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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/25/22 in Posts

  1. Omni created a new docket for the appeals here: Consolidated Appeals of Confirmation Order Lengthy scheduling order is here: https://casedocs.omniagentsolutions.com/cmsvol2/pub_47373/e4a87bc5-4d56-40e5-bff6-4bcc044476c2_22.pdf TL;DR on scheduling order - look for briefs from plan opponents by Monday Nov. 7. Response brief of Debtors (and maybe other plan supporters) on Dec. 7. Replies on Dec. 21. Oral argument date TBD.
    6 points
  2. Reading this thread has convinced me that letting my 60 year membership in BSA lapse was the right thing to do. It was a good ride.
    2 points
  3. Welcome to the forum, @feistyscoutmom . Why? Quit what? Do you have a leadership position? Will your son have to go as well? A CC that uses a child as leverage to remove an adult is a mess. Clearly, you and the CC don't get along. But let's face it, you picked the name @feistyscoutmom. Is it possible that you're both a bit feisty? Scouts is a volunteer organization of loosely affiliated organizations. There are units that belong to chartered orgs. There are councils that don't really like getting involved in people problems in units. Technically, your pack bel
    2 points
  4. More clarity is emerging around the issue of the UMC chartering Scouting units, it appears. First, the official line from conference and national leadership appears to be that UMC congregations should use the new affiliation model or drop chartering all together and only offer a facility use agreement. While traditional chartering apparently still remains an option, it is very strongly discouraged. The reasons: Liability for adult selection - the BSA has resources beyond the local congregation to vet applicants including use of the ineligible volunteer files and national backgr
    1 point
  5. If you are a member of the OA, check out the opportunities available to only OA members at each of the HA bases. Special pricing, and special programs available only to youth OA members.
    1 point
  6. After CoH last night our SM and I were talking with our COR, and she asked if any of the boys had visited the nuclear power plant where she used to work. I asked if she knew anyone we could contact, and then the SM says, “Wait a minute, I have a colleague who works there!” That next adventure could be in someone’s contacts list.
    1 point
  7. Yep. 100%. Adventures does not mean expensive. Perhaps it's a rarely used local/regional spot (museum, park, etc) that has a related open area where you can also grill hot dogs for lunch. I view adventure as getting away from "meetings" to do something. Be active. Often, the adventure is waiting to be discovered.
    1 point
  8. I'm gonna tweak 'schiff's observation a little because folks these days equate adventure with "big ticket" scouting. Great units find great adventure. This the "magic" of my SM growing up. He was amazed by local history, so we went on a lot of town hikes. Even in our country hikes, if someone let us take a water break on our lawn, he'd welcome them to share what they knew about local native lore. If a scout overheard some debate about which side of the state line a local landmark was, he picked up the USGS map from the Agricultural Office and arranged to take us there to see for ours
    1 point
  9. My friend's troop has multiple troop boxes in addition to an administrative supplies one.: First Aid - Rank Requirements Map and Compass including Orienteering Ropes including basic knots and lashings Fire starting Cooking gear including DO cleaning Each one has its own rubbermaid box.
    1 point
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