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Everything posted by GKlose

  1. "A week of working as a team to prepare meals and clean up is one of the best excercises the boys can experience." I agree, 100%. I've often said "there is no better team-building exercise than to try and pull off a meal together as a group" (and by that I mean from planning all the way through to cleanup). For that reason, our troop specifically chose a patrol-oriented summer camp last year (and not just patrol cooking!) and will be returning this year. That was perhaps my biggest complaint about the adult-led troop method...if adults do all the planning, purchasing (SM loves to sho
  2. I'd definitely like to jump in on Neil's comment -- In the process of trying to jumpstart the patrol method in a troop that didn't know the state it had worked itself into, I've probably spent more time pulling adults aside and telling them "let them do it" than anything else. Most recent example -- our "senior" guys were attempting to set up a tarp. The troop has had one of those carport monstrosities for a few years and we have a crop of kids who can't tie a taut line hitch, and don't know what a two half hitches is for, or a sheet bend (one Life Scout lengthened a rope by tying an
  3. "3. Parents who carry their son into the Eagle's nest by providing aid and assistance as needed." I see two versions of this... Let me begin with a short story. A friend, years ago, tells me about the way his dad treated him when he was a kid. Dad would get frustrated watching his kid do something, such as trying to hammer together a bird house. Dad would take away the hammer from the kid, do it himself, and then afterward say "look what you did!". So I see #3 as splitting into two parts, and I've seen both on recent Eagle projects in our troop. One parent did provide aid and as
  4. I'm in line with what the others have posted here, but I'd like to add something from my perspective. Another adult leader (our next SM) and I have been working for about 18 months rebuilding the patrol method in a troop that was 100% adult-led advancement-oriented troop method. There were a lot of reasons for that, but I'll skip those now. You've got a great opportunity here, that is to do it right from the start. I like the 3rd edition Greenbar Bill SM Handbook idea (I bought a set myself), and I've also learned quite a bit from Kudu's site. With 8-10 Scouts, I'd suggest keeping it
  5. Maybe it's just the Membership part of me, but I see a perfect opportunity here :-), right in line with BSA policy and no hurt feelings... MIB, T/S and Dad -- why not start a venturing crew? MIB and T/S can provide crew leadership (and outdoor coordination) while Dad can sit back as Crew Adviser and watch the fun happen. Same CO/COR if you really want to keep working with them. In due time, if the troop needs assistance, you're always able to step back into those roles. Once the wedding happens, you're in-line to be a co-ed crew advisor team...works well for a couple that I know in our di
  6. I was at an event this weekend (in the northeast), weather wasn't too bad, except that high winds were throwing everyone for a loop. I couldn't tell you how fast the gusts were, but they were bad enough that we just took down our fly rather than to keep worrying about stake pulling out, etc. Most of the bigger tents were being given fits too, because wind could get up under the fly, inflate it, and then start pulling on those stakes too. The one tent that was doing very well is an Alps Mountaineering tent (it may be an Extreme 2), which sits low to the ground and has a fly that goes
  7. I stumbled across this link while taking a look at Lego Mindstorms: http://www.legoeducation.us/sharedimages/PDF/BoyScout17x11emailer.pdf The brief version is that Lego seems to be offering a Mindstorms and software package at a slight discount to Scouts. Guy
  8. I think that's kind of funny, SP, considering that I've been to a couple of KCBS barbecue competitions this last year. They've been regional competitions, with some people coming from maybe 6 hours away. Of course there are some people who travel in RVs, and quite a few teams that haul smokers on trailers, but I've also seen a few cargo trailers that are outfitted quite nicely. One of them more or less has a kitchen inside the trailer, complete with stainless steel counters, and room to wheel in a custom-built smoker. Another guy is really funny -- his trailer is smaller, and he has just a cou
  9. I'm thinking about taking over the FoS presentation for our troop this next year, because of this year's experience. The FoS-trained volunteer's message was just way too long, and I think missed the point (I should probably give that feedback to the district or council FoS chair that developed the presentation). Honestly, I think a shorter presentation to parents, with a quick one-on-one with the parents that don't show, would probably have a better yield, to be blunt. As it stands how, only about 25% of the families in the troop have donated. We're pretty low-key, we don't sell popcorn and we
  10. I didn't even think of checking until now, but the Tooth of Time Traders (Philmont Trading Post) has a listing of fuel canisters on its website: http://www.toothoftimetraders.com/philmont/dept.asp?s_id=0&dept_name=Fuel+Canister&dept_id=7016 On that same page, they mention that fuel canisters can be purchased at a few backcountry camps (Ponil, Baldy Town, Ute Gulch and Phillips Junction).
