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Posts posted by Gone

  1. I still cannot create a new topic "Nationwide ammunition shortage may effect summer camp".


    Even 22 ammunition is hard to find, a local Rifle Shooting MB class has been indefinitely postponed until 22 ammo become available.


    "There is a shortage at the moment of .22 ammunition,†said David Chapman, Executive Director of the Buffalo Trail Council (Texas). “Kids like shooting and especially when it’s in a safe environment. During the summer we usually use about 22,000 rounds of ammo."


    Chapman says each year major ammo retailers open bulk orders at a discount just for scout councils across the country, but this year it was a let down.


    "They opened up the window for about two hours, “ Chapman said. “Then said, we’ve got all the orders we can handle through the end of the year.â€Â




    We had a similar issue in our Troop-based shooting sports. Had to stick to shotgun since .22 ammo was so hard to find. When we do find it we buy large amounts and stockpile it for a few years.
  2. Been there once during an off season visit. Check first and last day policies regarding getting gear in and out. It is an unbelievable trek on a gravel road down a very steep grade. We were told to stop the cars in a specific spot to cool the brakes and when heading out to use low gears. We had to do both of these. The camp is on a beautiful river with wonderful cliffs surrounding it. We took a troop there in Spring to do a float on the Buffalo River. Would highly reccommend that.
    Thanks for the help. We are looking forward to it. I hear that Orr is a tough camp to get in to usually (or maybe that was Pioneer) for out-of-council troops. Did not want to travel too far this year (done NC and NM the last two years and wanted something a day's drive away). Going to hit Route 66 and visit that soda shop with the big soda on in OK on the way home. Boys and soda and a long trip...probably not a great combination. ;-)
  3. Sorry to post here but the darn software will not let me creat a new thread.


    I have a few crews going to Philmont this summer. I am looking for a good source for an excellent topo map. Is the USGS store the best place? Does anyone have any experience with 7.5 series (or better) maps from USGS (or another provider) covering Philmont?

  4. I posted this in another forum but it seems it is appropriate here too, so forgive the double post. There is training out there to be had to deal with ADD/ADHD and austism spectrum Scouts and is offered through at least one Council. Maybe your Council can incorporate it into your region's training if there is a need. Given 12% of kids are being diagnosed with this it might make sense. Food for thought.



  5. Game Design Merit Badge


    "DALLAS, March 7, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Games are an important element in every culture around the globe. Simple games give structure to children's playtime and help enforce basic social skills like courtesy, sharing, and taking turns, and more intricate games can help children hone their logic, strategy, and even mathematics skills. Through Game Design, its newest merit badge, the Boy Scouts of America is opening the door for Scouts to put their creativity to the test. BSA representatives will introduce the new title at the SXSW Gaming Expo in Austin, Texasâ€â€a three-day event that provides gamers and game designers alike an opportunity to interact and learn from one another."




    Still cannot create a new topic. :(

    This is way cool. We have a game designer in our Troop who works for one of the major publishers. I have been dying to get him involved in MBs. Just found my hook. Thanks!!!


    Requirements here: http://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2013/03/06/game-design/

  6. Been there once during an off season visit. Check first and last day policies regarding getting gear in and out. It is an unbelievable trek on a gravel road down a very steep grade. We were told to stop the cars in a specific spot to cool the brakes and when heading out to use low gears. We had to do both of these. The camp is on a beautiful river with wonderful cliffs surrounding it. We took a troop there in Spring to do a float on the Buffalo River. Would highly reccommend that.
    Could you get a trailer with electric breaks up/down that hill?
  7. Smoking pot is hard to hide. That smell sticks around on people and clothes. If the kid has been around a long time in the troop it is hard to believe he is just now getting caught. We had kids in my troop growing up who smoked in the woods and the smelled like an ashtray. Why the adults never cuaght on (on did anything about it) still amazes me. There was no way to miss it and ALL the guys in the troop knew. *If* this has been going on a while the boys all know....though how it was missed by the adults would baffle me. Agree Eagle is out if the evidence points to drug use. If you have eye witnesses then that's it. If not, you have to assume he's telling the truth.


    Either way, he will likely leave your troop after the accusation is made and go elsewhere. You can put it in his record for your troop what you found. If other troops elect to talk to you that's up to them.

  8. @Pappadaddy...I really wanted to have a decent conversation with the guy but he was a bit confrontational, the boys were around and personally I would have likely disagreed with his position so I thought it best to thank him for his help and wish him a good day. The irony here is that his stated political leanings were very much toward the liberal spectrum and yet, as you point out, his beliefs about the BSA were hindering the accomplishment of one of the basic pillars of his ideology (feeding the poor).


