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Everything posted by DugNevius

  1. If there are a million possibilities, does God know which exact one you will choose? Tort, I simply believe that its ostentatious for one human to judge another based on the terribly limited and ignorant as well as subjective understanding of God, and to judge a person based on a sexuality is in no way any different then to judge someone based on race or religion. Only God can truly judge, if that God is perfect and we humans are in no way close to being perfect in any form.
  2. If god doesnt know something then he doesnt know everything. Tortdog- many religions throughout history have worshiped Gods that had flaws. I have not stated that i believe that God is Imperfect or perfect, merely i understand that he is either Perfect or we have free will. Moreover, i can ask the question why would someone want to worship a god that discriminates?
  3. "if the teacher really knows exactly how you're going to do on the test--that you are in fact powerless to do anything different from what the teacher knows you will do--the test is meaningless." This is exactly my point. So how can it be true here but not true elsewhere? If God doesnt know what yu will do then God doesnt know everything. He is not all knowing, omnipotent, unlimited, all powerful or perfect. If he were, he would know what you will do. He cant have something he doesnt know, and still know everything. If he knows everything then there is nothing he doesnt know, includi
  4. Hunt- by definition Perfect must include all essential to the whole. Knowledge is part of the whole being of God. If he were to lack some knowledge he would therefore be imperfect. Many have already agreed that God has perfect knoweldge. To have perfect knoweldge he must KNOW EVERYTHING, including what we will do. Let me put it this way: Life to god is like some movie we have seen a million times. Lets say... Star Wars. We know all the plot twists, we know every character and what they will say and what they do. We know that Darth Vader is Luke's father. We know he will cut of Lukes hand.
  5. 2+2 will always equal 4 no matter how hard you try to ignore it. Read Oedipus.
  6. "Thus He is able to see what we have done before we have done it. That sight does not make my choice anymore less "free" than were He to have closed His eyes and ignored what He can see before him." wrong. The fact that he knows what we will do eliminates any choice. There is only one choice in life: To do exactly what God forsaw. It does not matter if linear time works for god or not. There may be three doors but you will ONLY go through the God that God knows yu will. "He is 100% wrong on that one thing. But since God has perfect knowledge, He will make the right "forecast"."
  7. Sorry Fuzzy, But while Jonah had imperfect knowledge he was doing everything God knew he would do, and therefore not making choices at all. He was doing everything he always would. No free will epressed there. Did God know he was going to try to avoid his duty? Did God know he was getting on that boat? Did God know he would be thrown over board? Did God know the whale would swallow him? Did God know he would be spit out? Did God know he would goto the city? If the answer is no to any of these questions then God's knowlegde was incomplete and he was not perfect. If the answer was Yes
  8. Humans do not possess perfect knowledge. If they did they would not be humans. Therefore humans can guess but can be wrong. However many think God is perfect. Fuzzy, let us look at your example of Jonah. If God had perfect knoweldge he knew: 1)that Johan would turn and try to get out of his duty of preaching to those people 2)That the storm would come and put the boat in danger 3) That Jonah would have the crew cast him overboard 4)That the whale would swallow jonah 5)That the whale would spit him out on the shore 6)That Jonah would preach to the city 7)That Jon
  9. If God knows what your daughter will do, eat or not eat, and she doesnt do exactly what he forsaw, was he 100% right? Things can be less than 100% correct. However, if something is perfect, by definition, then it must always be 100% correct.
