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Everything posted by TheScout

  1. It seems to me that this is a misguided discussion. Why is it important that the Lodge Chief shows off his status. What ever happened to a dose of humility?
  2. Many practicing Catholic pharmacists do not distribute birth control. Many places protect them in that right. California does as long as they notify their employer. I would not expect them to go against their morals.
  3. Ethics can sometimes dictate that we put our morals aside? Interesting.
  4. I like when my congressmen brings money back to my district and hopes he agrees with me on "hot button" issues.
  5. The real question is why are you worrying about this? This is the responsibility of the troop librarian. He should be researching this.
  6. If her beliefs were not in line with the DRP she could not be an Eagle Scout. Whats new?
  7. As a fellow night watchmen statist I voted for George W. Bush once (I wasn't old enough in 2000) because though he has presided over a great expansion of the federal government, I firmly believe it was less of an expansion that Mr. Gore or Mr. Kerry would have brought about.
  8. That seems like a tough assertion to make that religous "based" governments have a worse record concerning the value of human life than secular ones. First of all, it seems to be a rather one sided argument. Most governments throughout history have been "based" on religion in some way or another. It is probably only in the last 200 years, and the last century in particular where we have seen the spread of true secular states. That being said, looking at the history of the 20th century it seems possible that secular state value human life as least as little as religious "based" ones.
  9. "Currently, 89 countries have abolished capital punishment for all offences, 10 for all offences except under special circumstances, and 30 others have not used it for at least 10 years. A total of 68 countries retain it." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_punishment#Global_distribution_of_death_penalty
  10. Acco40, Great point! As a rather recent graduate of the American high school system, you correctly point out that options other than college are totally ignored. The whole time I spent in high school I did not here one mention of the ability to go into the trades or the military, which are all respectable careers, from the counselors or any other school personnel. All one hears is that you have to go to college.
  11. But people have to want to take part in their government. It seems that the spirit of the early repubic has somewhat eclipsed. People just look to their government to see what they can get from it. The 18th Century Scottish legalist, Sir Alex Fraser Tyler wrote an interesting piece on democracy, "A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largess of the public treasury. From that time on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the
  12. Just another example of how one size fits all government programs do not work in this vast country of ours. A shame to see no one realizes this and continues to advocate yet more programs, more taxes, and more spending to solve our problems . . .
  13. I agree with you! On everything you say about the BOR. I know the rules. I know its not a retest. I have never said any such thing. I am not saying the BOR member needs to use the book to ask the scout questions. Before advancing a scout, the BOR member should check to see all the requirements have been signed off. Scout gives BOR member book. BOR member looks at it. Requirement 1 signed off. - Good Requirement 2 signed off. - Good Etc. Scout Spirit signed off. - Good Scoutmaster Conference given - Good Then he thinks to himself. Wow this scout has everythin
  14. "The BOR members do NOT need to be given ANY "proof"." Then how does the Board know a scout has completed the requirements! "No, it is not silly. It is part of the "proper procedures" for a BOR. It is NOT up to the SCOUT to present the BOR with any "PROOF". It is the Scouts responsibility to show up to his BOR, neatly attired, & ready to answer questions put to him." It ha been a while since I read the Advancement Committee Policy and Procedures, but I do not recall a part where a scout has to be "neatly attird" or "ready to answer questions" either. Are you adding requirem
  15. "It seems a perfectly reasonable expecation to see some proof that the requirements were complete." "Not at a BOR it is not. There is no BSA requirement that the Scout MUST present his Handbook to the BOR." All I stated was that a Board of Review member should be given proof the requirements were complete. If you read the statement I did not say it had to be done in the form of a handbook. I do not see why you are quoting the proper procedures for questions at a BOR. We all know them and this has been discussed many times before. So are you saying that a Scout can show u
  16. It seems a perfectly reasonable expecation to see some proof that the requirements were complete.
  17. True, the "small rules" as you describe them do have the long arm centralizing effect. But I think you can agree for the most part the BSA is actually quite decentralized in delivery of program, though there is that ultimate authority. I think you are correct in your analysis of the relativist/absolutist divide. That is why the debates here go in circles. The ideas are irreconcilable. Some of us will never agree on the morality of homosexuality and atheism. I must honestly say, I do not see the inconsistency in the policy. An obese person can still be in my opinion physical s
  18. Packsaddle, you make an astute point and you deserve an answer. Since I tend to be long winded in such things here is a spin off so I don't hijack another thread. As you correctly point out I do advocate decentralization of our country, expounding on States Rights in particular. Though I feel this is a wise course of action, it is something which the government is bound by contract (the federal constitution) to follow. States have significant protections (or at least used to before the SCOTUS destroyed them) and we must respect that. I admire as great political thinkers of th
  19. Yes, we have to know what he actually wanted in the book. If he wanted to see the Life record with all the dates and signatures, that seems to be like a responsible Board of Review member. I hope they would check to see all the requirements are duly signed off before approving a scout.
  20. So you are comparing people who are immoral to those who are obese?
  21. packsaddle, Like I said, I do not think the policy is hypocracy. The BSA has standards of what it thinks is immoral. It exludes people that it judges to be immoral. Many other organizations do the same. I am sure the Girl Scouts don't allow child molestors or murderers to be leaders. They violate their standard of morality. Please note I am not equating homosexuality or atheism with murder or molestation. Simply stating that they are among traits different groups think are immoral. Not wanting to associate with people who you think are immoral does not mean one is not tolerant
  22. Dan, I do not think the BSA is necesarily hypocritical. The BSA does not think certain people are good moral characters to serve as examples for the Scouts. They can still respect peoples differences. They just do not want to associate. That is their right. Many other groups discriminate against people who they deem immoral. I don't think the Girl Scouts lets people they think are immoral be leaders? The BSA just has a different standard of morality. Today's society wants a one size fits all morality, and the BSA doesn't comply. They do what they think is right. Thats wh
  23. Calico, you make interesting points and well reasoned points, but I must disagree in part. You correctly point out how the Framers of the Constitution knowingly intended to restrict the impeachment power as compared to English constitutionalism. However, one must also look at the history of the term "high crimes and misdemenors" as written in the 18th Century English context. High crimes referred mainly to crimes against the state. Also a principal High Misdemenor was public maladministration. It is important to note the first conviction of an impeachment was in 1804 on a jud
  24. Eagledad, I think you make good points. Adult involvement in the PLC only leads to problems. It does not let the boys make decisions on their own which is presumably the goal of the PLC. I must confess I have never read the SPL Handbook. However with nobody from our PLC reading it when I was a scout, I think we ran successful PLC meetings for many years. Running a meeting is not hard. If you have a troop of say 30 boys with 4 Patrol Leaders and an SPL. Between those 5 and the ASPL, there should be at least enough talent, initiative, and leadership ability to run a simple meet
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