    The money response came from a new Scout in my car, "That guy should watch less TV and help the poor more like us. I mean, his house must cost like a million dollars!! HE can afford a few more cans of food." (Fact is, the Scout was not far off.) ;-)

  9. Give the Scout a "buddy" or two. Older Scouts who can encourage him. Have him lead the hike, not bring up the rear. Get with the PLC or your Guides and have them give words of encouragement to him. Sounds like something is bothering him. People are social animals by nature and only seek solitude when something is up. There sounds like there is more here than he's telling. May be big or may be small. Only he knows.


    We use older Scout mentors. They tag team kids who try to "hide in plain sight" by encouraging them; motivating them to help and lead. Ask them what they like. How would they do the activity? What do they prefer to do? Maybe that will help him get more invovled.

  10. Agree with Perdidochas about it being regional. Many units in my neck fo the woods have privately expressed that things not change as they fear families will go elsewhere.


    Was doing food collection recently where someone said they would fill the bag larger if BSA "made the right decision", of course they did not say what they considered to be the "right" decision. When I told them that BSA could make a decision to end the ban but our CO (now given the power to do what they want) could keep the ban, it seemed to be news to this person. I don't think they really understood what BSA was doing. They were not ending the ban, per se, but merely leaving it to the COs. We know this, but I suspect the general public may not.

  11. Not sure if anyone is having the same issue I am. Using IE, have FiOS, up-to-date java runtime and all those other plug ins, make sure my computer overhead is low and have a pretty fast PC. Navigation lags big time. Posting is even worse. It takes literally 30 seconds to over 1.5 minutes for something to post. I have tried this on two different PCs and my iPad. All PCs are directly connected to the home network (not wifi) and I have top speed FioS. This is the only website I visit with these issues. Checking to see if anyone else is having this issue.
    EDIT: This post took nearly THREE minutes to with the "working" tag at the top. A big barrier to frequent useage.
  12. Not sure if anyone is having the same issue I am. Using IE, have FiOS, up-to-date java runtime and all those other plug ins, make sure my computer overhead is low and have a pretty fast PC. Navigation lags big time. Posting is even worse. It takes literally 30 seconds to over 1.5 minutes for something to post. I have tried this on two different PCs and my iPad. All PCs are directly connected to the home network (not wifi) and I have top speed FioS. This is the only website I visit with these issues. Checking to see if anyone else is having this issue.

  13. Negotiate with the storage company. They might be able to write off giving you guys a small space or give it to you at a reduced rate.


    Trailers are pricey. As pointed out the upkeep, registration, etc., is not easy or cheap. Brakes are expensive to fix and if you get electric brackes only certain trucks with tow packages can tow them.


    I'd talk to storage companies and see what they can do for you.

  14. Not only is the non-registration issue a problem, but how the heck did the kid meet the litmus test in the Guide to Advancements ( for an "active Scout"? I have posted that section below to make reference easy. The first tenant of "active participation" -- a requirement for every rank -- is registration. Not registered? Not active...ergo not a Scout. This is where even "back-dating" to me seems wrong given you cannot be active unless registered and creates a chicken-and-egg scenario.


    I hope your council does not cave in on this. At VERY LEAST they should pay your unit's recharter fees for all those years AND register before they tix this and back date him. Otherwise we are just giving away an Eagle for nothing.

  Active Participation

    The purpose of Star, Life, and Eagle Scout requirements calling for Scouts to be active for a period of months involves impact. Since we prepare young people to go forth, and essentially, make a positive difference in our American society, we judge that a member is “active†when his level of activity in Scouting, whether high or minimal, has had a sufficiently positive influence toward this end.

    Use the following three sequential tests to determine whether the requirement has been met. The first and second are required, along with either the third or its alternative.

    1. The Scout is registered. The youth is registered in his unit for at least the time period indicated in the requirement, and he has indicated in some way, through word or action, that he considers himself a member. If a boy was supposed to have been registered, but for whatever reason was not, discuss with the local council registrar the possibility of back-registering him.

    2. The Scout is in good standing. A Scout is considered in “good standing†with his unit as long as he has not been dismissed for disciplinary reasons. He must also be in good standing with the local council and the Boy Scouts of America. (In the rare case he is not, communications will have been delivered.)

    3. The Scout meets the unit’s reasonable expectations; or, if not, a lesser level of activity is explained. If, for the time period required, a Scout or qualifying Venturer or Sea Scout meets those aspects of his unit’s pre-established expectations that refer to a level of activity, then he is considered active and the requirement is met. Time counted as “active†need not be consecutive. A boy may piece together any times he has been active and still qualify.


  15. I sent an email to the the guy who wrote the article in Scouting Magazine when the change was announced. He said that if a Scout wants to use Cooking MB as a required MB they can do that AFTER Jan 1, 2014. So, if a current Star Scout earns the MB this month (Feb 2013) while it is non-required, he can use it as a required badge this time next year (2014). He also said that if the Scout wants to change out the non-required Cooking MB on his sash and replace it with the required Cooking MB (even though he earned it when it was non-required) he could.

  16. Agree with the previous posts. I recently taught this MB to our troop and for #4 we used the "suitcase" stoves AND did a low-impact fire. For #6 it was a back-packing stove, both liquid fuel and propane.


