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Everything posted by Joni4TA

  1. Our Bear den did one about 5 years ago that was great. We lived in the Mojave desert and there was this invasive shrub/tree called the Tamarisk or "salt-cedar." They have the ability to take in great amounts of water (up to 300 gallons a day or something) and at the same time deposit salt into the soil, neither of which is good for the already drought-ridden desert. Anyhow, our Den found many of these shrubs growing in flash-flood canals. They grew quickly and blocked openings for drainage. We contacted the local Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs directorate and worked out a pla
  2. Congrats Kristi! I, too find these forums a great resource. Any time you can bounce things off a colective bunch of Scouters and come out informed, refreshed and even more enthused about Scouting, it's an awesome thing.
  3. PN - you're so right it is easier said than done about removing the emotion. It may be possible, maybe even after the initial blow-up, but at first, I have seen no other way than to be driven by emotion. People are driven by emotion for the most part, especially in volunteerism. If we're passionate about ourselves and our Scouting, it's difficult to remove that aspect of ourselves. Plus, Rixkidz said #1 was "She", and I am a female leader too; believe me, I am driven by emotion! I agree with a neutral body, or mediator and that would be the best thing. It's sometimes very hard to find one
  4. Why in the heck would we have so many YP videos out there in circulation anyhow? And they are all so different from one another! That just doesn't seem to make sense. Then again... it does make sense, I stand there sometimes looking at our District library of materials and wonder "How old is THAT one?!?!" when I am looking at old beat-up JLT notebooks and such Since we'll be using the new NYLT, will the old JLT be phased out or will we still use BOTH, or either.. depending on how much time we have???
  5. KS, I hear ya... and I feel your pain. I agree, the bridge during NLE was a little corny (and I am being nice). I think the best part about me taking the NLE was that they gave me a really nice binder with a Leader handbook and a bunch of xerox additions and I got to meet some other folks involved with neighboring units in our District. I had already served as a Den Leader for 3 years, a Webelos Den Leader for 1 year, and a Pack Advancements Coordinator for 1 year before I ever took that training, so I basically got OTJ training before training. Does that even make sense? Oh well... In an
  6. If you don't do advancement awards, you may consider certificate of appreciation awards for adult leaders to be presented at the B & G. I have always felt the birthday was a good time to show thanks to the selfless volunteers that untimately make the program a reality for the kids. We've always been big on a "Fellas Cake Bake" or "Dad and Lad Cake Bake" in our Packs, silent auctions have worked also, skits, songs, some kind of entertainment presentation.
  7. Personally, I am a committee member not an ASM, but I find myself being harder on my own son than I am on others. As a aresult, in order to give him his freedom, I choose to remain a committee member (even though I'd love to be an ASM and have taken Scoutmaster training). I want HIM to enjoy Scouting so I just sort of butt-out, but sit on the committee so I can at least make sure he gets a fun and exciting program.
  8. I forgot to add... I actually have found a few PPT files out there on the web for Scouting. I have downloaded them - Leave NO Trace, Safety Afloat, and I think the last one was Junior Leader Training. They are created by other scouters so they should be checked for accuracy before use and tailored to your unit if needed.
  9. Are you talking for Committee Meetings or what? Our SM had a gorgeous PP Presentation for his SM's report last committee meeting. Unfortunately the copy of Windows 2000 Pro wasn't receptive, and he was unable to use it I think a visual aide is always a good idea, if possible. I think folks prefer to "see AND hear" as opposed to just hear. I know I do.
  10. Well, I love OGE's input on this. I felt pretty horrible for the OA folks and as I said, I was embarrassed FOR our Troop and I wasn't even present that day for the elections! This type of behavior just adds to the reputation our Troop has built up within the District over the last several years (self-centered!). The new SM, with the help of a few others, is trying to change that but things like this give the Troop several steps back unfortunately.
  11. I am being challenged on the authenticity of this video belonging to the BSA catalog. I had Youth Protection in 2000 with the use of this video (20min. video). I have also had the longer 2-3 hour course (obviously.... as YP is an annual requirement and I have had no breaks in service since 1999). Anyone else have this in their District libraries? Do people use it?
  12. I have decided in lieu of a formal external training at this time, I can at least show the two videos Boy Scout Leader Fast Start Orientation and Youth Protection Guidelines, which are self-explanatory and really don't require trainer interaction at all. Of course they are fairly primitive and don't give much in-depth training either. But It's a start! Thanks to Tsunami relief efforts, most of our District Training team is nowhere near us right now, but I have been in contact with one of them, and we're going to try and set something up the second week of Feb. Wish us luck!
