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Everything posted by RememberSchiff

  1. This gave me a chuckle http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/39793497/ns/world_news-europe/ I don't mean this as a slight to our British friends, we have had bigger goofs. Just a comment that no matter how advanced the technology all systems have an inherent weak link - us. Could some Boy Scouts row out and offer a tow? Maybe re-create that moment when a scout offered help on a foggy night My $0.01
  2. Let the buyer beware, they may be under new management but there were many complaints of undelivered awards with this company not too long ago. circa 2007 http://www.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=166463 circa 2008 http://www.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=189850 My $0.02,
  3. In my unit, the Troop Committee meets once a month on the same night as the troop meeting. The SM attends while an ASM(s) covers the troop meeting. The Troop Committee tried meeting on a separate night but attendance was poor.
  4. Oh it has been discussed. I have not found the Search tool on scouter.com helpful though you will get a listing for searching "Scout bucks". I use Advanced Search on Google for domain scouter.com to search this forum, though that has occasional problems too. Google: "Individual Scout accounts" site:scouter.com Welcome troop1910. My $0.02
  5. In keeping with making the world a better place...imagine if scouts had to re-certify (like Red Cross and WFA certificate holders) in first aid skills periodically. So the scout who got a speed-pass of T-SC-FC first aid and then first merit badge by age 12, now had to re-certify say at age 14 before he could advance or maybe complete WFA at age 14 and maintain current certification if he wanted to advance in rank. Of course, adult leaders could still be considered "Trained" and have no first aid training whatsoever. My $0.02
  6. Yeah, I have heard others also speculate that a scout t-shirt and jeans would be the next uniform. So I asked what about all those badges, where would they go? 'Badges? They would probably get just cards (personalized Pokemon cards?). Parents want less work - no sewing or gluing.' Took 2 aspirin with that thought,
  7. First, Safety and security. Safe storage of fuel. We store stove fuel off site from Charter Organization. Charcoal is stored in our troop shed. Food? We do not store any leftover food. Not looking for critter problems in our shed. Water jugs, coolers need to cleaned and stored DRY, closed! Storage area and trailer securely locked. Spare tire and registration folder in trailer. Trailer inspection? Insurance coverage? Depending on your storage area, consider smoke/fire detector. Good point about storing about floor level. Second, inventory and inspection. What serviceable equi
  8. "Do we have pictures of what the things look like to recognize bronze, silver, gold? How noticeable will a given level of accomplishment be?" Hopefully, National will put same team on this as is working on Geocaching Merit Badge. Teach your PLC to plan and execute the program and let whatever awards take care of themselves...eventually. Another $0.02
  9. Patrol method = everyone has a job but all help. No sitting on your duff because it ain't in your job title description. In a newly formed patrol, the PL sees to this. As (if?) the patrol successfully gels, this occurs automatically. A thing of beauty! Often in a successful patrol, it will not be readily apparent who the PL is. Everyone knows their job and helps everyone else. My $0.02
  10. While you are attending adult leader leader training courses, can your 15yr old scout son be a member of a provisional crew taking a trek during that time?(This message has been edited by RememberSchiff)
  11. Hmmm, So for a Venture Crew, the Crew President and Secretary must sign, but for a troop, naah we don't care for the SPL to sign for his "scout-run" troop. 1. Advancement - I would rather see 60%, 80%, 100% of those scouts who left (aged-out, quit) had earned the rank of First Class or higher. I'm not thrilled with encouraging mills for those who remain. Did we SM and ASM's help all those boys that joined? 2. Retention - Corrected any troop problems stated by departing and transferring scouts as verified by District Commissioner and departing scout parents. Retain 70%, 80%, 90%
  12. If I could only take 1 thing from Sports and apply it to Scouting, it would be the discipline, particularly taking away awards (even Heisman and Olympic gold) for rules violations. Runners-up: - physically strong (physical conditioning) - a local central authority ( league, conference) with enforcement powers over team programs and personnel. - scholarships - competitive spirit and sportsmanship - no sewing - membership would be nice too, far more involved in sports - Hollywood. There are many sports movies (Rudy, Remember the Titans, Hoosiers, Miracle on Ice,...) but on
