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Tucked or Untucked


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I managed to do about 100 miles on the AT and 80 miles at Philmont last year with my shirt tucked in. It isn't that big of a problem.


Yah, I said bein' truly active, eh? ;)


Try to do that runnin' around playin' a wide game, climbin' trees, racin' your buddy in a sprint to the trading post and the like!




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"Try to do that runnin' around playin' a wide game, climbin' trees, racin' your buddy in a sprint to the trading post and the like!"


When I was young, I did. When I worked on a loading dock, I did. I refereed hundreds of high school basketball games in which most of the players managed to keep their shirts in. Those who didn't managed to get them back in at the first opportunity. Baseball players keep their shirts in. I don't watch tennis anymore but when I played tennis, we kept our shirts in. It really isn't that hard. Well, maybe it is for you.


"Ethical choices come from within, using your brain, applying principals, morals, character, and knowledge."


Principals, morals and knowledge are all components of guidelines.(This message has been edited by Gold Winger)(This message has been edited by Gold Winger)

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I normally don't weigh in on uniform stuff, but the class A uniform should be tucked in.


If it's an outside activity, that's what troop polo's and t-shirts are for. I think in time kids just grow accustomed to tucking in even those shirts.


If it's a troop meeting and it's a game, then if it untucks - no big deal, but when the game is over and the closing ceremony is coming up, then tuck them back in. My troop wore class Bs under our As all the time. It made it more uniform all the time - also helped keep everyone equal and not only one kid looking dorky... Plus belts are apart of the uniform, so tucking in isn't that much of a problem either...


I'm a little nervous about the new uniforms personally. That's a whole other topic. I wonder if they'll update the cub and venturing uniforms to go along with it.

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If one is exerting oneself to the point where the dress uniform becomes untucked, it might be a good time to take the dress uniform off for a more casual wear. If one is dressed up, they are to look their best and that means tucked in. Otherwise, why would BSA put so much effort into a belt that no one's going to see.


And when all is said and done, in any business setting, even with business casual, it expects the clothing to be worn correctly and that means shirts are tucked in.


Sorry, but sloppy is not dress in anyone's book. When people show up at a wedding with a tux and shirt untucked, I'll reconsider, or asked the gentleman to leave because he's obviously had too much to drink.



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My vote is for tucked. When a Uniform is Untucked it looks sloppy, and disrespectful. As for wearing your class a in the field, WHY??? It is just stupid to wear your class a when doing work, it gives more possibility to getting the uniform dirty, another possible disrespect. I feel that the BSA is getting too soft and lax with their judgement on things like this. Whatever happened to the days when you just went out into the woods with only what you could fit into your pack, no trailers or any of that, and just camped and enjoyed nature? We should focus on getting back to the basics of scouting, in other words, look professional. Its a shirt, not a skirt, tuck it in.

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Scouts always used to wear their Class A's/field uniform whenever they went on an outing. The uniform was made for that up until about 25 years ago. And with the new uniform they are trying to bring back that idea.


When my dad was in Scouts in the 60's his troop wore their full uniform in the field. And, judging by candid photographs, they managed to keep their shirts in their pants.


Like Beavah said, if you're running around playing a game or climbing a tree it may get untucked.


Just tuck it back in after.


Getting the uniform dirty on an outing is not disrespect. Wearing the Boy Scout hat backwards or refusing to wash the uniform when you get home is.


Has anyone with the new uniform found it a problem to keep their shirt in?


Ditro(This message has been edited by ditro)(This message has been edited by Ditro)

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"Has anyone with the new uniform found it a problem to keep their shirt in? "


Funny you should ask that question. I haven't bought one myself because the Scout Shop staff, who have always been helpful, informed, and very knowledgeable, were ALL commenting on how the new shirts are shorter in the same size then the old uniforms. One guy I know a bit went on to tell me that most of them have a problem keeping it tucked when they reach over their head to get something.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I purchased one of the new uniform shirts last week, and I can tell you that they are nearly impossible to keep tucked in, even in the most moderate of activities. The new uniform shirt is a good 3-4 inches shorter than the comparably sized old shirt and as others have noted, has the squared-off bottom like a casual shirt, Hawaiian shirt, etc. I talked with a couple of the other leaders in our Troop that had purchased the new ones and to a man, they were having the same problem. We discussed not wearing them tucked in, because with that type of bottom, they are designed to be worn in or out, but frankly I think the look is pretty bad with it out. The real question is does it look worse worn out, or a constant state of half coming out of your pants. At our last meeting, I literally had to retuck it every time I reached to the side or over my head. A couple of our leaders have went back to the old-style uniform, but that isn't an option for me as I needed a larger size, and that prompted the purchase of the new one in the first place. I like the feel of the material and the look of the shirt, but the tucked/untucked thing is driving me crazy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think the key word here is "uniform" We are not just referring to a "uniform".

We are also referring to "uniform" organization and thus an organization that is "uniform" in appearance. Granted, if a patrol leaders council declares they want the troop to wear tails out, then the whole troop must particpate in this in order for it to be uniform, just like the military with the OG 108 fatigues which were only worn outside on orders when the heat category index reached a certain level.

However, if one notes, in very few or none of scoutings publications do we see the uniform worn untucked. IMYGOD! But it's not in writing!

It seems to me that wearing the uniform untucked is wearing it sloppily, and not presenting a positive image of scouting. If the uniform is going to be worn, it should be worn correctly. How many scouters out there would suggest a scout appear before an eagle board of review with the shirt untucked? Or how about a job interview? For those who say one has nothing to do with the other, they forget that one of the most important fundimentals of scouting is to prepare a scout for life.

As scouting is a uniform organization in the public's eye I believe the uniform should be presented in a positive way.

When I returned from the military to my old troop the wear of the uniform at meetings was almost non-existant, but in the 2+years since nearly all now wear uniforms to meetings, and this has been positively noted by both new scout parents and the parents of the older scouts.

As far as the new uniforms being cut too short is concerned, I`ve noticed that the same scouts that most often did not wear uniforms to meetings in the past were also the ones that would not tuck it in, the key word here being more "individualism" or dare I say protest or even rebellion than uniformity, which may be fine with street clothes since than I would not be forced to have a boys underwear flashed at me above their jeans when an untucked shirt covers it, but as a uniform which is worn with a uniform organization I believe that the adult leaders must work to instil a scouts pride in scouting, in his troop, in his uniform and yes, in himself.


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The 3x is 6 inches longer than the 2x, proablem is the new 3x is a much larger shirt than the previous 3x so now I wear a 2x. I may have to sew a "tail" on mine, no proablem upfront but the back is always working out, but this has been a proablem for me with most shirts.


If the shirt was ment to be worn out it should look more like the BDU blouse with large lower pockets, actully I wish such a item was offered.

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Personally I think all those wearing a uniformed shirt should have it tucked into their pants at all times. The funny thing about it is that in our pack. The one person that goes around telling kids to tuck their shirts in. Always has their shirt hanging out. Mainly due to their obesity. Maybe if they'd stop eating McD's everyday (literally) they would probably be able to tuck their shirt in.

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