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Posts posted by SiouxRanger

  1. On 8/1/2023 at 5:43 PM, AwakeEnergyScouter said:

    Of course that was all true, but there wasn't much to respond to in terms of how to right the wrong exactly. Of course it has to be righted, for the reasons you articulated, but the question is how to deal with the situation skillfully so that the right thing really happens. (Bully stops bullying, victim feels welcomed and supported by the whole group.) 

    What response were you expecting?

    Thanks for your reply.

    I thought there might be a flurry of objection to my compassionate view of things.  I don't have the training or answers either, but there has been so much bashing of those least able to defend themselves.

  2. On 7/25/2023 at 5:10 AM, RememberSchiff said:

    Camp Roland (Buckskin Council,  Bastian, VA) located near Bastian, Va., is to be sold after serving Scouts for about 90 year, according to Dan Trent, program chair, Mountain Dominion District.

    Scout Executive Jeffrey Purdy said there were several factors behind the decision:

    • several Boy Scout councils have merged since 1970. “Each one brought in one or more Scout camps through the mergers,” he said. “There have been six or seven camps we’ve been responsible for.”
    • Covid-19 pandemic
    • national organization declaring bankruptcy impacted the BSA’s finances.
    • membership drop
    • a “world-class” Scouting facility, the Summit Bechtel Reserve in Fayette County.  For example, Buckskin Council will hold an Emergency Preparedness Camporee at Bechtel Summit on Oct 6-8, 2023.

    "On July 6, the Buckskin Council BSA signed a memorandum of understanding with the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources (WVDNR). This memorandum will to utilize various state parks for activities while encouraging scouts to contribute to the conservation and preservation of these natural treasures through service projects.

    Under the terms of this agreement, scouts from the Buckskin Council will have the opportunity to camp for free in designated state parks, such as Pipestem Resort and North Bend, as long as the requested facility is available for use on the requested date. Recreational activities may also be provided at a reduced or negotiated rate, depending on volume, availability, operational hours and the time of year.

    Before starting a service project, scouting units will be required to complete volunteer agreements and obtain project approval from the WVDNR’s West Virginia State Parks section. State Parks personnel may also provide educational programming, such as merit badge classes and counseling, to visiting scouts."

    More at Source:


    My Council's President recently represented the fact of selling off about a third of our council's camp to pay the council's share of the bankruptcy as "fortunate" as the land sold (for about $1 Million) had never been used by the council for scouting activities.

    Who is this fount of wisdom? A bank president. Hmmm.

    No mention that the land sold was a "council asset worth $1 Million," which if truly unused (part yes, and mostly no) and never needed in the future, could have been sold for $1 Million and that money used to provide program (why is "program" a "dirty word?") to youth.  Instead of selling a $1 Million asset and receiving the money for council purposes, the money was sent to the bankruptcy.

    The sale of those portions of the camp, when all boiled down, was a GIFT of $1 Million to National for which NO BENEFIT was received by the youth of our council.

    (Well, it does perpetuate the existence and governing control of those who brought this curse upon our council in the first place. And for all the money the councils have paid, do they have any enhanced control over National-to prevent further abuses-I don't know of any. It is essentially "tribute.")

     "Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute."  --Robert Goodloe Harper

    It is an abject, total, and unmitigated loss of $1 Million for no benefit to the service of youth.

    Yet presented as a "positive thing."


  3. On 8/1/2023 at 4:49 PM, 5thGenTexan said:

    Personally, I dont really care about a person's uhhh affiliation...  if that is the right word. People are who they are. I make my judgements based on one's character.  I will fight for them though when others decide to cause harm because of who they are. 

    I agree. Thank you.

    (I really thought my post would ignite a firestorm considering how divisive the topic is in the national arena. Comforted that it has not. They are just children.  I don't have the answers, but they need emotional support.)

  4. Well, some folks just cannot be reasoned with, nor have the insight into their own actions to see any other path but their own. The reasons are varied, but no amount of discussion will change anything.

    Move on to a "better fit" unit.  They are out there. 

    Thoughtful folks are always at a disadvantage in dealing with the thoughtless.  "Surely, if I explain well enough, they'll see the light."  Generally, no.

    It is not a big deal to move on.  Some from the old troop may follow, hopefully some of your scout's friends.  Or you can invite some of your scout's friends to "test drive" your scout's new unit.

    you-parent-your attendance at troop meetings and campouts in the new unit is critical to "lead by example" to your scout and reassure your scout that the new unit is OK.  Tell your scout that we are just "test driving" this unit-some troop meetings and campouts. "Give it a try and we can talk after we've attended several activities."

