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Navybone last won the day on March 13

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About Navybone

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    Senior Member

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    Monterey, CA
  • Occupation
    US Naval Officer
  • Interests
    Hiking, Camping, Soccer (Bundesliga)

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  1. Great question. Not sure, but a good head scratcher. Retention? If you assume you have a good program, scouts stay? Otherwise they vote with their feet?
  2. T Scouts is outdoors and the whole “Cotton Kills” thing
  3. Haters gonna hate. It’s hard to toe a hard line as BSA risks losing those who disagree. Not meant as an excuse, just a reality. Important thing is that BSA stays on track and does not waiver. Change takes time, and it will get there. Keep advocating.
  4. 100% agree. It is inappropriate to remove the US Flag to add the flag of another county. How does he reconcile that with the citizenship aspect of scouting?
  5. The OP provided evidence that there were affinity group meetings at NOAC (5 March) He did not specifically state why they were detrimental other than they exist. He never states exactly why. He then provided examples at a national level that had no actual connection or identified applicability to BSA. His apprehension on a white male affinity group is his perception - or did someone tell him he cannot form one?
  6. I would disagree that it is a made up woke term. I have heard it over the last decade plus while int he military to stop/reduce Blue on Blue sexual assaults (committed on sailors by other sailors): do not be a bystander - see something, say something, do something. What is woke about that?
  7. RIGHT - "An affinity group, while potentially helpful could perpetuate the same colorist and euro-centric bias that exists by making those problematic views a necessary status quo in the fight against white supremacy." The important part is that the article does not say all affinity groups cause these issues. I gave you an example of one where membership was voluntary, where is a view where it is not. To bring this back to scouting and not just about how all affinity groups are evil, how are they used in the BSA? Is there any actual evidence that they are operating like the article?
  8. The OP’s question was “So, can anyone explain to me the difference between these groups and how having segregated events develops the concept of DEI among Scouts?” when he sates his opinion that a lot people see woke and DEI as not beneficial. And that special events for minority groups versus majority (white males) in scouts is counter to DEI in BSA. That is what I gave a down arrow to. My response was to ask “What do you disagree with in the Cit in Society MB? Not talking about the political BS, "woke" or rest of it. What part of the requirements of the MB do you disagree with?
  9. That was in what 2000? Was that because of affinity groups or the recent BSA scouts DEI efforts. I seem to remember that was an entirely different issue.
  10. I am not asking about random companies around the country, this is a forum on scouts and scouting. Let's focus on that. We should look at if BSA Scouts is excluding others, inhibiting opportunities for scouts or scouters.
  11. I guess the question is if the affinity groups are causing others to be excluded. Is that occurring? Are the affinity groups resulting in other groups being denied advancement, opportunities, are there new standards that only the groups have to follow, but are stricter/more lenient with the group you associate with? IS that special treatment or recognition occurring?
  12. Why do you say that? where is that happening? Are you saying that white males are being pushed out of scouting? Where?
  13. What has changed that makes anything in BSA unfair towards boys versus girls? What new restriction is in place? would it be different is a young man boy were to be abused and daddy and brothers found out?
  14. What do you disagree with in the Cit in Society MB? NOt talking about the political BS, "woke" or rest of it. What part of the requirements of the MB do you disagree with? My experience in our troop is that the scouts don't have issue with it (so far as it is not an active MB - camping, etc...).
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