  10. "Based on the circumstances at hand she either will or will not take the ice cream. She may have just eaten a banana split when the cone is offered. At that point, she would not take the ice cream from me and my knowledge of that choice would not deprive her of her freedom." Yes, because you are not God possessing perfect knowledge. You are self described imperfect. However had you possessed Gods perfect Knoweldge you would know that she had just eaten ice cream and would turn you down. "As mentioned, my example does not mean there was no other alternative. Rather, my knowledge cons
  11. Hunt- It is impossible for something to have limitations or flaws and be perfect. It is the very definition of perfect, not simply my interpretation if the word. Lacking nothing essential. Not knowing what you will do is a limitation to God's knowledge. Therefore he is imperfect if this be the case. Show an example of something being perfect, but lacking something. Tortdog- If your daughter will always take the ice cream then she will never not take the ice cream. 100% of the time she will take the ice cream. Choice depends on the existance of alternatives. If 100% of the time she wi
  12. well hunt, isnt the definition of Perfect: -Lacking nothing essential to the whole; complete of its nature or kind. -Being without defect or blemish: a perfect specimen. -Thoroughly skilled or talented in a certain field or area; proficient. As i stated before: If God is perfect his knowledge is perfect If His knowledge is perfect then He knows everything If He knows everything then he knows exactly what i will do. If He knows what i will do i will not do anything but what He knows i will do. A perfect God HAS to know exactly what will happen in the future. If
  13. Not exactly. Im not assuming anything really. Simply, If there is a "perfect" God then there is no free will. If their is Free Will there is no "perfect" God. Logically there can not be both. With the idea of innate behavior, then therefore can one with an innate behavior that is deemed against the moral fiber of normal society be really faulted for behavior that is innate? Isnt it true though our justice system does not prosecute citizens when it was innate behavior that made them act immorally or criminally, because they could not control and therefore be blamed for what they did? Maybe thi
  14. "On free will: Both religious and non-religious trains of thought can lead some people to the philosophical conclusion that free will does not exist. Thus, if God preordains what we will do, there is no free will. Similarly, if all our actions are simply caused by prior random events in the universe, there is no free will." Exactly. This isnt a leap in logic. This is exact by definition. And if we are toeliminate logic from the debate of God or homosexuality, then there can be no argument at all and nothing can be defined as wrong or right. Therefore, either God is perfect and we
  15. The adult to help this scout seems more and more to be a Profesional. The question is what is best for the troop.
  16. Bob if this is another attempt at pointing my lack of beeing a woodbadge member as the cause of any problems in our troop its weak, being that the two adults at summer camp during the time of his breakdown, the scoutmaster and the troop committee chairman are both Trained. The homesickness was the beginning of what has become a chain of events but not the cause, simply what put the scout on the radar. As someone who "understands the needs and characteristics" of this boy his parents have had me work with him on several occasions, meeting with him several times in neutral conditions to try
  17. That is true. Im not sure what you are intending to imply, however another truth is one scout can not monopolize the time and energy of the adults on a trip and there is only so much an adult can do. Some scouts have extenuating circumstances that lead to the fact that there may not be all that much two adults can do in order to allow that scout to function. Scoutmasters and adult chaparones are not Child Pyscologists and it is unfair for them to be forced to be that. Eliminating the homesickness all together from the issues with this boy, we are still in a tough position that would potentiall
  18. homesickness has other causes besides the need for better food or sleeping arrangments. In any case homesickness is just a small part of the plethora of issues with this scout. This sunday the troop is meeting for a PT. If this scout and/or is father is not in attendance they will be cut from the summer trip.
  19. Honestly, if this scout was any other scout he would have been cut a long while ago, but because of who his family is and all that they have accomplished and done for the troop he has been given more then fair amounts of leniency. Its safe to say for a while now he has been a sore subject that the adult leaders have been avoiding. He is not the most undisciplined scout and there are a few other scouts that have done unscout-like actions which needed disciplinary action, but hes a constant moral sapper and has installed zero confidence in all involved in our summer program. We are beginning to
  20. Another what to do about a trouble scout topic. This summer our troop is going out to Philmont, trek 32 and 30. The 14 boys going out (2 crews) have been signed up and in our training program since September. We are heading out west in 72 days. Every scout going to Philmont (as well as our southwest trip for the younger guys) have put down non-refundable deposits and have signed commitment forms and each scout and parent understands that no one is guaranteed a spot, meaning kids and adults that can not meet the physical standards and/or scouts that are disciplinary problems, suffer e
  21. A non locking blade doesnt have to be used poking or stabbing to close, in fact most times a non locking blade causes injury its from regular use. The lock simply protects the user from a blade closing on a finger. Safety first.
  22. I agree with Double Eagle, a locking blade is a must. More scouts are cut by swiss army non locking blades then any other knife. We tell our scouts they have to have a lock on it.
  23. Age is not a reason for a person being asked not to attend a place like Philmont but physical ability is. To put it plainly, if an adult were to attend philmont and he is not able to complete the trek, the evacuation will really hold up the scouts and that would not be fair. An overnight camping trip is one thing, but any extended wilderness trip, be it hiking, canoeing, sailing or other, all that attend should meet a basic level of physical ability. There are plenty of adults over the age of 55 that are in great shape and if they can complete the trip then there is no reason they cant g
  24. "Unless you are a paid professional with extensive training, and I do not know if any of you are, you are not qualified to pass judgment on the boy, the situation, or me." do you feel that you are passing judgement?
  25. Why would they want to try to limit the aid for an eagle service project?
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