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Everything posted by FScouter

  1. Let's not be too critical of school boards or administrators. We have these "stupid" rules as a direct result of "stupid" parents and "stupid" public that demand their kids be protected from other kids that attack with weapons, and demand there be no exceptions that let an attacker off free, to be given "another chance". WE set this in motion. WE did. WE did nothing to stop it.
  2. Actually, training is where Scouting myths get busted. It's a never-ending fight against those that want to do their own thing and aren't happy unless they get others to follow their mis-example.
  3. I'd recommend most of the Jack London short stories especially The Law of Life, A Piece of Steak, To Build a Fire, To the Man on Trail. All have to do with survival. Read one while huddling in your wilderness survival hovel. Also Steinbecks Travels with Charley, and of course Of Mice and Men.
  4. Since at least 1997, the Insignia Guide reads "centered horizontally over left pocket and vertically between left shoulder seam and top of pocket."
  5. Similarly, a boy should not be railroaded into attending a group merit badge class/lecture just because the other boys are doing so or because the SM pushes it. A merit badge is in individual effort.
  6. Oh for heaven's sake!! I'm stunned anyone would pay more than 2 seconds attention to a silly song like that. A comparison to North Korea is really absurd. "Authorities" looking into it? Haven't we got more important things to worry about? Though they could perhaps found a more interesting theme for a dancing and singing lesson.
  7. ?? Sounds a little arrogant. They're going anyway regardless of what the SM says? That's not a "backup plan". Why then even ask, why not just tell the SM?
  8. You cannot combine dens without doing a disservice to both.
  9. His famous essay, Within My Power, (often misquoted and/or attributed to "anonymous") was first published in the October 1950 issue of Scouting magazine (p. 2).
  10. I'd be wondering why a boy would rather camp with another troop.
  11. Healthy units don't see any "spies". The paranoid units, and the sick ones, untrained, off the reservation that don't want any help from a "spy".
  12. I'd recommend looking at the advancement report turned in to the council. Is his name listed with the others? Lost the advancement report? Ask the council registrar to run an advancement history for the Scout.
  13. I have a friend that complains a lot about how hard it is for her to lose weight, always hungry, and on and on. Ive told her that diet coke and low-fat twinkies and less jam on her toast is just playing games. I decided to find out how difficult it really is to lose weight. Eamonn may not approve, but I simply went on a fast; water only for 3 1/2 days. Lost 8 pounds, 155 down to 147. She still thinks imitation sugar in her coffee is going to work. Theres only one way: eat less, a LOT less.
  14. I tell each boy what requirements he may sign, based on his demonstrated expertise in those requirements. If a Life Scout has trouble with lashings, he doesn't sign lashing requirements. The Tenderfoot expert in rope signs higher ranks rope requirements if he is the expert. Rank is irrelavant. If a family member cannot be trusted to fair to all boys, I would not have him sign for anyone.
  15. Yeah, merit badges become the program when we insist that the boy fully and completely master the material and retain it. Rather, merit badges are a tool to expose a boy to a variety of interests, to teach him that there are many facets and complexities to each subject, to enable him to more fully develop a budding interest. I don't think it's important that he master any of them. 121 is a lot and there are that many so that any boy can find several that float his boat. More exposure is best, better than becoming extra proficient in only a few.
  16. The purpose of the Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project is to demonstrate leadership. Nevertheless, one can demonstrate leadership in any position, not just those that have "leader" in the title.
  17. Dans comment about Sherminators eloquent elucidation is fine; I just question the point in shaking a disapproving finger at one who has not asked for advice. Now, had Phoenix asked Why dont folks like me or respect my opinions?, the advice would seem more useful. Once one has determined the ears are deaf, whats the point?
  18. The master list is in the Boy Scout Handbook, in the rank requirements.
  19. "Sherm, nicely put, thank you for expressing what I have just been too gobsmacked to say clearly." Maybe, but what's the point really in saying so??
  20. Thank you for some real facts; woefully lacking in 99% of news coverage, and forum posts too.
  21. OK folks, you're all entitled to your personal opinions are are welcome to express them in these forums. This Issues & Politics forum is a little bit more relaxed in terms of content and enthusiam with which opinions are expressed. Nonetheless, the Scout Law still applies. New members might get a little more slack from the membership at large until they're not new anymore. 'Nuff said? Frank Moderator Team
  22. "Service" is really very simple. We all know it in our hearts. Service is helping another human being. Service is giving of your time, resources, talents, and sweat to benefit something other than yourself. From the Handbook (amazing the answers found there!): "Giving of yourself will improve the lives of those around you. It will also enrich your own life as you discover that your actions make a real difference. The more you give, the more you will get back - in satisfaction, in accomplishment, and in understanding that you have done the right thing." More on page 88.
  23. There are no "death panels". There is only the Law of Life. "Is it well with you?" he asked. And the old man answered, "It is well." "There be wood beside you," the younger man continued, "and the fire burns bright. The trail is long and they travel fast, go now. It is well?" "It is well. I am as a last year's leaf, clinging lightly to the stem. The first breath that blows, and I fall. My voice is become like an old woman's. My eyes no longer show me the way of my feet, and my feet are heavy, and I am tired. It is well." He bowed his head in content till the last noi
  24. No patch is required, no CSP nor position, nor any of it. The uniform is not required. Everyone draws their own ego boundary. A so-called "adult patrol" patch could be considered ego. A unit number too, bragging about your troop, as well as a CSP - "hey, hey look at us!!" The really big ego pump is to remove "bling" from the uniform, and tell everyone you did so. Worse yet is to dismiss others as pompous generals etc.
  25. The wheel has already been invented. The meeting you speak of is the Patrol Leaders' Council meeting. The boy leader is the SPL. The entire troop need not (should not) attend the SPL meeting. The patrol leaders decide what activities they want to do, (with the input of their patrol members that they have already polled). The "schedule" is developed by them. The patrol leaders develop a duty roster for their patrol. The patrols, at their respective patrol meetings develop a menu. With the guidance of the PL, a patrol member agreed to secure the food. This could be a boy
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