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Everything posted by stlscouter

  1. Everyone seems to agree that boys with ADD and ADHD etc are a challenge but I would like to add to the mix here that sometimes the parents are less than helpful in helping the situation. In addition to not bringing the meds in the original container, or not mentioning to the SM the boy has been taken off his meds for the summer it only exacebates the situation. I have mentioned to several parents that JLTC or summer camp might not be the optimum time to do this because the boy (1) is in an unfamiliar place (2) will be using fire (3) using a knife and/or ax and that being able to self contro
  2. Semper- pastime? Multimillion dollar industry! There are also those who just want to be offensive and stick their thumb in your eye while complaining that you can't see their point. Could name names but..a scout is courteous and kind.
  3. I am a vigil member of the OA and for years have helped ceremonial teams prepare for their ceremonies-both ordeal and brotherhood. Both ceremonies include the Scout oath and law and in addition refer to .."and guidance of our Maker". While none of these references interfere with almost any church, I have seen young men go way beyond just "playing" a part to the extent of gowing long hair year round so as to be in "character" when needed-also seen Mohawk haircuts, the wearing of Indian jewelry, in short some have become totally immersed in to the "Indian" culture. My original concer
  4. I guess part of my question revolves around all of the religious posts and policy I've been reading here etc. but: Are the Scouts mocking a religion (spiritual belief) when doing the "Native American 'stuff'"? Are any of these recitations contrary to their sposoring institutions? Because the OA is such an intigral paret of the BSA,is the OA providing the religious framework that some scouts might use to question the religious policy of the BSA? That is a boy may be an atheist (but not having told anyone) but perform ceremoies could he claim this "portral" as his religion and
  5. In what way do the OA ceremonies affect the belief systems of church sponsored units? Dicussion anyone?
  6. I hope your experience at camp other than this incident was enjoyable. OA has changed over the last 30 years or so -we no longer "tap" boys out- we call them out-some say not an improvement-others are more impressed with the resourcefulness that the boys have come up with to do the ceremony second-G2SS scouting has enumerated the policy about harrassment and any talk about blood oaths would be covered under that policy. The silence issue is slowly making a change in some places and an encourgement of cheerful work (read laughing, singing etc)is making inroads. thirdly-the emphasis in
  7. YOU MEAN THERES A BOOK ABOUT ALL THIS STUFF! WHAT A GREAT IDEA! Just kidding. Sorry didn't mean to yell.
  8. OGE your suggestion of moving the Jambo to a more centralized area is great-travel expenses for all regions would be equalized but (yes thre's always a but) St louis area has about5-6 Scout camps within a fairly small radius (125 miles) the largest is S-F scout ranch which has 5500 acres, next 2200 acres none of which, even with with $20 million improvements could handle 35,000-40,000 of our best. Besides- the proximity to the Nation's Capitol is one of the best things about jambo.
  9. johndaigle-notice I said -practioners-. Units sponsored by the UU and the Esicopal Church would still only have to have the COR as a registered member of the BSA not he whole church body. Sponsoring organizations are as varied as the Scouts they sponsor- VFW, America Legion, PTO etc I am sure that these groups have Gay members also, but their COR as a member of the BSA cannot be gay. I should think that the agreement on practical application of philosophy(etc) would begin with no sexual activity at all-now the trick is to define sexual activity. Remembering of course the now famous "I
  10. Thanks p-s Just like a lot other ideas I thought the original "Family Leave Act" was a good idea that being that a new mother could take time off to be with her new born child and not loose her job. Somewhere along the line .."and new fathers too." was added. Then came adoptive parents. Then came Gay adoptive parents. Then came staying home with as sick reative. Then a sick significant other. Then someimes I think that the "amendments" that are added clarify something do more to cloud the original premise. That is to say; separating the "sin from the sinner" in this case. Or the co
  11. I must apologize to the forum- I am new to the forum and without throughly reading all of the posts from earlier this year I didn't realize that some of my earlier postings had already run their course in earlier threads and had been addressed in great detail. Sorry! stlscouter
  12. Maybe we should redefine WMD to read weapons of massTRANSIT destruction.
  13. ..and if common sense is common why don't more people have it? Anybody else have the BIBLE version that states in Proverbs 10:13"...and the stupid should be beat with a stick"? OT, sorry.