    Good luck.

  5. On 7/30/2023 at 10:38 PM, SiouxRanger said:

    Well, one can start with the feelings in one's gut.

    I do not understand LGBTQ+. Nor am I any of those.  (And maybe I've missed a group, or two.)

    But I do know that everyone wants to be recognized by their name, and to feel included and accepted by those they have selected to associate themselves with.

    Like joining Scouts.

    "You are welcome here."

    Scouting was once described to me by a Professional as the place everyone can participate all of the time.

    Skill and ability were not required.

    INTEREST in participating was the only requirement.

    I am convinced that one's orientation is genetic and/or chemical.  And that none of us ever had a choice. We just picked up the cards (after delivery), and all was then set in stone.  How one acts according to the cards so dealt out to them, that is another matter.  And how society reacts is another level of the situation.

    And the LGBTQ+ individuals.

    They are individual human beings, with family, friends...

    and they are among the least protected and least able to protect themselves.

    Pretty sure LGBTQ+ folks did not consciously decide to make themselves social pariahs.

    But that is where they find themselves.

    They are oriented as they are.

    And so those of "accepted" orientation pounce upon the weak.

    And claim "Victory" over the hapless.

    So, as a faith-based organization, what happened to the Biblical sentiment, "That which you do the least of mine you do to me."

    Everyone I've ever met, they are just "trying to get through their day." And most of their days are chaos.

    Strange, virtually no response.

  6. Well, one can start with the feelings in one's gut.

    I do not understand LGBTQ+. Nor am I any of those.  (And maybe I've missed a group, or two.)

    But I do know that everyone wants to be recognized by their name, and to feel included and accepted by those they have selected to associate themselves with.

    Like joining Scouts.

    "You are welcome here."

    Scouting was once described to me by a Professional as the place everyone can participate all of the time.

    Skill and ability were not required.

    INTEREST in participating was the only requirement.

    I am convinced that one's orientation is genetic and/or chemical.  And that none of us ever had a choice. We just picked up the cards (after delivery), and all was then set in stone.  How one acts according to the cards so dealt out to them, that is another matter.  And how society reacts is another level of the situation.

    And the LGBTQ+ individuals.

    They are individual human beings, with family, friends...

    and they are among the least protected and least able to protect themselves.

    Pretty sure LGBTQ+ folks did not consciously decide to make themselves social pariahs.

    But that is where they find themselves.

    They are oriented as they are.

    And so those of "accepted" orientation pounce upon the weak.

    And claim "Victory" over the hapless.

    So, as a faith-based organization, what happened to the Biblical sentiment, "That which you do the least of mine you do to me."

    Everyone I've ever met, they are just "trying to get through their day." And most of their days are chaos.

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, SiouxRanger said:


    Don Letarmen’s Top Ten Responses…

    10. I was texted by another granddaughter of Mr. Seeton and was told that E.T. couldn’t spell his own last name.  “He ‘phoned home’ to the wrong number. And, got bad advice.”

    9.  Auto correct is a failed concept.

    8.  What is the only sentence in the English language that cannot be written?  Try typing “There are three (and then phonetically, (to, too, two)’s in the English language.”

    7. Roger does not complain that his name is spelled as “Mudd.”

    6. Contestant:  “Who is Earnest Thompson Seeton?” Alex, “Correct-$200.”  (It’s an AUDIBLE-Hello!)

    5. "NOOO!!! You don't have to call me Johnson! My name is Raymond J. Johnson Jr. Now you can call me Ray, or you can call me J, or you can call me Johnny, or you can call me Sonny, or you can call me Junie, or you can call me Junior; now you can call me Ray J, or you can call me RJ, or you can call me RJJ, or you can call me RJJ Jr. . . but you doesn't hasta call me Johnson!"

    4. Is it Harry S. Truman, or Harry S Truman?

    3. Who is, or are ( or now, were) Winston S. Churchill?

    2. The “a” only makes a difference if the equation comes out as “e*a=m*c^2.

    1.  What is “a” in the equation above? (And include a mailing address for your Nobel, please.)

    And, how many Pharaohs CAN dance on the head of a pin? (Nobody cares. Well, but, sorry, it DOES depend on the size of the pin head. Now if the pin head is of Summarian origin, 4,000 B.C., copper, not nickel,…)

    There are some serious trivia questions here.

  8. On 7/27/2023 at 12:46 PM, KublaiKen said:

    I can't even envision a scenario where I ask a girl to take her Gold Award off her BSA uniform.