  13. Give each helicopter parent an open can of root beer and see if the old adage is true that misery loves company.
  14. 'Eagle scouts join (pick a service) as E-3'. Maybe. My understanding is an Eagle scout is eligible for E-2 or E-3 upon successful completion of boot camp and recommendation. No guarantee. It would be interesting to see if this is writing in an enlistment contract. Also, why in 2010 is there still no mention of Venturing awards? I would think the Ranger Award and Silver Award would have value as well to the military. Maybe our Irving boys can contact the Secretary of Defense, an Eagle Scout himself. My $0.02
  15. "My Pack is going to start requiring an application and background check for each parent with kids in the pack. Our COR stated this is the new national policy." While untrue for now, I think something like this is coming. My CO/unit is considering an "approved safe driver list" as there are parents who are known to be accident-prone, drive distracted, and worse. Nice people, just not safe drivers. I think part C of the new Health and Medical Form shows where we are heading: "Adults authorized to take youth to and from the event: (You must designate at least one adult. Please include
  16. Sounds like the federal government!! Units should have job descriptions for each leadership position. Again so everyone is on the same page - another thing to add to your To-Do list. Googling, you can quickly find other units that have posted job descriptions. I found this list from http://www.roselletroop408.org/generic.aspx?PageType=Classifieds Treasurer Filled The Troop Treasurer maintains all troop finances, collects dues and fees, and pays troop bills. Appointed by the Committee Chair and serves at the satisfaction of the Committee Chair and the Troop Committee. Re
  17. Some thoughts 1. Go to the bank/credit union and get the troop's account statement, ASAP. 2. Change signature authorization card. Old treasurer off the list. Also it is good idea to require TWO authorization signatures. 3. Bring checkbook up to date. You may want new checks or transfer to a new account to get things under control. 4. Ask troop leadership questions, what fundraisers are there?, what troop dues?, what does rechartering cost?, how much do we spend on awards, how does the troop approve purchases (Sorry Scoutmaster cannot buy whatever he/she wants)? These questions are imp
  18. What a disappointment. The rumor I heard was that the requirements were dumbed-down to just one. 1. On a clear day, using a GPS unit of your choice, complete a course with the following waypoints: Mynose, Myelbow, and Myass. In April, professional scouters from National Headquarters field tested the new requirement. The bad news is they became lost on the third leg. The good news is they still have not been found. My $0.01
  19. Steel wool comes in many grades. I prefer Chore Boy Stainless Steel scrubbing pads, hot water. For old rust that will not scrub away, I have used Coca Cola to remove rust. Rinse with plenty of hot water, dry, reseason with thin coat of vegetable oil (upside down but catch dripping with bake tray, 350deg oven, 15-20 minutes). I have not heard about olive oil or beeswax, thanks for that tip. My $0.02(This message has been edited by RememberSchiff)
  20. Just to clarify, The Valley Forge Pilgrimage, a Saturday historical walkabout event, is at Valley Forge National Park. The winter camping for that weekend, "The Valley Forge Encampment" is NOT at Valley Forge National Park but nearby. Scouts are then bussed to/from Saturday's Pilgrimage event. As to the original question, the Cradle of Liberty Council should have camping info. An overnighter on the Battleship New Jersey could be a possibility. Troop 50 in very nearby Devon rents their campsite and cabin http://www.devon50.org/rentjarvis/rentjarvis.htm Another $0.02 (This mess
  21. So your question is does the color of your underwear matter? No. Officially? No. Now the name and perhaps the day of the week labeled on them might matter, particularly for Cubs. My $0.02
  22. It is about the "activity" of Scouting and not any scouting organization, at least according to this article. (I believe it was released at our 100th as a way to increase sales). http://www.antique-stamp-collection.com/TB/?P=2401 "Stamp illustrator Craig Frazier loves seeing his work in the mail or rather, on the mail. I never get tired of seeing my stamps on an envelope. Its thrilling, he says. Theres something very official about it. Therein lies a challenge for the U.S. Postal Service. As Frazier recognizes, commemoration on a stamp is a nearly universal symbol of arrival i
  23. "If the board of review is for rank advancement, the board will satisfy itself that the Scout has done what he was supposed to do for that rank and will review with the Scout the requirements for the next rank. The board of review is also a way of reviewing the troop's progress" If a scout cannot tell me anything about what he has done, if he gives me the impression of across the board confusion - his scouting experience is a blur as you put it, then it is time for a PAUSE. The scout needs some help and maybe the program too. Opportunity missed. Scout and troop not served. My $
  24. Well, did the BOR (you?) tell this scout that he is not ready or did he get the rubberstamp so the problem can grow?
  25. I often use the pseudonym "Scout Tommy Jones" when teaching scouts and a friend sent an e-mail titled "Scout Tommy Jones is Real" with the following news attachment. I googled and found out about the medical bills and scout insurance questions and decided to post a reply to this topic. I too would like to learn how scout insurance helps this family. My friend is right, Scout Tommy Jones is real. http://www.chagrinvalleytimes.com/NC/0/2215.html Scouts, rescuers commended after fall from cliff Tom Jones Jr., 17, of Bainbridge is being hailed as a hero for his actions i
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