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New "Youth Protection" Requirements for T-2C-1C


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So what is the proper way of handling a bully nowadays? Does anyone know if the BSA national council has only "approved" answers to the bully and cyber-bully requirements added this year?


I only ask because I never really had to deal with bullies growing up. My father was a teacher at my school, and was known as the strict, tough teacher. So, I think they tended to leave me alone.


I was thinking of ringing up "Dr. Laura" on this one...


jack messick

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There is a good article in the past Scouting magazine and one that was in about a year ago I think it was, you might check it out on-line in the Scouting magazine archives. The Boy's Life magazine covers this about once a year as well. So will the next printing of the Boy Scout Handbook.


You might also invite the school psychologist to come and talk to the troop about the topic.(This message has been edited by Bob White)

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I want NATIONAL to tell us the answers.....Schools don't have them and do not stop bullying. I know- both my boys were picked on by bullies.  The only way they finally got them to stop was when they got bigger than the bullies and  flatened them. They only had to do it once.

The schools never helped, they kept asking my boys what they could do and how they could fix it. One of my sons was badly choked in school. They did nothing to that  kid and belive it or not, actually put him in the SAME class as my son! Even though he was still threating my son.  I once had to call the police to get a death threat handled as the school admin. kept putting me off. When the police showed up things changed. Schools now only CYA for themselves. They put off parents hoping that they will drop it!

If  BSA has the answer - lets hear it!!!!

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I don't think these should be requirements for rank. Yes it should be dealt with, but having these as rank requirements is more of a CYA move than an actual way to deal with the problem (if in fact there is a problem).


Ed Mori

1 Peter 4:10(This message has been edited by evmori)

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What we think or not is moot. National Advancement Committee has placed these on the table. This is one of those times we swallow and just do it.


If you search back on this topic, Eamonn had a huge resource in a ScoutsUK pub on bullying. I've made copies for local families, I believe it that good!

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I do not think the BSA is tryig to say they have all the answers for this problem. They are saying that they recognize that this is a serious nationwide problem that effects scout aged youth and so it effects Scouts.


Because of that they are trying to help give youth tools to address the problem in hopes of keeping as many as possible from becoming victims. When the BSA develops information like this they don't have a bunch of scouting professionals sit around a table and put this info together. They go to experts on the subject and have them develop the requirements and instructions based on their knowledge and experience in the field.


You seem angry that the BSA would recognize the problem and try to help, other would be angry if the BSA did not recognize the problem or did not try to address it. Given the options it would seem the BSA is trying to take responsible steps to help protect youth.


This is not the first time that the BSA has used the program to address social issues that effect youth. I do not know exactly where you stand on that but personally I appreciate their efforts.



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OK FScouter.


The T-2-1 ranks requirements are, as another poster put it, basic skills. These requirements aid in teaching Scout basic outdoor, cooling, camping, etc. skills. Understanding how to identify a bully & other "Youth Protection" issues is not a basic skill & boys working on these ranks will probably not understand what is being taught. It's over most of their heads. These requirements should be added to the S-L ranks (if at all) where the boys are older & have a better chance of understanding them. Personally, I think it's a CYA for the BSA similar to the DARE requirements & the recruiting requirement. Little substance.


Ed Mori

1 Peter 4:10

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Heck, I remember schoolyard bullies in first, second and third grade. I didnt have any trouble identifying them, they were the ones who knocked me over and generally made fun of my cub scout uniform and den mother mom.


The neighborhood had a bully, big guy who terrorized all the kids. I remember the day I stood up to him, cost me a busted lip, a black eye and generally a lot of pain. I guess he wasnt a bully, but a quickly developing sociopath. I refrained from standing up to him from that point. Perhaps the idea is to educate the youth that being bullied is not the natural order of things, well, perhaps it is the natural order of things, it was where I grew up, but that its not supposed to be the natural order of things.


Heck, I just had a thought strike me, Ed doesnt think there should be Anti-Bullying requirements, the BSA does. Does this constitute a Culture War? Pitting that which is against what BSA wants?(This message has been edited by OldGreyEagle)

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