    And so, I'll just jump in to the discussion of a female wearing a Gold Award on her BSA uniform.  (And I've posted with respect to other topics following this in the same thread, so I am "backing up" a bit.)

    Once one earns a patch and it is awarded to you, it is YOURS.  You can wear it according to provisions of the organization that awarded it to you, throw it way, glue it to your windshield, give it to a younger sibling.  Feed it to a pet.

    It is yours to do with as you like.

    So a young lady earns Girl Scouting's highest rank, and us BSA folks presume to tell her to remove it from her BSA uniform.

    Can anyone explain to me the merit in discouraging a youth to DENY their accomplishment by compelling the youth to remove a badge of their highest rank from another organization?

    "Yeah, we know you've earned THREE OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALS, but our organization's Rabid Rodent Medal dictates that Olympic Gold Medals are verboten.


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  9. And so,

    As an SPL of a Junior Leader Training Troop, 1967 or so, I was told that I needed to know the names and tent assignments of every scout in the troop.  Such stress.  I got that job done.

    And on Philmont Ranger Staff-we had to learn every Scout's name. And we did so.

    And, so as a lawyer.  Names ARE IMPORTANT.  Everyone expects to be addressed by their first name.  As they should. And in legal documents, it is critical.  Seton's legacy will thrive or diminish, not on the occasional spelling of his name, but on his actions.

  10. 17 minutes ago, skeptic said:

    While the levity is possibly warranted, it also reflects on a serious issue in our society, in my old guy view.  Spelling and grammar are important things, whether in these forums or in life.  In the case of Scouting history, it seems right that the name should be properly spelled, at least to me.  It reminds me a bit of the teacher that asked me why I circled mispelled words on a student's paper, even if the word was not related to the subject directly.  I told her that I felt education should extend beyond the lines and subject, and that spelling was an important skill in its own right, even if it had little or nothing to do with the subject.  I was not marking the student down, just drawing their attention to the importance, as I saw it.  Everybody has a viewpoint, and many obviously do not agree with me.  Their right.  Th anks for the couple chuckles too.  Interesting, as an aside, Seton did not settle on his name in print until years later, when he generally usedl Ernest Thompson Seton, or E. T. Seton.  Some of his early writing has Ernest Seto Thompson on it.  but the Seton was still spelled that way.  

    Well, is is one thing to note a misspelling.  And, not all misspellings are created equal, this is a misspelling based on a phonetic identicality, but really unnecessary to point it out twice.  Might be one thing were the misspelling intentional and intended to mean disrespect, but Seton does have a name which is amenable to several spellings (Seton, Seeton, Seaton) all of which are phonetically identical. The mistake is understandable, and, I have made it myself on a camp map, inadvertently reverting to the spelling of the last name of a realtor I was familiar with.

    "Ask not for whom the spell checker comes, he comes for thee." John Donne.


  11. 3 minutes ago, skeptic said:

    While the levity is possibly warranted, it also reflects on a serious issue in our society, in my old guy view.  Spelling and grammar are important things, whether in these forums or in life.  In the case of Scouting history, it seems right that the name should be properly spelled, at least to me.  It reminds me a bit of the teacher that asked me why I circled mispelled words on a student's paper, even if the word was not related to the subject directly.  I told her that I felt education should extend beyond the lines and subject, and that spelling was an important skill in its own right, even if it had little or nothing to do with the subject.  I was not marking the student down, just drawing their attention to the importance, as I saw it.  Everybody has a viewpoint, and many obviously do not agree with me.  Their right.  Th anks for the couple chuckles too.  Interesting, as an aside, Seton did not settle on his name in print until years later, when he generally usedl Ernest Thompson Seton, or E. T. Seton.  Some of his early writing has Ernest Seto Thompson on it.  but the Seton was still spelled that way.  

    I agree.

    Auto correct (disconstruct) has laid waste to more than a few sentences of mine, and many others, and I have spent effort to double check, correct and edit.

    And, just for the technical record, as a lawyer who has made nearly ZERO known typos (to me or mentioned to me) in 45 years (20 to 40? on nearly 1 million pages of work product at 300± words per page???) which have "escaped" the office, auto correct is a veritable minefield.

    Homer nodded.

    Chess Blindness.

    In this environment, the BSA Survival Epoch, content is considerably more important than form.

