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Posts posted by Mrjeff
I sure wish it did because I would submit a FOYA request to see the data used to restructure the whole organization from American Indian Activities to allowing young ladies to become Boy Scouts to all of this DEI boulderdash.
The OA has been encouraged at the national level, to be reduced to a shadow of what it was intended to be. The customs and traditions have been gutted in some lodges and has taken the stand that " if you show up you get a trophy. " The mystery and prestige of membership has become reduced to just being another scouting event. In my opinion this is a direct result of " the National Committee ", whoever they are, trying to interfere with the daily operations of the local lodges. It's about time that they realise that every lodge is unique and what works in Seattle, Washington may not work in Alabama. If one lodge is having difficulty using Native American dress and ceremony due to complaints from their local tribe DOES NOT mean that every other lodge is having the same issues. Local unit leaders shouldn't encourage their troops to elect someone just because it's their turn. Rather, the Scouts who want to become OA members should be the ones that are elected. But as for the original point, the OA provides an avenue for Scouts who are tired of weekly meetings and monthly camping trips, to continue their Scouting activities. In addition and as far as our lodge goes, the elected youth leadership really make the decisions, deal with conflict and manage activities. I know that many Scouting units claim that their units are run by the youth as long as they agree and conform to the desires and direction provided by the adult leadership. Havinb said this, if the "National Committee would mind their own business and concentrate on organizing NOAC, it could be a far more rewarding and enjoyable experience. Again, this is my opinion.
If you are an active scouter you already know the answers to all of things you are asking. Is it this, what is that, when did this, who did that, if its that then what is that. I have no desire to word joust and no requirement for further clarification. You should be able to figure it out, active scouter and all.
Before I get sanctioned for my conservative viewpoint and ramblings, I will say farewell to Scouter Foram. I am a caucasion, Christian conservative who does not agree with the direction, including Scouting, is headed. Somehow someone came up with the idea that having segregated celebrations at NOAC and the National Jamboree will benefit Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. This is bulderdash in my opinion. If this demonstrates Equity then please explain why was there no segregated event for caucasion heterosexual ? Simply because that would cause so much negativity and claims of racism and sexism the BSA would never recover. There are some in this forum who feel that differences of opinion should not be mentioned and all conflict could be settled by sitting in a circle and singing cum-by-ya. Parents rights and responsibilities are being reduced by our courts, people believe that if you're a boy and identify as a girl that's normal and should be accepted. That is mental illness and needs immediate attention, not a petting and a new pronoun. I pray that people,including members of this forum wake up and return to a rational normalcy. God Bless and God Speed.
For further clarification I would like for your attention to focus on Harvard College, Florida State College, Budweiser Beer and Nike Athletic Shoes. The public reaction indicates that the majority of regular sensible people are fed up and sick of the foolishness that has overshadowed our country. I'll probably get more warnings and maybe even kicked out but what I said needs saying!
Have you attended NOAC or the last Jamboree? You keep saying that I not given specific examples. Bwell I have given examples but if you are having trouble understanding at the last National Order of the Arrow Conference Conference there were specific meetings/gatherings for women, LGBTQ, and People of Color. If there was a specific meeting or event that focused on caucasion/heterosexual people ther would have been amplified exclamations of racism and homophobia. I hope that simplifies this so you can comprehend my meaning. Personally, I have no problem with LBGTQ people, black, brown, white, pink, purple or blue people, or those who think they're cats. But I do take exception when the aforementioned members of these groups attempt to force me to accept ideologies that I do not agree with. An individuals rights as defined by the US Constitution are sacred as long as the application of those rights do not infringe on the rights of another. If the application of my protected rights are offensive then the pffended party is just offended. By sanctioning separate events for Women, LGTBQ's, People of Color, Cat People, Dog People or Chipmunk People does NOTHI G to strengthen the idea of DEI. And by the way, WOKE is also an acronym that is generally expressed with capital letters.
I agree, the OA is another part of Scouting and should be presented that way.
Sorry, should be DEI, spell check got me again😉
Jeeeeezzzzzzz.........how in the world did DEI jump the tracks and turn into YPT? I would invite "Awake" to read my previous post to get some examples of what I'm talking about, and it has nothing to do with YPT.
Yes it does, I'd be curious to what would happen if a young lady were to be abused and daddy and brothers found out.
Liers use stats and stats lie, that has been proven time and time again. Statistics and presentages can be manipulated to prove anything. Its really simple, do the right thing!
Yall went way off rail. I'm not talking about merit badges, rural neighborhoods or any of those right turn issues. I'm talking about specified areas and events that are organized and encouraged at "Official National Scouting Events" like Jamboree and NOAC. I fail to see how this cultivates DEI.
