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Everything posted by fgoodwin

  1. Sally Turner, a retired Carlisle mother, said she picked up the booklet at a table at Brookline High School set up by Fenway Community Health. ``I was quite horrified they were promoting homosexuality all the way down to the youngest grades,'' she said. http://news.bostonherald.com/localRegional/view.bg?articleid=83610
  2. DN: I doubt if GLSEN would agree with your characterization of them as an extremist group. Setting aside the issue of whether one can generalize from one or two examples, the fact remains, a generally recognized gay-advocacy group is spreading pro-gay literature to middle and high-school age boys, with addresses and recommendations to visit various gay bars in the Boston area. I close by noting that you don't refute the facts about what GLSEN did in Boston, or the contents of the booklet they distributed.
  3. DugN complains that NAMBLA doesn't represent typical or average homosexuals; that's a common reply, but in fact, I never made that claim. He says boys are no more at risk of abuse from homosexuals than they are from teachers, coaches or baby-sitters. I then pointed out a key difference is that teachers, coaches and baby-sitters are not organizing to seduce boys, as homosexual pederasts have done in the form of NAMBLA. So, ignore NAMBLA if you want. But the following cannot be so easily ignored. GLSEN is distributing a pornographic "how-to" guide to middle-school and high-school
  4. DN: CM's scenarios are not moot -- they are very relevant. OTOH, your scenarios are moot and irrelevant, for one reason: NAMBLA. I don't see teachers, coaches or babysitters organizing in an effort to seduce teen-age boys. But homosexual, pederast men are doing just that; that's the whole reason for NAMBLA's existence. The nay-sayers can scream all they want that "pederast" "homosexual" but the plain fact is, all the pederasts on the NAMBLA webpage identify themselves as homosexuals, so I would say that "testimony" is a bit more credible than that of the nay-sayers.(This message
  5. May 16 is the birthday of James E. West: http://www.scouter.com/features/0026.asp The founding of the Boy Scouts of America in 1910 was the establishment of the National organization. It opened the door to fun and learning in the outdoors to thousands of American boys. It's founding, however, did not guarantee that the organization would survive. Certainly, Baden-Powell had supplied the basics for Scouting in America along with Ernest Thompson Seton, founder of the Woodcraft Indians, and Daniel Carter Beard, founder of the Society of the Sons of Daniel Boone. Seton and Beard
  6. From a fellow Scouter. This announces a commercial labeling service -- if you think of this message as spam, please ignore this item and forgive me. Neither she nor I have any financial interest in this company -- I simply post this message as potentially a useful service for Scouters with kids: ================= Fellow Scouters: If you have kids going to summer camp, Jamboree, church mission trips, etc., you may want to consider purchasing iron-on name tags for your kids' clothing and personal possessions. This company has received positive feedback on their products and
  7. Snake Eater asks: "Let's ask ourselves why homosexuals want to have access to other people's children." Good question -- I'll let a homosexual answer it himself: ================= Pederasty and Homosexuality by David Thorstad Pederasty - that is, love between a man and a youth of 12 to 18 years of age - say middle-class homosexuals, lesbians, and feminists, has nothing to do with gay liberation. Some go so far as to claim, absurdly, that it is a heterosexual phenomenon, or even "sexual abuse." What a travesty! Pederast
  8. I didn't say homosexuals are pederasts; I said pederasts are homosexuals; i.e., I think pederasts are a subset of homosexuals. But since pederasts obviously don't self-identify, the only way to keep them away from boys is to keep homosexuals out. And as a youth protection issue, I agree with that. But of course, that's not the PC-thing to say, so BSA leans on the "morally-straight" approach, which I think gets them in more trouble.
  9. In my opinion, the Bible has nothing to do with BSA's position on gays -- that's a red-herring. I think BSA's position is related more to youth proection and the pederasty-scandals of the last thirty years or so. And while I am well aware that the homosexual lobby draws a distinction between pederasts and homosexuals, the fact is, both involve same-sex intercourse, so as far as I'm concerned, a pederast is a homosexual, so its not a long way to get from one to the other. In BSA, youth protection is paramount. Since pederasts are homosexuals, excluding homosexuals excludes pederasts
  10. "There is no place on the adult application for the Charter organization to sign." ?? As I look at the adult app (form 28-501X), under "Approvals for Unit Scouters", after the CC signs, the charter organization head or COR signs. So the CO does indeed sign off ("approve") the unit leadership.
