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Everything posted by stlscouter

  1. I would suggest that those who wish to burn the flag for some other reason than retirement wrap themselves in the flag before they light it. It would certainly show the seriousness of their commitment.
  2. We've had mums in our yard for about 20 years and they are beautiful this year-we've never used Acc'ent seasoning on them but if it works-great. We usually use Acc'ent on the meat and the folks recite things like "M r duks" "M r not" "M r 2- c dem iddie biddie feet?" "L i b M r duks." Maybe the more we talk to each other the less we understand one another.
  3. Do I see someone saying that National is in the dark or that the place needs to be kept in the dark? Or is the place just full of dim-watts? This could cause lurkers to turn on their light-sabres. Let the light show begin!
  4. S-o-o-o-o-o- the lights are out and OGE is alone trying to keep a breast.... H-m-m-m. it is time to short curcuit z-z-z-z-i-i-t-t-t-t-
  5. Oh yeah-Who said "Let there be light?"
  6. Some posters wil rermind us that acordian players, bagpipe players should be playing in the background and layers must not be joked about in this forum or any forum for that matter.
  7. Do I remember Moe Howard doing a Fuher bit? Was the humor the 3 Stooges or a Jewish fellow mocking Hitler or is it ? Nothing funny about the Holocaust. Did anybody laugh? I admit I did.
  8. As the poster of the 9 YPT card reference let me say that the original thread had to do with MANDATORY TRAINING and my remarks were directed to how many times we have to do it and how many times all of us need to be reminded of safety. YPT (as an umbrella)also includes G2SS stuff so it is NOT all about abuse. It can also be about safe fuels, tour permits, buddy system, rule of 4, riding in the back of a pickup, safe swim defense, etc. I am sorry that any of you were abused as a child. My comments were akin to a scouter wearing the "overtrained" patch on the uniform.
  9. OGE says "As far as when the moderators step in, I remember a poster here making the comment that he liked it when an absurd poster posted a lot, it showed the moronic thought process that person held. If people want to play slash each others throat and demean them as much as possible, its tough to control unless we edit every blatant and quesitonable post, and then we get into what is blatant and whats questionable et al. So, go ahead, continue on the scorched earth policy, show everyone who might come across the internet just how small scouters can be" OGE-I'm glad to see that only moro
  10. Packsaddle-only ironic in the sense that the 1st amendendment (by strict constuction) grants free speech and the 14th amendment (by evolving, increasing inclusion) equal protection of the laws (right not to be offended). Sorry, I thought it was kind of a double irony. The old, original Bill of Rights and the amendmrents currently used to find all of our "new" rights.
  11. Oh, I get it-your first amendment right to free speech means you can do a rebel yell and someone else's 14th amendment right is to consider that hate speech-rather like burning a cross in someone's yard. Great irony.(This message has been edited by stlscouter)
  12. I saw a guy with a second BSA strip sewed on his shirt one time and when asked he said he could interpret official Boy Scoutese.
  13. Hunt-the first four words of the Mayflower Compact and the date signed -clear indicators for me that they believed in a much higher power than themselves. Article three of the Articles of Confereration specifically mentions the freedom of religion
  14. some of us took a great deal of ribbing when staffers sported "PINK" T-shirts. Actually they were "Old Rose" by Fruit of the Loom, and they were very, very close to the rufus grey of the Great Kudu, that the neckerchief is supposed to be.
  15. That's OK Ed- I have come to expect nothing less from Merlyn. I also expect to see Merlyn's posts after the removal of ..One nation under GOD.. to take up the cry to change the names of the days of the week, months of the year and AD from common usage. Although BCE does have reference to eras of other religious trends and precipital events. Come to think of it, so do all of the other calendars in use today. My post refered to The Mayflower Compact, The Articles of Confederation in addition to the Declaration of Independence. If they are not familiar to you, as American History d
  16. and including MORE religion in our daily lives is bad how? And did you really miss the first part of the post in your anxiousness to scroll down to see the answer to the quiz?
  17. The US Constitutution draws heavily upon all of the historic documents before it including The Mayflower Compact, The Articles of Confereration and The Declaration of Independence. Each of those documents paid particular attention to the right of freedom of religion. And stated such, in no uncertain terms. There was no dissent or discussion as to freedom from religion. And religion was not the reason they were replaced. As to antropologists getting to define worship, religion, diety or GOD, their definitions relate to a culture and may well define the culture of the US in the present day
  18. Our Council had our Fall reunion for one of our Lodges last weekend and the lodge had almost 1200 Ordeal candidates. the Lodge nears 8,000 members. One of the districts had over 250 alone. I'm try ing to imagine how our 15 or so districts could do call outs at a camporee. And about the number of Vigil numbers-25 total last year-adults and youth.
  19. I've said this before- congrats to all especially Hunting Wolf-great work with the OA ceremonial team To all- his 3 sons were at his beading and did the Ordeal & brotherhood ceremonies and one was elected as the new chapter Chief-not bad for onew weekend
  20. I have 9 YPT cards, one for every year of JLT training I've done and all except one have all the corners, after all they are like the totin' chip card- right?
  21. the 13th, 14th, an15th etc amendments all carry clauses at the end stating that congress shall enact the needed legislation to carry out the purpose and intent of the amendment. The first 10 carry no such clause. My point is subtly contained in the last part of my post-while the word religion is used the word GOD is not. We spend much time in these post parsing words- so to parse the word religion-to worship or hold in esteem can include money, government or any number of other things including GOD. Additionally, the words freedom from religion is not there (in the first amendment). The f
  22. Akaluga-I read part Cree? is that part of the Cherokee Nation? The Url refers to Akaluga wearing a full double trailer Cherokee war bonnet to relate stories- can you clarify? As an Italian what say you about that sterotype? Ever use the word mafia? I guess I should say don't do it again.
  23. Hunt-maybe the compromise could be based on what the first amendment actually says, "congress shall make no law.." I wish someone would point to the law tht congress passed that mandates all school children must recite the pledge. Perhaps an actual definition of religion would help-I know some who worship government and money maybe these too are religions.
  24. The ceremonial teams in our district have been rather dilegent in researching and choosing appropriate regalia. "Pan-Indianism" is HIGHLY discouraged..Our teams advisor is an honorary Osage.
  25. It is amazing that my last post was deemed as inappropriate by a staffer, since the nose was thumbed at believers again. Apparently Merlyn's posts as an anti-theist and an anti-scouter are deemed more merit worthy than theists or scouters. His position consistently denigrates me just as he believes that the BSA denigrates anti-theists. Moderator, are you choosing sides?
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