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Gold Winger

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Everything posted by Gold Winger

  1. Sounds like Beaver is a dis-loyal Scouter. Perhaps we should cut his buttons off and break his Swiss Army Knife. Semi-bogus?
  2. I don't get this "re-oiling" that some people talk about. If you season a pan properly, you don't need to smear more oil on it unless you foolishly attack it with a brillo pad. I have . . . um. . . about 10 cast iron cooking pots, pans and griddles (five sillets, chicken fryer, dutch oven, two corn bread pans, two griddles). Get them well seasoned, nice and black and you don't have to fuss with them again.
  3. Nah . . . I won't bother.(This message has been edited by Gold Winger)
  4. Aye, there's the rub. The parents get to be free to "chose" to slaughter their unborn child. Not exactly someone who should be an advocate for the child. That's like a lawyer getting up in court and saying, "I'm here to defend my client but I don't like him so sentence him to death so I can get on with my life."
  5. . (This message has been edited by Gold Winger)
  6. It's all spin. "I'm not supporting abortion, I'm for having more choices!" If ya ain't fer it, yer agi'n it. "Pro choice" means that you're in favor of allowing women to slaughter unborn children. Pretty simply idea but you and your ilk are pretty good at distorting the truth. The truth needs no authority, lies have to hide behind pretty words and "authority." BTW, "translation" from what language? Is "pro-choice" German or French or Swahili? (This message has been edited by Gold Winger)
  7. "Because embryos and fetuses are not human beings .....but I think you knew that." So they aren't human until they pop out? That's the viewpoint of the baby killers. Stop hiding behind euphemisms. Call it what it is! It isn't "choice" it slaughtering children for the sake of convenience.
  8. "1st ASM does advancement records and keeps me informed of the boy's advancement status." That looks like a committee job to me. "2nd ASM does fundraising functions such as popcorn person, etc. Finds other funraising opportunities for the boys should they request that information or will research ideas the boys may be interested in should they ask." Fundraising is a committee job, not ASM. " Provides and explains any educational resources and makes it available to the boys. Keeps current MB counselor listings and orders materials so when the boys ask it's available." S
  9. For his Eagle project, one of our scouts collected flags for retirement. He figured that he'd get 20 or 30 but wound up with hundreds. The ceremony started out very solemn, with each and every flag given individual honors. After about four hours of flag burning, around 10 PM, they started doing a few at a time. I don't remember the number but if they did too many, the fire was in danger of smothering. Around midnight, the whole event was shut down, the fire burned out and the remaining flags were saved for a another day.
  10. "Pro-choice is not necessarily pro-abortion." Liberal dancing around the issue. If you are "pro-choice" you are in favor of women being allowed to slaughter their unborn children for the sake of convenience. They made their choice when they dropped their drawers. If we're allowed to slaughter unborn children, why not new-borns? Heck, why not your 12 year old because you want to on vacation without him?
  11. When I first heard about the "flags flown over the Capitol" I thought that they were the BIG FLAG, at most 366 of them a year so you were getting something special. Then I learned about the "up", "down", "up" "down" routine. On top of that they aren't even proper American flags, their ascpect ration, like most "American flags", is wrong.
  12. Simple answer, nope. Now a question, why are you trying to find ways to shortcut the requirements? Why not say, "Hey! We have a chance to go see some Boy Scouts in action!"?(This message has been edited by Gold Winger)
  13. Story from Reader's Digest Humour in Uniform. Before the US entered the war a young fellow headed to Canada to get into the war. He joined a highland regiment and, after training, come home on leave, resplendent in kilt, knee socks, and Glengarry. He was sprawled in a chair, talking to his family and friends who had come to visit. His mother came into the room and exclaimed, "Son, if you're going to be a soldier, you're going to have to learn to sit like a lady!" As I typed this story, I was struck by the irony that in the 1930s young American men headed to Canada so they could get in
  14. Back in the 50's my brother-in-law went to the polls with his mother, he was carrying a plaid stuffed elephant. The poll workers made them put it into their car. Evidently, plaid elephants carried by four year olds are electioneering.
  15. Why can't people just read the law and go with that? Sheesh!
  16. " BSA considers that "Hazing" and is a HUGE no-no" Nooooo . . . that's not hazing.
  17. "I am the Scoutmaster for an LDS troop (although I am not a member of the church)." How on earth did you manage that?
  18. "As opposed to "essential."" Hey, I just learned something. "made up" is the antonym of "essential." Interesting.
  19. It isn't "sewn" in, it is simply tacked in place by the stiches that hold the size tag.. Supply needs to put a sign on these things to say "Easy to remove!"
  20. I haven't had to deal with the elementary schools for more than a few years. I asked around and found that the schools are complying with the law . . . the bare minimums.
  21. "gender assignment"? God, how PC can you get?
  22. Now that's funny! Inappropriate but funny.
  23. I wonder if the school board danced around that by saying that we're allowed to have our flyers in the school, on the rack by the door, bu that they won't put them into the take home packs. Hmmmmm . . . interesting. One more the legal wonks to worry about.
  24. I jumped to the same conclusion. Just something about the way that it was written.
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