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Everything posted by TAHAWK

  1. The former Scouter seems to have a real issue with the Scout Law, not to mention impulse control.
  2. BSA registered patrols for the first fifty years of its life.
  4. EVEN SNOPES: "Did a BLM Organizer Say, ‘I Don’t Care If Someone Decides to Loot’? [downsized] Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said of the looting, 'This is not legitimate First Amendment-protected speech ... This was straight-up felony, criminal conduct.' Rating Correct Attribution" "The following evening, members of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement held a solidarity rally in that city with some of the people who had been arrested for looting the night before. Shortly after those events, social media users began circulating a meme stemming from that
  5. Portland rioting, vandalism, and looting continues. NPR says calling riots "riots" could be "racist. Calling NPR "national" or "public" could be inaccurate. "A [Black] Tennessee state representative called out politicians' response to violence and property destruction taking hold in U.S. cities, saying rioters are 'emboldened because we act like a bunch of punks -- too frightened to stand up and protect our own stuff.' 'They're getting emboldened because we act like a bunch of punks -- too frightened to stand up and protect our own stuff,' DeBerry said. 'You tell
  6. 12" of para cord and the right knot replaces any slide. https://caravanbeads.com/sliding-knot-instructions.aspx or https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GGGE___US527US527&sxsrf=ALeKk01GwjM0kqAE9peL1fptA5uKsxOPfw:1598419847332&source=univ&tbm=isch&q=turkey+neck+bone+neckerchief+slide&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj2vs75kbjrAhUVHM0KHUxQA_UQsAR6BAgKEAE&biw=1600&bih=764
  7. PORTLAND, Ore. August 22, 2020 A riot was declared early Saturday outside a police precinct in Portland as rioters continued their ongoing clash with law enforcement. Nine arrests came out of the riot. The Portland Police Bureau said several of its officers were targeted by rioters who reportedly threw a railroad spike, eggs, bottles, golf balls, rocks ball bearings, plastic eggs filled with paint and balloons filled with feces. WARNING: Graphic images Police said that over a three-hour period, individuals in a crowd of 100 to 150 people pelted police vehicles with soft
  8. MONEY MONEY MONEY CREDIT CARDS There were a total of 1.12 billion credit cards in 2018 and the projection for 2023 is more than 1.25 billion. The number of credit cards from the four primary credit card networks (VISA, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover) was 679 million in 2018. [T]he total number of credit card transactions in the U.S. was 40.8 billion in 2017, up from 37.3 billion in 2016 CURRENCY There is a total of about $1.5 trillion in U.S. physical currency in circulation. CHECKS The United States is one of the few countries that
  9. Protestors in Portland, Ore. took their fight of over 80 days to the Justice Center on Aug. 16 and declared war. Speaking to the gathered crowd, Letha Winston said "This is war you guys. We are at war, are you guys ready?" As the crowd cheered. ... She said that police should have been strangled in the womb by their umbilical cords, and deserve to "fry like bacon" in the electric chair. The crowd cheered. Winston's protest was on the same night that [various persons] ... beat a man in the street [after he interfered with the mugging of a trans person] , leavin
  10. Meanwhile, in the county to my south: "Individuals with guns showed up at a teenager’s backyard birthday party in Ohio and opened fire, killing an 8-year-old girl. It happened around 11:48 p.m. Friday [August August 14, 2020] in Akron at the home of Willie Walker, 62, who was throwing the party for his 15-year-old grandson, according to a report Saturday. 'All hell broke out,' Walker told the Akron Beacon Journal. 'I don’t know what the hell happened.' Saturday afternoon, Akron police identified the girl as Mikayla Pickett. Spokesman Lt. Michael Miller told Fox
  11. Maybe. Or maybe not. Unlike you (" The answer to all of this is no."), I have no ready access to information about how BLM Chicago conducts its enterprises. BLM Chicago has a website, as you say, but the "contact" page lists no street address. https://www.blacklivesmatterchicago.com/ This website list ten "demands": 1. CLOSE HOMAN SQUARE - We demand the immediate closing of Homan Square (and all other unknown “black sites”) where over 7,000 people were “disappeared.” 2. CPAC NOW - We demand the immediate implementation of an elected Civilian Police Accountabi
  12. The issue that I addressed was whether a Black Lives Matter representative stated that looting was acceptable. You suggested that the sources that you named saying that she did express that view were "conservative," implying that this made them untrustworthy. I cited several non-conservative sources for the same story, including Black Lives Matter itself. The representative of SBLM, Ariel Atkins, then told NPR - a left-wing source: " that her group '100 percent' supports the violent looters who trashed chunks of the Windy City Monday, again repeating her claim that it is 'reparations.”' 'T
  13. I do not understand that U.S intelligence did officially conclude there was impact. Which is why I did not say they did. To believe that they did not attempt to access effect seems is to suggest that they are incompetent. We are more than Scouters here. We are more than BSA Scouting devotees here. As Americans, we should be interested in whether any foreign nation is impacting our political processes.
  14. The Chicago Black Lives Matter organizer who justified looting as “reparation” has doubled down — insisting this week that even calling someone a criminal is “based on racism.” Ariel Atkins told WBEZ that her group “100 percent” supports the violent looters who trashed chunks of the Windy City Monday, again repeating her claim that it is “reparations.” “The whole idea of criminality is based on racism anyway,” she told the NPR station. “Because criminality is punishing people for things that they have needed to do to survive or just the way that society has affected them with wh
  15. Portland protesters, rioters target police with lasers and fireworks outside federal courthouse Portland protesters and rioters returned to a federal courthouse late Wednesday into early Thursday morning, launching fireworks toward police, shining lasers into officers’ eyes and splashing at least one cop with paint, authorities said Thursday morning. Several hundreds of people in the Oregon city gathered near the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse, the neighboring Multnomah County Justice Center and a nearby police precinct station after nights of demonstrations elsewhere, including a d
  16. Americans are doing a fabulous job on their own. U.S. Intel repportedly leaked the view that the Russians impacted the 2016 election. The U.S. Government under Obama disagreed. So we must try to access the weight to be given the unofficial reports of an officially questionable source.
  17. But your source is questionable. The "issue" was whether Ariel Atkins spoke for Black lives matter given that media you find "conservative" identified her as such. Turns out media that are clearly left-wing AND Black Lives Matter itself identify her as speaking for Black Lives Matter. Ariel Atkins is a Russian agent provocateur? She's been at it for years. Sleeper agent?
  18. Our Lodge sent a group to the Lakota Reservation annually to be taught dancing, drumming, and singing. They did ask us not to do the Ghost Dance, and we complied at once.
  19. The latest hurt feeling over "cultural appropriation, is female non-Asians using makeup to make their eyes look elongated - slanted. The "fox-eye" trend The Stanford Forum out on la la land decries such "Unapologetic cultural appropriation" CNN: "The 'fox eye' beauty trend continues to spread online. But critics insist it's racist" Mexican food fairs at colleges are similarly denounced - for the food and the music. Can Italian use of noodles, invented in China, be far behind? "Marcelled" hair, Reverend Sharpton? Cornrows on White females? White women claiming
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