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Everything posted by OldGreyEagle

  1. Patrol Call for the Wolverines? How about "Hail to the Victors"
  2. You are right, the disabled scouts you talk about tried hard to add more to the group with what they could do because they realized they might not be able to do it all. This scout doesnt see any difference between his abilities and behaviors from any of the other scouts. Part of your scouts problem is that he sees no problem. This is what is most frustrating, in every sense of the phrase "he doesnt get it". The challenge is to work with him long enough for him to "get it".
  3. You could all get in a circle facing out, putting index fingers up for horns and harumpffffff real loud. The pronunciation is up to you OR, you could all line up and start to dance, shuffling your feet, and your call would be, We're all the shuffling buffaloes OR, your yell would go,,,1, 2, 3, 4, NICKELSSSSSS If i think of more, I will let you know
  4. Sctmom Thank you for elegantly stating what I was trying to explain. Your suggestions are dead on, you are one well informed ADD/ADHD parent. Chippewa, Working with this scout may be an ordeal, but it looks like Scouts may be the thing that will very much help him if handled correctly. In our troop we have a boy who is either in a wheel chair or a walker. But scouting is for all boys. He doesnt come on a lot of hikes, but if the terrain is right, he does come and with a long length of rope the kids pull him along. He has a hard time speaking and does not have fine motor coordin
  5. Like the saying goes If you do Scouting for money, then you are a professional If you do Scouting for free, then you are a volunteer BUT If you pay to do Scouting, then you ARE a scout!!!
  6. Chippewa, While diagnosing long distance is dangerous for a physcian, and even more so for a non-physian, what you have described is as classic a case of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) as I have ever heard described. This may be your first exposure to this condition, or at least the most severe case. In ADD the biblical quote "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak" is ever so appropriate. The scout may have every intention of doing "good" while you speak to him. But 5 minutes later the bug crawling across the floor has far to much appeal then standing in line and listening to a
  7. Sorry, My comment was supposed to be ironic, Of course you are supposed to be proud of being an Eagle, or Life, or Star or whatever rank you have earned, because you have earned it. Eagle, however, is the only rank you carry into adulthood, or in my case, being older than than a youth (wont admit to being grown-up and cant find anyone who will commit to saying i am an adult) Sorry if I misled you
  8. so does that mean a scout shouldnt wear his rank, even an Eagle rank patch because someone might think he is proud of being an Eagle?
  9. eisley, if you think thats confusing, consider the 19 year old Venturing Crew President, by day an ASM who must sleep with the adults and use the adult's shower and when on a venturing activity must now be considered a youth and use the youth facilties. No one ever accused the BSA of being consistent
  10. Putting expectations down on paper and having the boys sign it, or the parents is a good idea. But that will only work from this point forward. If you have not defined the expectations, holding the boy to "invisable" standards not defined during this period of time is not possible. And even if he is a rascal will no real scouting spirit, you will need objective criteria and standards to deny him a rank
  11. I hate when I keep talking when I said I would be still!!! Sctmom, We seem to have a lot in common. One thing of which is that we have homosexual friends and can talk from a reference not appreciated by others whose only contact is the broad charactors seen on TV or the flaming queens normally associated with the gay lifestyle. I understand what you are saying, but I dont think we will convince many that its ok, not all gays will Proselytize youth to join them. Other than that, welcome to our forum
  12. Well, I think this discussion may have run its course. Just as I know you will never change your stance, you know I wont. You appear to see homosexuality as an affront to God and nature, I do not. I do not think it is like pedophilia, alchoholics, kleptomania or any other example that was given. I have known homosexuals who were/are fine citizens who are respected by the community. Most of the community are not aware that these people are gay and would lose their standing if they were outed. I still wonder why people in Kansas City are so bent on changing scouts when so many more issues s
  13. Pedophilia and alcholholism should never be accepted as the "norm" because these conditions effect unwilling members of society. I do not ever want to contemplate where falling down drunk is OK, because ..."the guy cant help it, its in his nature". Nor would I want a society where children are preyed on by molestors, and have that considered Ok as well. If its determined such people cant control themselves, then a sanitarium or prison sounds like a very good idea. However, many homosexuals exist in society without any one knowing. They live their lives, and do nothing untoward to a
  14. Dang I hate when I do that I DO NOT suscribe to the belief just because you are honmosexual you are a de facto dangerous person
  15. Rooster, we have had many agreements over the past few months as well as disagreements, this will fall into the disagreement category: I do not think it accurate to lump homosexuality into the same classification as alcholics and pedophiles. Just as a heterosexual man is not guaranteed to be a molestor of little girls, a homosexual is not guarenteed to be a molestor of little boys. An Alcholic is a danger to himself and others. Again, I do susribe to the belief that a homosexual is a de facto danger to others. But, I also beleive the Boy Scouts have the right to set crieria for
  16. Given some of the Questions and observations recently discusssed, I thought a new thread just about AO would be interesting. And that is, What is the state of the OA in your area? In mine its pretty much a program where there are two campouts a year getting summet camp ready and then taking it down. Not much else occurs, is this what the OA is all about? I was an Ordeal Member as a scout, and recently made brotherhood, but aside from impressive ceremonies, and they are very impressive, what else does the OA do? I know what they are supposed to do, I just want to know what they actually do
  17. sctmom, you are not alone... In my Council/District a few fellow scouters have identified a class of scouters we like to call "knot heads". They are scouters who have risen to a position of authority and want everybody to see how much power they have. They chase after knots the way a toddler goes for a christmas tree. Perhaps they are compensating for low self-esteem, no one will ever know. The problem is, they often render immeasurable service to the council/district and not many professional scouters want to risk offending the core of the work force. For however crude and unscoutl
  18. I have waffled a bit on this issue, whether or not is would be ok to have gays as leaders. As is often commented in these discussions most tests of morality are best handled by the scout's family or church. However, I do have an observation I have to make, 30 people met at the Central United Methodist Church, and brainstomed ways to change the Boy Scouts??? I have not been to Kansas City for a long time and am glad 30 citizens could take an evening out to come up with ways to change the Boy Scouts. I am glad that all racial issues have been satisfactorally dealt with. I am glad to k
  19. Welcome Tachion and I agree with Rooster, Most troops would love to have you, just look around a bit for the best fit. And Rooster, You have defined the essentials for an Eagle Court of Honor with the upmost accuracy.
  20. The story I heard on the Red Berets was they were introduced to be more hip and less military looking. Then Curtis Sliwa founded the Guardian Angels which was esentially a viglillante group that would ride subways with red berets on looking to "stop" or prevent crime. BSA dropped the red beret so the scouts wouldnt be confused with an "angel"
  21. The story I heard on the Red Berets was they were introduced to be more hip and less military looking. Then Curtis Sliwa founded the Guardian Angels which was esentially a viglillante group that would ride subways with red berets on looking to "stop" or prevent crime. BSA dropped the red beret so the scouts wouldnt be confused with an "angel"
  22. Dont worry Mr Scout, I emailed the moderator this morning when Clint didnt acknowledge my posting
  23. Sorry, I cant comment on this thread until Clinton agrees to change his rather disagreeable Username
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