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Everything posted by BrentAllen

  1. scoutingagain writes, "Iraq war vets will have strong credibility with respect to defense and security issues, especially running against Republican incumbents that have spent the last 4 years in a comfy Washington office, or who have never served. Although I suppose I shouldn't underestimate the depth to which this party will sink to given the way they have treated veterans such as McCain, Murtha and Cleland." Cleland was voted out of office because of his political positions, which are far left. He was not treated unfairly, unless you consider using his voting record against him as off
  2. Wow. I don't know whether I'm glad or sad to see that jkh not only hates the BSA, but he also hates the USA. I think a move to Canada would suit him well. He asks, "Are a few "terrorists" a graver threat than Fascist Germany and militaristic Japan were? Are they a larger threat than the Soviet Union was - a nation armed with hundreds, thousands of nuclear warheads with the means to deliver them?" The answer.... Yes!!! Too bad you can't see that?!?! The German, Japanese and Soviet armies wore uniforms. You knew who they were, and where they were. The terrorists are right here i
  3. The date stamper on this page is working again, which means posts written today and tomorrow will be inserted into the existing threads which were one day off - in a word, a mess. This should straighten out on Saturday. You can still posts to old threads, you just have to look in the time-stamped order, instead of last on the thread. They are just going to be jumbled.
  4. I don't know about the rest of y'all, but I am GLAD the FBI found out that "...people in his class (with Arab sounding names) were sending emails back and forth about terrorist groups (like Hamas and Hizbullah)." If the FBI missed those emails, then how are they ever going to catch the real bad guys?!?! If this professor didn't expect that kind of attention, I don't think he should be teaching at the college level. Duhhh! The bottom line is right now, our intelligence is in pretty bad shape. Whether that is due to all the cuts under Clinton or for whatever reason, we don't know who th
  5. Let's take another look at our neighbors to the north, where they opened the doors to gays and girls. The following numbers list the year, youth, adults 1996 - 172,680....58,362 2000 - 142,200....46,112 2002 - 120,000....40,000 2003 - 103,000....30,000 2004 - 94,230.....28,440 Present - 84,000...25,000 Now that looks like a plan for growth! (If you are looking for negative growth). All in favor of following Scouts Canada, please say Aye!(This message has been edited by BrentAllen)
  6. That site blames a drop in BSA membership on the gay issue. They claim the BSA policy is out of touch with mainstream America. I would like to hear their explanation of the following: "(AP) In a resounding, coast-to-coast rejection of same-sex marriage, voters in 11 states approved constitutional amendments Tuesday limiting marriage to one man and one woman. The amendments won, often by huge margins, in Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Ohio, Utah and Oregon the one state where gay-rights activists hoped to prevail. The bans won
  7. I don't use an alias for one main reason - I don't post anything here that I wouldn't say in person. I've been accused of ranting, but what I've stated in those posts, I would say directly to the person, face to face. As for respect, it is hard for me to respect those who want to change the program to allow atheists and gays. Some of us feel these requirements - straight, believe in God - are two of the backbones of the program. To us, they are essential. Getting rid of them would change the whole dynamics, negatively. I get lectured by some for being condescending. Comments like "whe
  8. Hey, look at the timeline of my last post - here it is Friday morning, 3/10, and the message shows I posted it tomorrow. Hey Merlyn, how do you explain that? I'm doing time travel! Now if I can only find the results of the Saturday lottery drawing and buy those tickets today...
  9. I'm always amazed at how many atheists and non-Judeo-Christians read the Bible and quote verses. It must be very satisfying to them to read all those stories, and know that they are far too smart to believe any of it. To know they can't be fooled into believing there is a God. They must feel like the smartest people on the planet! What a shame that they can't carry such intelligence beyond their life, that they will only turn into worm food once they die. I would be very depressed if I thought that my 70 years or so on this planet was it, that there was nothing beyond. I can't imagine
  10. Gern, God may have told them to do that. You are right, we will never know. Did God give them a "get out of jail free" card? No? Maybe God meant for them to be punished for the act. Did God tell the judge or the jury to let them go free? No? Then I guess that wasn't God's intentions. We can spin this around as much as we like. The bottom line is we will never fully understand God's work.
  11. Dan, I guess you will never get it - I did NOT compare Kudu to a list of killers. In fact, I said the opposite. I said, for the nth time, that neither comparison was valid. Sorry you do not appreciate my biting humor. That is what it is. Is it possible for me to make something more easily understood by simply typing it slower? Will it change the speed at which one reads the message? No - that is humor. And after all that, you still continue to argue that I made an unkind comparison of Kudu to killers. I dunno - maybe it is just my Southern drawl that is causing the confusion (mo
  12. Dan, I will try to explain this again, and this time I will type s l o w e r. I didn't think Trev's list was a valid comparison, so I made up an absurd list - and said they were equally pertinent - meaning neither one was pertinent. Get it? My list of bad guys was just as valid as his - equally pertinent/neither is pertinent. Now, please explain to me how being a voluntary member of an organization is the same as having a skin color or ethnicity. Rosa Parks and Jackie Robinson did not have a choice in the matter. Comparing Kudu's complaints about BSA policy, in an organization
  13. As I said - equally pertinent. I don't think either list or group is a valid comparison to a Scouter being a troublemaker with his District or Council. So, any other incidents?
