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Apache Bob

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Posts posted by Apache Bob

  1. I received this email from a friend and long time Scouter.


    Some interesting news from NOAC. Centennial uniform being redone and shorts are on the way back. As you have already heard, Goshen is out for a number of reasons.


    The big news. Venture girls are going to be allowed to earn rank advancements with the ability to earn Eagle and join the OA. The announcement has not been made and maybe done quietly. The Girl Scouts have major problems especially financially and probably will be gone in 10 years or less.


    The parts of the New BSA are just now being announced and there are more surprises yet to come they say.


    I have known him for over 15 years.



  2. It is hard some of the times but stay with it. It is much easier to run the troop yourself than let the boys run it.

    The way things are taught now days the boys are many times given everything without them doing anything. So you have to spend alot of your time teaching them how to lead and to take charge.

    Keep the faith.

  3. Trevorum - Reorganization is good for the soul. I have understood this for many a year from different business reorganizations I have been associated with.

    But always remember:

    We trained hard but it seemed that every time we were beginning to form into teams, we would be re-organized. I was to learn later in life that we tend to meet any new situation by re-organizing; and what a wonderful method it can be for creating the illusion of progress while producing confusion, inefficiency, and demoralization.

    It looks like the Scouting movement has moved into the next century. May it be a good move.


  4. I worked for an Insurance company for nine year in administration. When worked for a software company for 15 years (worked in the field - selling and customer service). Then moved jobs again and worked up to become a senior accountant. And somewhere in there I served on active duty for three years and 6 in the Nation Guard.

    But now I have found the perfect job - I am retired!


  5. I worked for an Insurance company for nine year in administration. When worked for a software company for 15 years (worked in the field - selling and customer service). Then moved jobs again and worked up to become a senior accountant. And somewhere in there I served on active duty for three years and 6 in the Nation Guard.

    But now I have found the perfect job - I am retired!


  6. I worked for an Insurance company for nine year in administration. When worked for a software company for 15 years (worked in the field - selling and customer service). Then moved jobs again and worked up to become a senior accountant. And somewhere in there I served on active duty for three years and 6 in the Nation Guard.

    But now I have found the perfect job - I am retired!


  7. In this day of emails and cheap cell phone calls the one thing that get though to them is an old fashioned letter.

    They can't see it on their computer. They can't just listen to your voice. They have to pick it up and read it. I think they take more notice of a hand written letter than any thing else you could sent them.


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