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Everything posted by Eagle1993

  1. From info I could find. There was a FB post where people listed councils that cancelled camps. I tried to doublecheck their FB pages or websites and below are the ones I was able to confirm. I expect may more will be coming and I didn't list the many that have cancelled camps in June (hoping that July dates hold). Cancelled (BSA): Allegheny Highlands Council (New York) Blackhawk Area Council (Illinois) Minsi Trails Council (Pennsylvania) Nevada Area Council (Nevada) Sam Houston Council (Texas) Sequoia Council (California) Southeast Louisiana
  2. Our camp is pushing hard for more signups, even today. They have emphasized they absolutely plan on holding camp. Now the CDC and health departments will have a say, and I expect <50% chance it happens. My Troop has over 40 signed up for summer camp at this time. Over 400 are signed up for June dates (3 weeks) at the camp we attend. We had only 1 scout pulled … that could change. We had an ASM get Covid-19 about two weeks ago, but he wants camps to be active and plans to send his kids. We have several scout parents that are doctors and nurses … they are signing up as well.
  3. I'm starting to see several summer camps cancelled. The below two were announced this week. Not sure if there were others …. Blackhawk Area Council (Northern Illinois) Sam Houston Area Council (Houston Texas)
  4. I feel for him as well. A lot of tough decisions to make. I think his current goal should be keeping this a Chapter 11 and preventing Chapter 7. Then rebuild ...
  5. It looks like the CDC & White House are working on guidance that includes summer camp recommendations. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/cdc-draft-proposal-lays-out-phased-reopening-of-childcare-religious-institution-food-industry-amid-coronavirus "As for summer camps, the CDC draft recommends that camps be restricted to children of essential workers in phase one, with phase two welcoming children who live in the local area only. By phase three, the CDC recommends that camps restrict attendance to those from limited transmission areas." I don't see any way High Adventure ca
  6. Our PLC is telling scouts to focus on the MBCs that require tracking (personal fitness, personal management) or are bookwork (Citizenships) right now. The idea is to get those out of the way so you can focus on the outdoor ones later. I thought that wasn't a bad idea.
  7. We received a couple emails from two councils who have camps in our state yesterday (seems like yesterday was the day to release updates). 1) Camps are still being planned; however, that can change. 2) Camps will implement additional changes (temperate checks of everyone at arrival, hand sanitizer provided to everyone + at various locations, etc.) 3) Three proposals are in discussion … summer camp schedule with no changes, summer camps to begin July 5 (June dates cancelled), alternate camping/advancement option if traditional summer camps are cancelled. 4) All councils wh
  8. Our camp is 100% patrol cooking, there is no dining hall. Meals are cooked and eaten in Troop camp sites. Our biggest building simply has a roof over a slab of concrete (no walls). I agree early June in a building half filled seems risky.
  9. We are having similar discussions. Our plan A is stick with our June date … but I expect that will be cancelled. Plan B is to go to same camp in mid/late July. Plan C is different camp in mid/late July. Plan D is our own Troop summer camp in late July or August (we have 2 crews headed to Philmont in August). Plan F is an additional extended weekend in the Fall. Plan G is a week in Florida during winter break. Plan H is giving up until 2021 or later when a vaccine or good treatment becomes available. What gives me some confidence is that we have many scout parents who are doctors an
  10. Our schools are shut down for the semester as well, but the DOE removed minimum hour requirements so most schools are ending on time using online learning. Our school had talked about going until end of June, but several parents in our Troop (including me) will pull our kids from school to attend summer camps if they are open.
  11. So far, not a single one of my kids camps have cancelled. GSUSA, BSA, Zoo, various museums, college nor a local ecology center. YMCA, JCC and other major overnight 3+ week camps are still going. Without these camps, many parents will not be able to work or they resort to less than ideal solutions where older family members are watching kids. I have seen countless examples of <15 year olds being watched by >70+ year olds … a very BAD combination which seems to be increasing daily. Having these kids go between camps for the summer may be safer than having them be around high risk peo
  12. CDC document below https://context-cdn.washingtonpost.com/notes/prod/default/documents/f99f42b3-55c4-4613-9f9c-3ac174f10a4b/note/1a8a55a6-68f9-4b76-8e02-01779290c1a5.#page=1
  13. CDC/FEMA documents leaked to Washington Post. While the details are probably changing, the priority is interesting and not a surprise for the many families out there that have dual incomes. Notice the term locally attended.... that could be a bad sign for HA bases. Again, leaked document that could easily change, but you can see the CDC mindset. The first priority, according to the CDC response document, is to "reopen community settings where children are cared for, including K-12 schools, day cares, and locally attended summer camps, to allow the workforce to return to work. Other com
  14. We have no plans to use these alt requirements. The only real exception we plan to use is for 1 scout who is 17 and turns 18 in July. His Eagle Scout project is definitely impacted by Covid-19 so we plan to work with him on an extension if he needs it. Otherwise, we don't see any need to change requirement
  15. Its early April. I expect by end of May (7 weeks from now) we will have many of those things in place. Perhaps not in all states, but enough that will allow many summer camps to run. I could see those camps limit participants to only scouts from the state or within a limited range … but I would be surprised if 100% of camps are closed all summer. I would also expect dates in July and August are more likely to operate than June. I actually believe high adventure is a bigger risk. That brings in scouts throughout the country, including mixing scouts between high and low covid-19 areas.
