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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/21/20 in Posts

  1. How about a section with ideas for helping patrols? I have yet to see a scout oriented site that has anything like that. So, just like menus and activity ideas are concrete examples that scouts can try out, how about specific examples of making duty rosters or solving people problems or just being afraid of screwing up as a new pl. Call it Patrol Life.
    3 points
  2. It's not that it's not needed. There is a hole. I don't see a youth targeted scouting web site that helps youth do scouting. Many sites exist, but NONE sites are youth oriented. I agree that a WikiHow or a Wikipedia site would be useful. I do NOT think it would be useful to create new content. But a well organized presentation of scouting topics targeting youth would be very helpful. Then, leverage links to outside youtube and other content. Site could have Ideas for: Meals, outings, games, objectives Resources for: Planning a camp out, working on merit badges, etc
    2 points
  3. I struggle though with how to reconcile the gains and successes we've had as a country in the last 50 years. Even in my lifetime, I see a noticeable difference in the amount of racism and increase in the amount of equality in our social structures. I applaud that we continue to focus on rooting out discrimination and racism. Yet, to listen to my teenage kids talk, our country is an awful place full of racists. I don't know how to communicate to my kids with any credibility that we've come so far as a country from what it was 50, 100, or more years ago.
    2 points
  4. Ideas for agendas for annual planning, PLCs, etc The only other thing is don't go after a single answer. Provide ideas / resources, etc. As I've come to learn, there are many ways to do scouting. There is no single answer. I've found my reason to have my sons in scouting is often very different than the reasons of other people. The experience I want them to have is very different than what other's envision.
    1 point
  5. That's the beauty of postmodern philosophy invading every aspect of culture, media, and education. There are no objective truths, there are no facts outside of their interpretation by the receiver, there is no objective reality. Your personal feelings are as good as actual facts, because, facts are filtered by the power structure. Your kids believe America is an awful place because some teacher, media person, pop culture personality told them so. The personal also told them that any "facts" that contradict that feeling are racist because facts are a tool of the oppressor class. This
    1 point
  6. I think Parkman nailed introduction of new ideas into the program in general. Seems like new Troop Treasures always had a new better faster way of acquiring the scouts dues and streamlining into the overall system. Yet, the new idea always seem to take the scout out of the process of money management. I was talking to my high school teacher son yesterday about the differences of education over the years. I was shocked to learn that students today can't type. He said when his students write a paper, they are most comfortable (and much faster) writing the paper on their phone with their th
    1 point
  7. What I've come to understand about Scouters is that we all place different priorities on the eight methods - scouting ideals, patrols, outdoors, advancement, personal growth, adult association, leadership development, and uniform. What I've noticed with experienced Scouters is that when people start focusing on making advancement easier or better, experienced Scouters tend to start asking questions around whether the improvement to advancement is at the expense of some of the other seven methods. For example, merit badge mills are great at helping a Scout advance, but they can negatively
    1 point
  8. Nathan, poke around this site and look for discussions about merit badges, merit badge fairs, merit badge universities, etc., and the concerns abou them. I think you will see why there is some reticence. You are young with a lot of enthusiasm. I think most of us on this site are older with a lot of cynicism. I think what we need to deal with is that the scouting way of old is really an anti app culture, but the scout of tomorrow is likely going to want apps. Somehow, if scouting survives, people like you will need to figure out how to make sure scouting stays both personal and relevant. Good
    1 point
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