  12. A Philmont Ranger, during the height of discussions in HQ a long time ago about ghosts on Urraca Mesa, reportedly all in some way related to the "Blue Lights" reported seen there by "someone some time ago," told me, "I'm going to the DMZ Korea at the end of the Summer and will face real threats-I've no time to worry about trifles."

    Now I struggle to spell Uraca, Uracca, Urracca, Urraca...

    And does it matter?

    The Mesa is still there.

    Folks who claim to have seen Blue Lights, and connected them to ghosts, well, those tales are not erased.

    "Gravity is just a theory," but as Prof. Stephen Jay Gould further noted, "The apple still falls."

    And, however one spells "Seton," his accomplishments are written in the granite of history. And there they remain.


  13. Don Letarmen’s Top Ten Responses…

    10. I was texted by another granddaughter of Mr. Seeton and was told that E.T. couldn’t spell his own last name.  “He ‘phoned home’ to the wrong number. And, got bad advice.”

    9.  Auto correct is a failed concept.

    8.  What is the only sentence in the English language that cannot be written?  Try typing “There are three (and then phonetically, (to, too, two)’s in the English language.”

    7. Roger does not complain that his name is spelled as “Mudd.”

    6. Contestant:  “Who is Earnest Thompson Seeton?” Alex, “Correct-$200.”  (It’s an AUDIBLE-Hello!)

    5. "NOOO!!! You don't have to call me Johnson! My name is Raymond J. Johnson Jr. Now you can call me Ray, or you can call me J, or you can call me Johnny, or you can call me Sonny, or you can call me Junie, or you can call me Junior; now you can call me Ray J, or you can call me RJ, or you can call me RJJ, or you can call me RJJ Jr. . . but you doesn't hasta call me Johnson!"

    4. Is it Harry S. Truman, or Harry S Truman?

    3. Who is, or are ( or now, were) Winston S. Churchill?

    2. The “a” only makes a difference if the equation comes out as “e*a=m*c^2.

    1.  What is “a” in the equation above? (And include a mailing address for your Nobel, please.)

    And, how many Pharaohs CAN dance on the head of a pin? (Nobody cares. Well, but, sorry, it DOES depend on the size of the pin head. Now if the pin head is of Summarian origin, 4,000 B.C., copper, not nickel,…)

  14. As a BSA Certified Angling Instructor, there are many freshwater lakes which have little to no structure in them to nurture fish populations.

    There are likely all manner of artificial fish reefs that could be made to improve fish habitat from all manner of things otherwise destined for landfills.

    This whole concept needs serious thought by folks with more credentials than me.

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  15. 37 minutes ago, InquisitiveScouter said:

    I am all about the SKILLS for a MB being taught at a meeting, but then the Scout must take that skill to his MB Counselor and demonstrate it to his counselor's satisfaction...

    Meetings should not be about requirements.  Instead, there should be skills instruction, and perhaps a competition built around that skill...


    1.  Scouts hear skills and get to practice them. (Once)

    2.  Write them down. (Twice)

    3.  Review to meet with MB Counselor ((Thrice)

    4.  Explain to MB Counselor (???)  (Ah ha-this is a "look-before-you-leap" situation..." 4th"?  That's not really a good answer...FRICE. (Well, the suggestion of one source-apparently no accepted term for 4th in the sequence. ))

    Scouts have to work though the material about frice times-lots of rehearsals of the material to aid in recall.  Not perfect but better than having to wake them up to give them their Blue Card.

    Every time I reviewed my college notes for an exam I'd put a tick mark in the upper right hand corner.  Four tick marks and I was done with review.

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, RememberSchiff said:

    "Kramer said he hopes people will remember that Scouting started as a way of teaching young people to help others and to do the right thing."

    Doing the 'right thing' is what it is all about.

    "Kind" is 6th on the Scout Law, but should be second behind Trustworthy.

    • Like 1
  17. At a climbing silo, (a former grain silo now a technical climbing facility), a scout was looking down to rappel.  He was terrified. He fiddled around, looking down many times, clearly reluctant. He wanted to rappel but was afraid.  Maybe 10 minutes of hesitancy. I told him he did not need to rappel-it was OK not to.  (I don't like heights.)  He finally got up the mental gumption and did the rappel. Huge smiles all around. A huge milestone.

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  18. At a troop meeting not long ago, I was showing the Scouts how contours worked/meant on a map using 3D models I had made of selected areas on Philmont.

    One particularly bright Scout looked up at me from the map and models and said, "That is cool."

    I replied, "It IS cool!"

    No cellphone. Just knowledge. And wonder, and the Epiphany. (What is this new world I see?)

    A highlight of my adult leader years.

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