  11. I am curious too -- I recall reading something, a couple of years ago, that said that Philmont provided two choices for fuel: white gas or Coleman PowerMax canisters. Now that the PowerMax is kind of outdated, I wonder if Philmont has changed the policy. Guy
  12. In my course, the Fox Patrol would yell "FRIENDS OF XYLOPONES! Yip yip yip yip...". Nobody understood it, and they eventually had to explain that F.O.X. could stand for Friends of Xylophones. Smirk-inducing. I'm in the Owl Patrol -- we never got past "WHO?" for our patrol yell. Guy
  13. Does sound rather ham-handed, I think. I can't recall where it was our DE or our SE that sent out the letter, but recently there was a letter sent out to families that specifically mentioned a $ amount (such as "it costs the council about $200 per scout to run Scouting in this council") and directly asked for that amount from every family that received the letter. The letter, I've heard, was not sent to families that had already donated. In the last two years, our DE has asked us to host FoS presentations, and both years I've scheduled "parent meetings" for the presentation (rather than h
  14. We've got a CoH/ECoH coming up in a few weeks. Our two Eagles (the dads are CC and SM) and the others did not have a problem with two CoHs -- the Eagle CoH by itself may take 20 minutes or so, so why not add an extra 15 minutes on top to recognize those who earned something since the prior CoH? One thing our SM has done in the past has been to do a symbolic closing of the CoH in order to do a symbolic ECoH. Just a statement really, and I think it is kind of silly on a pomp & circumstance front. Since it is his son this time around, I'm not going to argue. We were going over the script
  15. "The Experiential Education folks GKlose mentions wouldn't buy into EDGE, and as diverse as they are I reckon you'd be hard pressed to find anything like it in their materials." Proof by assertion, Beav? My point was, and I think that you missed, was that a Google search on "see one, do one, teach one" (which arguably is just a simpler view of EDGE) popped up the link on experiential education, of which there are many forms. So I don't get how you jump to the conclusion that experiential education folks (whomever they might be) wouldn't buy into this or that, or have nothing in their
  16. Just for grins, I did a Google search on "see one do one teach one", and this link popped up: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Experiential_education The first time I recall hearing that phrase was from Steve Thomas on "This Old House" (gratuitous name drop: the videographer on TOH is one of our troop dads), many years ago, where he said something like "oh, the old 'see one, do one, teach one' method..." So while the acronym EDGE may be primarily used by the BSA, the "experiential education" idea goes way back. The Wikipedia page even lists connections to outdoor education (and if you
  17. I just perused the Scout's Outdoor Cookbook in a store, and found it (on first glance) to be really interesting. So I ordered it on Amazon (about $10.50). Should be here in a few days. With a resource like that, foil cooking, box ovens, and dutch ovens, I think you'd be pretty well covered (except for backpacking, maybe). About zip-lock "omelets" -- I knew about the link on their website, saying they are safe. No problem -- but my problem with them is that I think they're horrible! Especially when they are overcooked. Or worse, part overcooked, and parts still raw. Never cared for th
  18. qwazse -- I wasn't joking! (I know the timing was poor, but I don't really go for April Fools gags) http://www.woodbadge.ws/employer/index.aspx The problem is I can't remember where I read the bit about the redesign of the course to remove the royalties. I recall it saying that the curriculum was revised once, since it was first introduced. The Wikipedia page (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wood_Badge_%28Boy_Scouts_of_America%29 under "More recent modifications") says some of this, but that isn't where I orginally read it. Guy
  19. I've put together a notebook (with "evidentials") to hand over to my Troop Guide this next week. There were a few items that needed confirmation from other Scouters, so I had them send the TG and me email to confirm. I figure since the TG knows all of these people, he could always call them, if necessary. Last night, I was on the phone with another TG from the same course, but on a different matter. When the subject came up, he told me that with his patrol, he is doing everything by email, and he's fine with that. Looking back, I probably should have put more thought into the "verifi
  20. I can't recall where I saw it online, but I saw a reference sheet listing the various works used to help develop the original version of WB21C (Blanchard et al). I reviewed a bunch of those works prior to starting my WB21C course 18 months ago. Along the way, someone said that WB21C was reformulated to remove some of the content that required royalties (Blanchard, for example), and that is pretty much what I witnessed in the course. Some of those concepts were still there, but in a repackaged form. Guy
  21. Let me second what The Beav says. Our troop has been in exactly this situation. Without effective youth leadership and patrols, the troop had lapsed into an adult-led advancement-oriented troop method type of troop. When I joined, I saw firsthand (at boards of review) that several Scouts were getting free passes on almost everything. The biggest two kickers were a case where two no-show scouts both got credit for being patrol leaders, with an inactive patrol. When one was listed as an assistant patrol leader, I asked the rest of the board why he was being given credit (well, they thought he'd
  22. Personally, I find it interesting that in the last month, two Scouts in our troop have had accidents on outings, both required surgery (broken collarbone and ankle). Both were snowboarding. One case was actually kind of funny, I think. Mom is on the troop committee and came in to our last meeting saying "I'm the worst mother in the world!". She went on to explain that her son had complained of ankle pain for a few days, she eventually called their pediatrician, who said that if the pain doesn't subside for another couple of days, then to go to an orthopedist (we actually have a former tro
  23. Sometime long before my family arrived with our troop, someone had set up a system of half-uniforming (shirt only). Even the adult leaders only wear a shirt. The only exceptions are both of my sons, and me. I took advantage of reduced prices on Switchbacks last year, and bought some for all of us. My older son, going to the Jamboree, had to have a second uniform, and I also bought him the newest Scout shorts/swimtrunks (which I think my younger son might prefer). By the way, when National was blowing out uniform parts online, I bought quite a few items (I really love the activity shirts I
  24. I had a classmate that was in our after-school den (my mom was our den mother), circa 1970 or so. The last time I really had contact with him was when I was in a 7th grade "industrial arts" class with him. The instructor rode him hard. The instructor would announce that he always handed out 64s for Fs, because even a little bit of effort would bring the grade up to a passing 65. Then he'd make a showing of handing out all of the papers that had 64s. This kid from our den got a lot of these papers. Many years later, after my college years, my mom sent several newspaper clippings to me. The
  25. Schiff -- I know what you mean, but... At this particular camp, it is almost as if the standard menu is designed a particular way. It has graduated complexity, where early in the week, even the youngest scouts can probably handle it without much direction. Later in the week, the menu is fairly challenging. At the first night's dinner, their is a staff member with you, to take over the "training" of cooking and sanitation. The first night's campfire had a very cute song about the "three pot method" too. Part of it is actually adult leader training too. On a transition night, adul
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