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Everything posted by sheldonsmom

  1. My son has a Little Sioux memorial patch on the right pocket of his Jac-shirt. This was approved by council here. Is that supposed to be removed?
  2. My 17 year old son will be heartbroken that the jac-shirt is leaving! He was given one a couple of years ago (Grandma found it at Goodwill). These things are durable though. Charles has a "tornado" stain but will wear it forever. Just for the record he also has a red beret (vintage), black beret (troop gear), campaign hat (vintage), and a garrison/envelope hat (vintage). He was hoping the jac-shirt would survive the uniform color purge but we heard about the change months ago at our scout shop.
  3. Thanks for the welcome. I live near Omaha. My son was in the north shelter during the tornado. (that was the shelter destoyed) He sustained minor injuries but is doing pretty well, all things considered.
  4. ADHD may not be heriditary but it is, apparently, contagious!
  5. You could show the way scouts can help the military, i.e. care packages, flag ceremonies, buglers, helping families, etc. You could also show a flag ceremony and the proper folding of the flag. Hope I helped.
  6. Hi, Belated introductions from Iowa. My husband and I have an Eagle Scout (17 year old Charles), 18 year old Victoria (venturing), 11 year old Elizabeth (American Heritage Girls) and four year old Caroline. DH is an ASM and I am a UC among other jobs that are often found for me! I have been kinda hanging around since March. YIS Theresa
  7. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for our boys here. My son was one of the boys in the destroyed shelter(red troop, north shelter). He is fine with no lasting physical injuries. His heart will take longer to heal as two of the boys were his friends. The four boys were awarded the Spirit of the Eagle. Different medals were given to the boys in the storm. All of the adults received Honor or Crossed Palm awards(not sure how I feel about that, honestly). That tornado did every thing we have been taught tornadoes do not do....two 90 degree turns, go up a hill, not the leading e
  8. Our local group said they would include the scouts at no cost, but it would probably depend on the local group.
  9. Thanks for the suggestion. We have tried that and still have ended up with me talking to the counselor. Usually, though we now do things via email. Just easier for all involved (if you can handle kids spelling nowadays!).
  10. One other thing to consider....I often make the phone calls for my son because he has a speech impediment and is often hard to understand on the phone, especially if the person does not know him. My son can be understood face to face (usually) but the phone is not his friend. Please consider that when condemning overproctive or interferring parents. I will get off my soap box now.
  11. Hi,all, My father recently went to DC with the Honor Flight program. For those not familiar, it is a free flight for WWII and Korean War Vets (sometimes Vietnam as well) so they can tour the memorials. I was talking to one of the leaders from Ohio and they would LOVE to have Boy Scouts to travel with the Vets as "guardians". The boys would need to be 15 and have first aid training and parental permission. My son, an Eagle Scout, hopes to go later this month with one of the flights. It would be an awesome opportunity for both the Vets and the boys. Sheldonsmom
  12. We just bought a ring for our son. We found a vintage Sterling Silver Eagle Scout ring on eBay. He liked it better than any of the new rings we had considered on Jostens.
  13. IMO hosting a party at a senior center is abosolutely a service! The help may not be tangible (like picking up trash) but it is a service to the hearts of people involved. The same is true of flag ceremonies. It is a good turn that is being recorded not how much junk boys can pick up! Maybe I view the word help differently but those actions you mentioned are just as valuable to those who receive them as any cleaning or repair project ever could be! The boys should be taught that those projects have high value! I will get off my soap box now.
  14. Do they wear the venture strip over the right pocket? We have our boys do that instead of a separate patrol patch.
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