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Apache Bob

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Posts posted by Apache Bob

  1. First of all - Welcome to the campfire. Pull up a log and sit a spell.

    You have already started your training - don't stop. I am in my 33rd year as a Scouter and still am learning. Online training is good. Go to the classes your Council holds. Go to roundtables as most have subjects that you will be using the next month.

    Talk to people, we all started out without any training. Your knowledge will grow very quickly.

    Back many, many moons ago when I was a den leader I got home late and had forgotten that I had a den meeting that night. I held my den meeting at my home and I had not been in the house more that 10 minutes when the first Cub arrived. No plans had been made. Soon I had nine Cubs in the family room. We had our opening - No plan yet. We played a game - no plan yet. I went over what we were doing for Pack meeting - no plan yet. Well it was now time and by accident I looked at the fireplace. I asked the boys if they had ever started a fire. No one had. We had a good sized fire place and I had two boys at a fire start a small fire in the fire place. For all the boys it was the first time they had ever been allowed to start a fire. The boys talked about that den meeting for months. I even had some comment on it when they were in Boy Scouts.

    It was the best den meeting I ever held.

    You are going to do great.

  2. Mike - welcome to the campfire. Just pull up a log and sit a spell.

    Your unit commissioner, in most cases, is not a member of your unit. He(she) is there to be a resource for you and to let you know what is going on at district and council level. You are the unit leader and not him. I repeat - Not Him.

    He is allowed in your unit only because you allow him to be there. If he is causing a problem with some of his advise ask him to leave. Then contact the District commissioner and ask to have that unit commissioner removed from being assigned to your unit. You are in charge not him.

    Yes I went over board but after 19 years as a commissioner it bugs me to see or hear about a commissioner who doesn't know what he is doing.


  3. Not passing a bor should not be a susprise to the Scout. He should have known before as it should have been discussed with him about his lack of leadership. That being said.

    Your Scoutmaster signed off the boy during the SM conference. Therefore in the view of your SM the boy HAD met all the qualifications for the next rank to include leadership. So I assume that the board members and the SM should sit down and discuss this in detail.

    The boy only has to be in the leadership position. If nothing is required of him during that six months that is not the fault of the boy. He was put in that position and he served his time. If no one gave him anything to do then he did was he was told to do. May be the lack of a duty is instead the failing of an adult?

  4. Not sure if this is the one you are looking for.


    Two Frogs In Cream


    Two frogs fell into a can of cream,


    Or so I've heard it told;


    The sides of the can were shiny and steep.


    The cream was deep and cold.


    "O, what's the use?" croaked No. 1.


    "Tis fate; no help's around.


    Goodbye, my friends! Goodbye, sad world!"


    And weeping still, he drowned.


    But Number 2, of sterner stuff,


    Dog-paddled in surprise,


    The while he wiped his creamy face


    And dried his creamy eyes.


    "I'll swim awhile, at least," he said-


    Or so I've heard he said;


    "It really wouldn't help the world


    If one more frog were dead."


    An hour or two he kicked and swam,


    Not once he stopped to mutter,


    But kicked and kicked and swam and kicked.


    Then hopped out, via butter!



  5. Back in the dark ages when I went to join the Boy Scout Troop I was told that I could not join it because I was 14 years old. And all boys 14 years or older would be joining the Explorer Post, which I did. Had a great time. And earned the Explorer Silver Award.

  6. captainron14 - my friend was talking to a Venturing national person at another event at NOAC. The subject was dropped as the other event started. That ended the conversation. My friend is not in Venturing.

    It was not that the Girl Scouts were going to merge with us but that we were going to change the advancement for the Venturing Girls.

    You are correct. We will see in 2010 if it takes place.


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