  14. Packsaddle-thanks for being embarassed for me While the esoteric posts here are all well thought out, the practical aspects expressed by others cannot nor should they be discounted. I have heard thes concerns expressed by others in similar conversations around campfires and believe that these folks are genuinely sincere. Until their concerns are addressed and answered fully they will not be moved away from the position that gay practioners are not appropriate in Scouting. Religion, philosophy, and spiritually merely provide a framework in which to operate, there needs to be a format to
  15. I understand the ferver with which folks agree or disagree with President Bush but to add that we still have American Troops that were committed by President Clinton 10 years ago in Bosnia fighting again Muslims gives me pause to think not about OUR role but who the enemy is and how WE can defeat them. I am reminded of my ex father-in-law's (Command Sgt Major)statement "What have you personally done today to insure your neighbor's freedom? Food for Thought?
  16. As an Eagle Board chair, I know that our reviewers,if it hasn't been mentioned in their written statement of life purpose and ambition will often ask how the young man sees his role scouting after attaining Eagle-most but certainly not all are enthusiastically looking forward to "giving back to the program" or at least want to help those coming behind to make it to Eagle also. Sadly there are also those who have no clue as to the help the progarm needs from them. My hope is that they will come back to the progam at a later time and pick up the challenge and carry on the traditions.
  17. just grin-Went camping once(have camping and wilderness survival merit badges. Saw a tree(have nature and forestry merit badges). Cut tree down (have woodworking merit badge and my totin' chip). Built fire (have firemanchip and emergency preparedness merit badge). Cooked a meal (have cooking and first aid merit badges). Spent the night (have astronomy merit badge). Got up drove home (don't have automobiling merit badge-too young). Posted this on my computer (don't have computer merit badge-too old) The fact that we are here and communicating over long distances by computer means we
  18. having worked on both new and old courses the only myth I've discovered that is no myth at all is that the person with the most critter items amassed wins! Poor ravens!
  19. just saw the "J C Penny" skit for the 100th time-hmmmmm also saw staff do an interesting version of If "I weren't a Boy Scout"-sometimes its the way the Scouts do the skit that's just plain funny or not. How about "I've come to marry the princess" done right I fall off my bench. Anybody remember Sid Ceaser, Flip Wilson or Robin Williams in female dress-how about Japanese Kabuki dancers-all male in all roles. Cross dressing is not the same as stage costumes.
  20. TOUNGUE IN CHEEK Maybe we could declare them a religious oganization and deny them acess to any and all government services and programs! smile
  21. All of the BIBLE quotes and misquotes are interesting. But, among other reasons heard, with reference to why no homosexuals in Scouts are: 1. Scouts will be a great recruiting ground for the next generation of gays since they are not able to reproduce of themselves, thus not being able to contribute boys to the program. 2. The difference between the actions of a a pedophile and a gay adult is 17 years 364 days 23 hours and 59 seconds.
  22. Seen on T-shirt "Scouting is life...the rest is just details"
  23. Back in the early 60's the scouts for troop 17 also wore as an "activity uniform" while at Summer camp (Irondale) cut-off bluejean shorts, white T-shirts , with sleeves rolled up, and a flatened campaign hat called a "baker hat". They also did white glove tent inspections of the Baker style tents (including footlockers, etc) we slept in and marched into morning and evening flag ceremony in files from tallest to shortest scouts. Impressive?, yes. 100% scouting-no.
  24. Great thread Having done JLT and NYLT either as a Program director or SM young men do indeed do some amazing things-burn the bills off of their hats-all patrol members did this so as to be distinctive or beg to be given a good KSA rating so they could be on the staff the next year. Good boy leaders change one thing at a time to achieve their goals. in other words they start small and end big. The ultimate boy leaders practice, practice and practice.
  25. My question would be to the authors of the study 1. Which youth group are you personnally involved with and what postion do you hold? 2. What positive contribution are you making to correct the shortcomings identified in your organization? It's always easier to stand on top of the hill and criticize than to lead the climbers from the bottom of the hill.
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