  11. I found an article by author Richard Louv (written five years ago) in which he proposes some solutions to help get kids back to nature. Sadly, Louv doesn't mention Scouting! I hope he corrects this unfortunate omission in his book. In any event, here is the link to the article, "Clearing a Path to Nature": http://www.connectforkids.org/node/173 http://www.connectforkids.org/articles/clearing_a_path_to_nature In it, he suggests the following: Join nature organizations, and encourage them to pay attention to kids (by this, he means the Audobon Society, Sierra Club, etc.,
  12. A panel of leading constitutional scholars, including Dean Kenneth Starr, will debate "The Constitution and The Boy Scouts: Equal Access to Government Land and the First Amendment, on Wednesday, May 18 from noon to 2 p.m. Pacific Time The public and the media are invited to attend the program or to watch and participate in the Internet. For those attending in person, lunch will be served free of charge. The program is sponsored by the Federalist Society on Law and Public Policy and will be held at the Wyndham Hotel at Emerald Plaza 400 West Broadway, San Diego, CA, in the Crystal Ba
  13. P_S, I know I ate some dirt when I was a kid -- maybe that explains how I got to be where I am today . . .
  14. trev, tell us more about this "Shoebox Campout"?
  15. My daughter is a junior in HS and refuses to work on her Gold Award. My wife was her Troop leader in Maryland for three years, but since we moved to TX (summer of 2003) and my daughter joined a new Troop, she's completely lost interest. I've begged and cajoled her to no avail. My wife has tried the scholarship angle, but it falls on deaf ears. At this point, I'm thinking you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him (or her) drink. In my own life, since I became an adult I've regretted not being a Boy Scout and earning Eagle (I was a Cub Scout who dropped out to play
  16. http://www.washtimes.com/culture/20050503-102919-6286r.htm By Amy Doolittle THE WASHINGTON TIMES May 04, 2005 Children once went to summer camp to swim and sing "Kumbaya" with their friends while roasting marshmallows around the fire. Now, at camps such as Pali Overnight Adventures on Lake Arrowhead in Southern California, parents who want their children to get in touch with the great outdoors can send them on summer adventures like Spa and Well-Being Camp, Fashion Camp and Rock Star Camp. Specialty camps are gaining popularity and now make up about 20 percent of the
  17. Reading that article also brought back memories of my own childhood. I'm 50 and grew up in suburban Dallas, although it was closer to rural life then than it is now. I don't remember watching a lot of TV, except on weekends when cartoons were on. We didn't have video games, but we had pinball -- but I never really got into that. But I do remember playing chase / tag games that took us into the woods and across many, many city blocks. Although I never built one, I remember climbing into old treehouses in the woods that were several miles from my house. I caught minnows by hand
  18. I don't know -- you need to ask your DE (or SE). The meetings & training are for registered attendees only, but its possible the exhibits may be open to the public.
  19. BSAChaplain, the invited pastor gave both the invocation as well as the benediction, in addition to his remarks. I didn't mean to come down so hard on him - I just thought as a youth minister, he could've been more sensitive to the attention span of boys who are 11-14 yo. These are boys who showed up to support the candidate (to get to BW's point), not to hear a sermon. Remember, these boys are in Scouting for many reasons, but I doubt if being preached to about character development is one of them -- they get enough of that on Sundays! And yes, your last point is well-taken -- tha
  20. http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050510/LIVING/505100335/ http://tinyurl.com/7fvul By Bradford McKee The New York Times News Service May 10, 2005 Were it not for the Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, Neil Figler said, his sons, 7 and 11, might never peel themselves away from the Xbox to go outside and play. "My kids want to finish their homework so they can play video games," said Figler, 47, a salesman and Cubmaster in Goldens Bridge, N.Y. In scouting, his sons have learned to light fires, handle knives and build sleds for trekking through the woods. But
  21. Before dumping things in your campfire, you might take a look at: "What's Burning in your Campfire? Garbage In, Toxics Out" http://leavenotrace-ga.org/downloads/trainer/toxics-campfires1.pdf This recreation Tech Tip from the USDA Forest Service was published in September, 2004 and gives chapter and verse on why LNT says "Pack it Out", and "Minimize the Impact of Fire".
  22. trev: I got my 2nd Jambo patch yesterday, which confirms I'm paid up -- I can't wait! So, will I see you in Grapevine?
  23. ManyIrons: the sermon was nonsectarian; in other words, he didn't push the views of any one faith over another. His sermon really wasn't very religious at all -- it was about boys and character development. Like I said, stuff that wouldn't interest most 11-14 yo boys (which was the approx. range of the boys in attendance). There were very few Stars & Lifes, who might've been better equipped to understand the sermon. Trev: I'm driving to the Jamboree; do I still need some sort of transportation confirmation letter?
  24. I appreciate your comments and am not the least bit offended. My son and I are both new at this so we weren't sure how these ceremonies are put together. Trust me: when (not if!) my son makes Eagle, we will remember this COH and not repeat these mistakes. To answer your questions: Yes, the CO is a church and the COH was held in the parish hall, but the candidate attends a different church. The speaker was from the other church. The sermon wasn't sectarian; it was about boys growing up to be responsible men. I don't know what the minister was asked to do; in fairness, its
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