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About 13EagleT430

  • Rank
    Junior Member

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  • Location
    Battle Ground, WA
  1. What are the red loops with gold tri-foil (i think) that scouts where on their shoulders?
  2. How old does a person have to be to participate on an Eagle Board of Review?
  3. Since I everyone has there attention here I have a question. Since you are 18 you can't wear you Eagle patch, but if you are involed in OA, and still considered a youth can you sill wear your patch?
  4. The admonition is not in any handbook. You recieve it at you ordeal. Ask you local chaper for it.
  5. Remember don't give out the admonition
  6. Yes I haven't had sucess in accessing the OA forum, and contacting the Webmaster.
  7. In my troop I have fellow 14 year old scout who is going for his life board of review. My problem is this scout is somewhat to little active. He comes to 25 percent of the meetings, and hasnt participated in any of the outings except for summer camp in the last 6 months (and troop elections). His mother has power in our troop, and I feel people are obligated to pass him to his next rank. He does not compare to the others in out troop who have been to every meeting, and outing. So what does the requirement Show Scout Sprit really mean? My definition is the scout is someone who wears his sco
  8. I was wondering if there is a discussion group for OA members only. I have questions about OA, and would not like to ruin the OA for those who have not been inducted.
  9. How do you go about challending/changeing BSA Policies?
  10. How do you go about challending/changeing BSA Policies?
  11. I did the Hiking MB, and did not combine the 10/20 hikes. It is a good idea i hadn't seen. But from my point of view you cant combine the hikes. Most would say the same thing.
  12. I can see where you are coming from. I'm 17 years old, and have my eagle scout. I see life scouts at 13-14 years old in my troop, and going for their eagle. I tell my mom the should wait for there maturity level to rise. To be an Eagle is to be an example, and help others. Please look up to Eagle scouts.
  13. I'm a member of a co-ed venture crew. The other night we had to chance to attend a leadership forum. There were 1 female adult, and two female youth members; 1 mail youth member. My question is can a you go to an event with the following people above, or do you have to have a two deep, with on male adult.
  14. I have completed the Hikeing MB. When I did my hikes they did not have to be with the troop. A merit badges is a thing outside the troop.
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