  16. Actually, Harvard agrees with @qwazse. Even Dr. Fauci talked about opening up summer camps yesterday (depending on the rate in May). Depending on seasonality, the models show that social distancing occurring between 25 percent and 75 percent of the time would both build immunity and keep the health care system from overloading. As time passes and more of the population gains immunity, they said, the restrictive episodes could be shorter, with longer intervals between them. https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2020/03/how-to-prevent-overwhelming-hospitals-and-build-immunity/
  17. I'll add one more comment. Only 1 of our 50 scouts going to summer camp dropped out due to Covid-19 (the rest already paid). So, parents & scouts are more than willing to go if it is open. I think that could change if our area infection rate shoots up, but so far so good...
  18. I think its too early to know for sure. Unless you are willing to do a 18 month to 2 year mandatory lock down of the entire country (until a vaccine is available), some activities will reopen with Covid-19 infections still out there. I expect this may be a state by state call based upon density of the virus in their community. What we need is sufficient testing to really determine the density of the infected in each community and then appropriate guidelines based upon that density. It could definitely mean limiting camps to local scouts (with xx miles) to prevent spread between commu
  19. I doubt a nationwide shutdown will occur until September. This will go to a state by state, city by city call. Many countries, including China, are operating with the virus. This is a pause while we catch up on testing to find out what areas are actually hit hard. Areas not hit hard will release and monitor. If the testing shows cases rise above a certain level, they shut down again. I would expect limits, but most scout camps are probably <1000 people, so hopefully they could go on. Just a guess … probably more hope … of what will happen. I do agree that many units will fold,
  20. What was interesting, is that we never placed a value on those paintings in our filings … just listed that we have them. I would be in favor of selling them if it helps protect some camps from sales. What I found interesting, is that for the first time I have read, an attorney representing victims said something could be protected. He likened it a bit to not touching "cherished religious relics". In terms of scouting, my "cherished religious relic" would be my summer camp I went to as a youth .. or perhaps Philmont … not a painting. Perhaps those outside the organization don't under
  21. While I sometimes wish we would defend current practices more, I have to agree with @Cburkhardt. Trying to fight the narrative now is like spitting into the wind. We have to take our lumps. I was surprised to have a couple parents come up and vigorously (in anger) defend the BSA. I think BSA's response, "we believe you, we are upset about the sins of the past and we want you to come forward" works. In the short term, we will be hit, but after bankruptcy, we can start anew and while holding true to the scout oath & law.
  22. How does the Michigan Crossroads council work? It looks like an interesting structure 1 mega council, smaller service centers & multiple districts per service center. Does that result in a good balance between optimizing finances while still preventing the downsides of mega councils? What is the role of the service center vs council?
  23. This was mentioned in the article; however, that means Council assets (buildings, camps, investments) could be included. "Garabedian said individual councils could petition the bankruptcy judge to join BSA’s filing with a “channeling injunction” and their assets would be subject to being collateralized to pay into BSA’s victims’ compensation trust. " Note that courts have not been consistent on agreeing on which assets are unencumbered (just look at the Milwaukee Archdiocese cemetery fund case. My only point is that before we start suggesting mergers between councils, we need to
  24. @HashTagScouts and @carebear3895 … I didn't even think of the increased nation fees on councils that will be coming, but you are right. There was a lawyer asking how the BSA plans to pay their massive legal fees given the income was relatively low. But I was thinking the state lawsuits that will be placed. This article below is simply one example. Both National BSA & council were sued in state court. National BSA was asked to be pulled from the lawsuit given the bankruptcy filing … but the lawsuit will continue against the council. https://www.seacoastonline.com/news/202002
  25. I think the question is … will it be better to see each Council go bankrupt as they are structured now, or wait for them to merge, sell of property and go bankrupt? Illinois is a perfect example. Nearly every day, when listening to Chicago radio, I hear ads to file lawsuits given Illinois change to the statue of limitations they passed in 2019. They specifically mention scouts, hospitals, schools, etc. If the northern councils in Illinois are strong financially, they will be a target. So, will it be better for these 3 to merge, combine all the lawsuits against them, and go bankrupt
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