poles are Catholics and use the standard Catholic crucifix.


You just agreed with me. The cross out of any material is the symbol and should be revered. ("You don't revere the material, you revere the symbol the material was used to make.")


The flag is the symbol and deserves to be treated with respect.

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