  14. Trev, Here's an equally pertinent list of troublemakers: Charles Manson The Columbine duo Jeffrey Dahmer Now, which of the two groups would mind, or would enjoy, being compared to a Scouter being a troublemaker because he doesn't like the way the BSA runs Scouting?
  15. You labeled yourself a "troublemaker". Is this the first time this has happened? Would the SE or the Council leadership consider you a "troublemaker" for any other incidents? Once you "make your bed" as a "troublemaker" you have to deal with the results of that - "sleep in that bed." It is the opposite of being "a proven loyal and obedient 'team player,'."
  16. Sounds like someone is not too happy about being forced to sleep in the bed they made.
  17. I've been covered up between work and Scouting (imagine that!) and didn't realize Lisabob had spun this thread off. We had BR (not sure if I can mention his name, even though it is posted all over the BSA Antarctic page, so I'll just call him BR) as the guest speaker at our District Banquet (Hightower Trail, AAC). http://www.scouting.org/boyscouts/resources/18-900/journals/brange/index.html BR did a great job describing his experience, along with some very cool photos. The photos are all digital, and he said he could get about 5 or 6 shots out of his batteries before he had to put the
  18. p-s, I'm sure to someone like you, who is interested in seeing the BSA fail, my postings of good news from Atlanta does seem like ranting. Sorry to ruin your day, but here is more good news. We had our District banquet last night. The new SE for the AAC joined us for the evening. He pointed out that with the FOS donations received at a B&G earlier that day, we have already met and exceeded our FOS goal. Understand we still have several units which have not held their FOS fundraiser, including my Pack, which is probably the second largest in the District. Add in our District Go
  19. Kahuna, In my copy of Scouting for Boys, Elleke Boehmer discusses homosexuality as a buried discourse in the book, in her introduction. She footnotes Jeal's book on this subject, stating, "...and Tim Jeal's psychosexual reconsideration to the extent of becoming virtually a cliche' of the history of Scouting." Check out the reader reviews on Amazon. A Steven Crumbaugh (Chicago, IL USA), while giving the book 4 stars, writes "The thing that put me off was Jeal's amateur psycho-analysis of the inner "Stephe". This permeates the book and distracts from the narrative. Perhaps in reaction t
  20. fish, I believe Kudu actually resides in Texas. Read enough of his opinions and you will find he believes the Tim Jeal book on B-P is the definitive work. Most Scouters I know have little respect for the book, partly because of Jeal's assertion that B-P was a homosexual. From my viewpoint, Kudu approaches B-P history as did Jeal - trying to dig up dirt and focus on the negative, in order to be "enlightened." They see the rest of us as simpletons who only believe the "myths" of his legend. I personally get a real kick out of how B-P was convinced by the USA and others to lie for them. K
  21. It sure is nice knowing us poor ol' Southern boys got a nice Yankee lookin' out for us! It's a shame the guy ain't got a clue as to what he is talkin' about. Now I know why no one in jkh's own District or Council will give him the time of day. That new Council office was built with local funds. Those local funds came from business leaders here in Atlanta - from companies like Coca-Cola, Cingular, Chick-fil-A, Georgia Power, etc... Do you really think they would donate money if the project was not going to be managed wisely, and if the contractor donating services was going to rip them
  22. Just about everthing that jkh has posted has come straight from The Daily Kos web blog. In case you aren't familiar with the site, it is an extreme left wing blog site out of Berkley, CA. The creator lists three heros, one of which is Cesar Chavez. It is safe to say those who visit and participate in that site are NOT particularly interested in seeing the BSA survive. They are more likely interested in the opposite. Visit this particular page and see if anything looks similar to the information jkh has posted. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2006/1/7/20165/02664 I don't think I co
  23. P-S, If you want to believe that someone in NY knows more about the Atlanta Area Council than I do, that is your business. As I have mentioned before, I am a Cubmaster, District Activities Chair for the Hightower Trail District and was Cub Scout Chair for the Council's Scouters Academy. That is to say, I take a lot of interest in what is happening at the District and Council levels. I also happen to know the SM for the unit that runs the boyscoutsfortruth.com web page. So you choose who you want to believe - me (who doesn't have the need to hide behind some silly alias) or some unnamed i
  24. jkh, First, I don't believe a word of your posts to be true. If there is any truth there, it is so twisted and biased that it is not recognizable. We all know your type - nothing is ever a good idea unless you agree with it. No plan is ever any good unless it is your plan. All you can do is complain, and never lend a hand to be a part of a team that is making things happen for the Scouts. You mention a "group in Atlanta" but I have never heard a single word about this. You trash the SE in your council about property sales, but all the news I can find on the web is positive. If you w
  25. Funny - L found NEGA's 2004 990 with just a few key strokes - none filed since when, you ask?? Funny - I live here in Georgia, and I'm a pretty active Scouter, but I haven't heard any of this terrible news. I know Scouters in both those Councils and they have never mentioned any of this! We've had several units go up to Scoutland Camp on Lake Lanier in the Northeast Georgia Council. They run a great Adventure Camp during the summer. Funny how they are able to do that while committing fraud and ripping everyone off. Funny how you are way up in NY but you know more about the Councils i
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