  13. Hi, I should have added some more background to the issue of the Advancements person handling the entire database. 1) the person refuses at times to make any changes the SM asks them to or it takes them over 6 weeks to make a change (something as simple as a calendar item - we won't even get into something like a training date or an advancement) 2) the person DOES NOT have a good cooperative working relationship with the SM, and instead does nothing but talk about him behind his back, trying to get others to hop on the "I hate the SM bandwagon". In fact, the Advance person went behin
  14. Seems like you've got a good program schedule there. You could always start earlier if you are worried about cramming too much in to the time frame you already have. I agree with Johndaigler on the skit, song or run-on issue. Something I have always thought was neat at B&G's was to have the adults do a funny skit for the kids - they like watching the leaders be goofy at times, too
  15. Here are some quick, funny gags that can be put into just about any show, or combined with other gags. These may also be useful as Scout meeting skits, classroom assignments, etc. Funny Handshakes This was made famous by the Marx Brothers. Whenever two clowns meet, they hold out their hands as though to shake hands, then lift their legs up into the others hand and shake each other's ankles. Walking the Tightwire Clown enters carrying the rope, an umbrella, a blindfold, and wearing a tu-tu. On stage are two chairs. He ties the rope to the back of each chair, then pulls them apa
  16. Question... does the Den Leader have an effective Asst. Den Leader? If not, perhaps you could step up to the plate? I remember being a Wolf Den Leader. I actually only got the Cub Scout Leader Fast Start Orientation Training (which is about a 45 minute video) and that helped me immensely to better understand the format of running a den meeting, as well as the basics of cub scouting. This training is now avilable online at this link: http://www.scouting.org/cubscouts/faststart/ Also, there is a publication, the annual edition of Cub Scout Program Helps. It contains the entire year's
  17. For those of you familiar with how the master system and satellite systems work on the TroopMaster program, I have a question for you. Why should an Advancments Coord. be handling the ENTIRE (Master) database and providing the Scoutmaster with a read-only program? We have an Advancements Coord. and their spouse, an ASM (who used to be the SM) that refuses to change their system from the Master to an "Advancements Satellite" and their reasoning is "We have a superior method for data safety and virus protection." Shouldn't the Advancements person be handling ONLY the Advancements?
  18. What do you do (or not do) with a Former SM (who ran an Eagle Mill and Merit Badge Factory), never allowed the Troop to be boy-run, and still interfere's with the new SM's position and program, as an ASM? And then there is his wife, the Advancement Coordinator, who will not allow the new SM to be the "master" database keeper (in TroopMaster) and still has the Former SM signing Merit Badges, bad-mouths the new SM behind his back to anyone who will listen, etc. Our CC is untrained and therefor I can't blame him at all for not assering his position in the matter, though he is painfully
  19. I don't blame the OA folks for being ticked off AT ALL! They came out of their way to come to our Troop meeting to do an election within the eligible boys of the Troop. Apparently some of the boys decided to be funny and placed votes for "Mickey Mouse", "Anyone but _______", etc. Some of them didn't take it seriously and as a result, screwed a couple boys out of a chance to be elected (because of the necessary votes needed to elect). The SPL was pissed and the whole Troop received a good ear spanking! Here's where I have the question -- As we understand it, the election stands, and is v
  20. I really appreciate all the posts, comments, and suggestions. We're getting there. I know it will be a slow process but I have faith this will turn around and get moving in the right direction. Too bad it will probably be just in time for us to have to leave it. (We are overseas military and we leave in 5 months to go back to the USA) It's too bad this Troop was allowed to run like this for so long because they produced so many "Eagles" and yet not a one of them understands what it really means to have EARNED that title. Every single Eagle that they pushed through the Merit Badge Mill ha
  21. Makes sense.. all the advice I can't say NO ONE is trained in the Troop. The SM is, one of the ASMs is, the Advancment Chr is, and I am... but we have almost 36 boys, and twice as many parents. We have a full Committee, and getting THEM trained, as well as the rest of the ASMs is like pulling teeth. Same thing here, we get that deer in the headlights look about how no one knew who's job it is and all that, and I constantly stress training!!! Hell I never intend to go be a SM and I went and got SM training just so someone on the Committee could relate to the SM better!! LOL I gue
  22. I remember being a Wolf Den Leader... Way back when I was lucky if I could get my Wolves to sit still for 5 minutes let alone pay attention long enough to effectively carry out a service project! The more the merrier! I'd count it
  23. Semper, Luckily, we have an excellently strong CC! Unfortunately he's never had Training either But, he is very intelligent, resourceful and supportive. His son is our SPL, and he has seen the changes in his own son - change for the good. The CC even commented, he's watching his son having to THINK for a change! LOL CC does support the SM, and the changes in the Troop. We are working on getting all the parents trained (I think - I keep stressing the issue, some folks are actually looking into it), I am sending links to National BSA info on the net, as well as emailing the entire Troop
  24. If I wasn't overseas, I would probably have the Jan issue already! For some reason we get our issues about a month late, due to the postage rate. :::shrug::: oh well! Congrats!
  25. OGE, that is a great idea. In fact, a Troop within a mile radius meets the same night and time our Troop does. Also, the nearby Troop hosts a special "MB day" once a week on a separate night. I actually went through SM Training with one of the ASM's from this other Troop, and he gave our Troop an open invitation to join them at anytime for joint activities. Being a mere Committee Member, I can't do much more than inform the Committee and SM of these opportunities. I know the SM has passed on the information to the Boys but they are so used to being catered to by the former SM, this Troop
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