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Merit Badges


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According to the USA Today:


In 2004, 990,000 Boy Scouts earned 2,100,000 merit badges (2/Scout). The top 5 were


1. 1st Aid 93,056

2. Swimming 83,502

3. Envi Sci 73,871

4. Camping 68,638

5. Cit in Nation 68,317


Interesting, all are Eagle required!


Ed Mori

Troop 1

1 Peter 4:10

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The first two don't surprise me at all. These are the first two we encourage new scouts to work on. Why? Because they are the basis for so many other things. The others surprise me a little, but I'm not surprised that the top 5 all come off of the Eagle list. Odds are they are always going to be at the top of the list.

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the 5th is offred at some summer camps. I'd be willing to bet that the bottom 5 are ones like Truck Transportation, Landscape Architecture, Textile, Pulp & Paper, and vetrianry medicine. I just picked some of the more obscure ones but i dont know anyone who has those ones.

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We encourage Emergency Preparedness as one of the first few that new scouts earn - if summer camp doesn't have swimming available, the new scouts are highly encouraged to take first aid and e-prep in addition to our own troop-run "trail to first class". With 25 to 40 new scouts the past two years, it helps to have all of them in the same track during summer camp.

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