Well, its not ALL about the boys or girls. That sounds nice but if the grown folk aren't enjoying themselves and are miserable, then the kids won't have a good time and will be miserable, too.
I have 23 and I wear them all. Folks forget that "once official always official." Those who don't like will just have to not like it. But, since most of the people who have a bunch of knots are getting old and will die off soon, and many of those knots are no longer available they won't have to not like it for long. Since uniforms are no longer required and are only encouraged it really doesn't matter. My knots show a life long journey through scouting. From my Eagle Scout Knot, Tiger Cub Group Coach Knot, to the Spurgeon Knot and the Sea Badge. Along the way I influenced two Eagle Scout Sons, 1-Eagle Scout Grandson, Two Law Enforcement Explorer Post Captains, 5- Two Bead Woodbadgers, 3-Three Bead Woodbadgers, 2-Four Bead Woodbagers, 2-Silver Beavers, 1-Heroism Award Recipient, 2-Arrow of Light Scouts, 4-Summer Camp Staffers and several high adventure experiences. I am proud of my Scouting legacy and those knots remind me of a fantastic journey. So my opinion is "If you got em, wear em" and be proud of your legacy.
Yes indeed but nowhere in the mission of the BSA will you find the word FUN. Somebody on some committee being guided by an overpaid talking head comes up with this malarkey. The whole idea of fun is completly overshadowed by lessons, being good citizens and character development. Will someone please tell me when they hear a kid say that they want to be a Scout to have their character developed, please!!!🤬🤬🤬🤬
No, the SM should be responsible for this.
Well, a lot of people have realised that being WOKE isn't really beneficial; just ask a major college, athletic shoe manufacturer and a beverage company. This is also true for the proponents of DEI just ask the colleges, universities and manufactures that have fired their DEI employees and boarded up their offices. The BSA harps about DEI yet they sanction and organize special events for women, LGBTQ members and "people of color ." If they had a gathering of straight white folks there would be cries of racism, homophobia and who knows what else. So, can anyone explain to me the difference between these groups and how having segregated events develops the concept of DEI among Scouts?
Hmmmmmmm................I'm not sure why the staff advisor is concerned with LEC business. That alone could be part of the problem. Advisor is often interpreted as "Manipulator" and this shouldn't be allowed. Anyway, I think something has been flipped around. I mean if the OA is fun and attractive there really isn't any reason to pressure folks into obtaining Brotherhood. If there isn't a good OA program that in itself, is unable to encourage members to be active and engaging then no amount of pressure is going to help. I have been saying for years that fun has been completly overshadowed by regulations, policies, lessons, the need of adults to teach lessons and the desire to make these kids be good citizens. Those are important, but I have NEVER heard a kid say that they want to be a scout to learn good citizenship and values: they join to camp out, hike, use an ax and build fires. Just encourage the OA to be fun and the guys and girls will become brotherhood members.
4 hours ago, Eagle94-A1 said:
If the BSA's Powers That Be (PTB) didn't agree with this decision, I bet NOAC would have been held elsewhere, This decision was made years ago, and they came up with a plan to phase out AIA. Look at ceremony teams today.
I know when the OA chapter came and picked up their gear and equipment out of storage I had, everything AIA related, except the drum, was left behind: ceremony regalia, dance regalia, regalia making supplies, etc. Stuff that took years to get the money to buy and make just left behind like it was garbage. I bet they took drum, despite having no singers, because they can sell it for a lot, even used.
That is sad and a very disappointing turn of events.
Before I get scolded again for being un scout like, I will simply let this drop.
I think it's funny when somebody posts something that people don't like, some attack the author, redirect the facts and pretend that they don't understand the meaning. You know exactly what I mean and it reflects the views of many other Scouters.
5 minutes ago, AwakeEnergyScouter said:
Ok, that addresses the first part. What about the second?
If there's no need the debate "the issue", which is (at least) four issues as per your statement above, then why bring up "the" issue?
Because it's something that we're stuck with and will always be there.
48 minutes ago, AwakeEnergyScouter said:
Then why did you chime in with this opinion on this thread, two months after the last person said something?
If there's no need the debate "the issue", which is (at least) four issues as per your statement above, then why bring up "the" issue?
I see two possible answers.
Because, Awake, this is a just another attempt to force young people to openly except things that really have no business inn Scouting.
34 minutes ago, InquisitiveScouter said:
Three possible? Maybe he did not see that the thread was two months old... it was probably in his Unread queue.
Because is no concern of yours. If you carefully red my post I said that was my opinion and it was not open for debate.
Another lost camp
in Issues & Politics
We recently lost a very old and loved camp in South Georgia, too. I feel like the rest of you, if the council camps closed they could build a couple more national sites then everyone could just go to a nationally owned and outlandishly expensive camps