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Posts posted by mrjohns2

  1. 1 hour ago, fred8033 said:

    It's too late at the EBOR to use the suspension against the scout.  ... It might be very different if the incident was a month before the EBOR. 

    Agreed. He also passed the SM conference. I think the OP was right in doing an appeal. It isn’t like a suspension 2 years prior labels him a felon for life. Sounds like he turned things around and should end awarded eagle for having completed the requirements. Unless there is a huge detail the OP chose not to include, it seems pretty open and close. 

    • Upvote 2
  2. 32 minutes ago, PACAN said:

    The usury extra fees that councils will add on with impunity as we have heard on the forums will likely drive more out of the program.

    Our council, so far, has no fee. They have been very conservative with their money. So, I support the FOS and we usually meet our stretch goal. The council gets funds and no council fee. Zero. I know we are lucky and in the minority. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Momleader said:

    Don’t they usually wait until August?

    Simone had the dates from the last 3. I think it has been in June, July, and the big one a few years back in October. 

    I think last year it was in June so they can start charging it in July. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Eagle1993 said:

    BSA leaves bankruptcy with $25.5M unrestricted cash. 

    @Eagle1993 Thanks for your reporting through this whole process. Based on one of your bar graphs, it looks like they started at ~$230M? With $25M left, I wonder what their payroll and power bills are. That isn’t a ton of buffer to even cover normal inflows and outflows. It really seems, like maybe you and others had said, they didn’t have many months left. 

  5. Well, the troop is a program of the CO. So, if they want their troop to have their logo, I don’t see what the issue is. Now, it may sound heavy handed. You can always let them know that changes will happen as supplies run out or if they want to buy more for their troop, that would help love it along. 

    • Upvote 3
  6. I have been doing a lot of observing and am just sad about the OA and its trajectory. The program was so important to me from 13 to 20 years old.

    My oldest daughter and I attended a few lodge events, conclave, and NOAC. I didn't hang out with her so she could make connections. She made some connections, but really didn't like the program. She volunteered to be an elangomat and will do so again in a few weeks. NOAC made it clear to her that she really isn't interested.

    My middle daughter was just elected. She wasn't too sure as she "just wanted to be a normal scout". So, she will do the ordeal in a few weeks, but I don't see her "going all in". 

    Chapter meetings seem worthless. Ceremonies stink as they are in uniform (I'd like the black cloths option) and the lines are read poorly from paper. 

    I don't see it being meaningful in my family. It'll last another 20 years or so, at least, but it will go down hill. 

    I was on NOAC staff and it was very very poorly organized. We weren't even told about the thank you gathering for staff members! 


    • Thanks 1
  7. 41 minutes ago, Troop212SM said:

    Apologies.  Should have said Scout Led Troops.

    Correction accepted! Our advancement coordinator buys the patches and the SM gives them to the SPL to handout. I really like the @DuctTape's approach. We usually have a bit of a delay (a couple to a few weeks) before the new leaders take over. Elections in Dec and June for terms starting in Jan/July. 

  8. 2 hours ago, sierracharliescouter said:

    The advancement policy isn't consistent with the advancement requirements for MB. 

    Well, the MB pamphlet does say you have to learn it from a certified instructor: “Learning CPR requires careful instruction from a certified teacher. Perhaps you can practice CPR at Scout meetings. The American Red Cross, American Heart Association, and Emergency Care and Safety Institute offer classes, too. Your Scout leaders can help you find training to learn this lifesaving skill.”

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