    I will note we had some discussion about the menus for a backpacking trip. Since most everything is prepared and/or freeze-dried, there is really very little cooking involved. There is one or two national brands where you rehydrate the food and cook it. But realistically why would anyone do that on the trail when the pre-cooked, reconstituted eggs taste about the same with less mess and less time? Went went both routes just for fun.


    Lastly, we did a Top Chef competition for fun when we were done. Yes, we did not "add" it as a requirement; merely made it a fun thing to do. Had teams of two, they planned one entree and one side (or dessert). Entree could be from any meal. Three judges awarded points. Cooks cooked onsite, with patrol gear and utensils. Had 90 mins to prepare and cook and then present. Every kid told me it was the most fun they had doing a MB ever. ;-)

  17. People will make up rules regarding adult selections' date=' too. Whatever they come up with won't be spelled out on the form, so don't believe it. There are as many ways to do it as there are ideas[/quote']


    Very true. I was told by at least several SMs (same district, same council) in other troops adult selection "had to be done" a certain way. Guess what? There were as many "ways" as there were SMs. ;) I finally asked out Council office. Their reply: "As long as the number of adults nominated adheres to the candidacy criteria (15 nights, long term camp, etc) and does not go over the number alloted by the latest formula, we can use whatever method we want (SM appointment, Committee appointment, vote, secret ballot, etc.)."


    Always helpful to have the Council office so close and available to answer questions. ;) We did a secret ballot among the SMs to elect our candidates. We (I) will keep them secret, as we will the youth candidates, and tap all of them our together at our troop-based tap out. This works for us and is in line with OA guidelines...so it works all around.

  18. [Raises Hand]


    Ah, doesn't the Cubmaster work for the Pack, so to speak? In other words, shouldn't the Pack Committee Chair run the Pack like a chairman runs the Board,and the CM run the Pack like a CEO runs the company? And at the end of the day isn't the CM responsible to the Pack Committee much like a CEO serves at the will of a Board?


    How does the Pack Chair feel?

  19. I am a little supprise by the result so far out of 20 votes 15 for the local option. I was thinking it would be closer to 50/50. I guess it is still early.


    It is an internet poll on a discussion list. Tons of ways this could be manipulated either way. Just takes someone with some time on their hands. Now, if there was a way to lock down by IP address so that only one vote per IP address you might have a different story. But who knows.

  20. Sorry for the extra post...here is the official guidance from my Council. Note they say this is a new national policy for 2013. When in doubt I would contact your local Chapter and ask them what they know.







    The national Order of the Arrow committee has modified the requirements for the nomination of adult unit Scouters as candidates for induction into the Order. The changes will increase the number of currently-serving Scout Leaders and Varsity Team Coaches and other unit Scouters who can be nominated as candidates. These modifications apply only to adult leaders in Scout troops and Varsity teams who are 21 years of age or older. They are effective at the beginning of each lodge’s 2013 elections season or January 1, 2013, whichever comes first.


    There is no change to the current youth requirement or unit election process. The change is in the adult selection process for each unit. There are two changes.


    First Change - Upon holding a troop or team election for youth candidates which results in at least one youth candidate elected, the unit may nominate adults for consideration and approval of the lodge. The number of adults nominated is no more than one-third of the number of youth candidates elected, rounded up where the number of youth candidates is not a multiple of three.


    Second Change – If the registered unit leader is not a member of the Order, the unit may nominate the currently-serving registered unit leader (but not assistant leaders), as long as he or she has served as the registered unit leader of that unit for at least the previous twelve months. This nomination is separate from the adults nominated based on the youth election results.


    Up to this date the number of adults nominated was based on a successful youth election and then the number in the unit for every 50 youth members. The new process bears no consideration to the size of the unit, only the results of the youth election and the qualification of adults nominated.


    Examples - A unit that elects 12 youth may nominate up to 4 adults + the unit leader if the unit leader is not a member of the Order (or) If a 51 member unit elects 2 youth. The unit may nominate 1 adult + the unit leader if the unit leader is not a member of the Order. If the unit leader is a member then the unit may nominate one registered and qualified adult.


    If the registered unit leader is a member of the Order, the unit cannot replace that nomination with anyone else. Only the registered unit leader qualifies for this nomination if they are not a member and have served as the registered unit leader for the previous 12 months. The unit leader nomination is separate and does not count toward the unit nominations for adults based on the results of the youth election.


    Nominated adults are candidates for induction, provided the following conditions are fulfilled:


    • Selection of the adult is based on the ability to perform the necessary functions to help the Order fulfill its purpose, and not for recognition of service, including current or prior achievement and positions.


    • The individual will be an asset to the Order because of demonstrated abilities that fulfill the purpose of the Order.


    • The camping requirements set forth for youth members are fulfilled.


    • The adult leader’s membership will provide a positive example for the growth and development of the youth members of the lodge.


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