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About those Eagle Reference Letters


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Based on a comment from another thread, I have to point out that in BSA literature there is no such thing as three "required" reference letters for the Eagle rank. This is what point 5 from the 12 steps to Eagle brochure says:


"When the completed application is received at the council service center, its contents will be verified and the references contacted. The council advancement committee or its designee contacts the person listed as a reference on the Eagle Scout Rank Application either by letter, form, or telephone checklist. The council determines the method or methods to be used. The candidate should have contacted those individuals listed as references before including their names on the application. The candidates should not be involved personally in transmitting any correspondence between persons listed as references and the council service center."


It's up to the scout to ask people if they will be references and then list them. That's it. No three letters of reference. The Eagle apllication has 5 lines and requires at least 4 names (parents are considered as one). Its those 4 names that are contacted for a reference.


I understand how prevalent the three letters thing is, but challenge someone to produce where it says 3 letters are required, or that the scout is supposed to ask for them and see what happens.


Certified troops look better and better every time


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This thread should explain OGE idea to you.




This thought has came up in many other threads, you may want to do a search for certified if you want to see where else in these forums this has been discussed.


Do not take this post as me agreeing of disagreeing with this idea, I am only giving you the info.



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OGE: I am glad you posted this.

Our council has a printed form used for written reference. It looks like it dates from 3/98. I think they would accept something not on the pre-printed form too. The point is, based on your description we have been doing it wrong for a long time because we have the candidates contact the references and give them the form, or mail it to them, asking them to hand it back sealed in an envelope or mailed. They bring them, unopened, to the BOR or submit them prior. I'm going to ask our Dist Exec and Dist Adv Chair what their understanding of the procedures are.

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In our council, the EBOR are conducted by the unit committee, with a District representative present. The committee chairman requests the reference letters and they are mailed directly back. The scout is not involved in the process, except for providing the reference names on his application. On the evening of the BOR, the letters are opened and reviewed by the BOR members along with the other materials before the scout is called into the room.


Just be aware that procedures may not be the same in every council.

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There is no requirement for letters of recommendation. I don't have an Eagle application in front of me but I think the requirement is to list people who would be willing to recommend you for Eagle Scout. A phone call can be made to accomplish this and this is to be done by the advancement committee, not the Scout or his Troop.


Ed Mori

Troop 1

1 Peter 4:10

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